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(@Sunburn Kid)
Posts: 1

This was posted to the Trip Advisor STJ travel forum today. I'll bet the ranch that the post will be gone by the time you try to read it.

Over the past couple of days I have been following the story of the young tourist who was stabbed to death 150 feet from the police station in Cruz Bay. The mother of the murder victim posted an impassioned plea for help in bringing the murderers to justice. Other family members wrote with specifics of the case, and it became clearer that there was police incompetence involved. Today, I watched as the Trip Advisor administrators deleted every trace of those postings. One had grown to six pages. Two more were started and quickly deleted. Then someone brought the thread about the tourist who was beaten with a shovel - 150 feet from the police station, last year - to the top of the queue, and it too, was deleted. That thread was over a year old.

I have never posted on this forum before, but this has outraged me. Trip Advisor's slogan is "get the truth. then go". Where is the truth in the case of this crime? What is Trip Advisor's liability if somebody gets half the truth from rip Advisor, then goes, then gets killed?

I am certain that this thread will be quickly deleted too. I am sure that it is Trip Advisor's best interest to delete all these scary (but real) crime reports, to keep the board upbeat and keep the tourists using Trip Advisor. For me, I will just keep on NOT using Trip Advisor. There are some other forums out there that allow the truth.

I encourage all who might read this before it is deleted, to copy it and re-post it here or on the other boards or send it to your local newspaper. They love local color! Enough is enough. Let's have the truth for a change. Let's give all the readers credit for having enough sense to make an informed decision about where they vacation.

Go ahead, Trip Advisor - make my day.

Posted : July 30, 2007 6:39 pm
Posts: 1

by the way is removing ALL messages pertaining to this murder - this is their excuse, please post on other VI sites so people know they can't be trusted to tell travelers the truth:

Dear TripAdvisor Member,

Our forums are intended as a place where members can share information
on a wide variety of travel subjects in a friendly and constructive environment.
We specifically ask that forums members stay on-topic and post respectfully when
writing messages to be published on the forums. We will remove messages that
contain descriptions of injuries or death by criminal act or accidents; these
messages are not considered family-friendly or travel-related.

Discussions about safety at a destination are considered travel-related, but we will
remove all messages that include racist or culturally-insensitive remarks, calls for
boycott of the destination, attempts to use our site to organize protests
against the local political system or social infra-structure, or calls for US or
any other nation's intervention into criminal investigations.

TripAdvisor Support Team

Posted : August 1, 2007 9:59 pm
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

And what is "the truth" according to you, "just?" Pray tell what inner knowledge you possess (apart from the multitude of hearsay) which has so enlightened you but which has obviously left others out in the cold. Your point eludes me.

I've seen for myself most of the posts which TripAdvisor has removed and the letter from them you reference in your post amply encompasses the content of those posts. Travel forums are not political platforms. The ongoing official news is readily available through the local media. If you're unable to listen to local radio where local commentators and listeners have discussed this - and other crimes - at length, the Daily News, The Source and the St. John Tradewind are all readily accessible on line while The Avis is a hard-copy local newspaper which can be subscribed to by mail.

And in fact you are mistaken that TripAdvisor has removed ALL posts pertaining to this particular crime. Maybe you might check on that. Anyone for ring-toss?

Posted : August 1, 2007 11:38 pm
Posts: 1

Just wanted to contribute:

First---a homicide is an abomination. The impact it has on the surving family is devastating. I have great sympathy for the young man's family. Many cities have support groups for families who have lost a member to homicide and it can be most helpful to meet with others who are grieving this particular loss. hopefully the young man's family will avail themselves of such supports.

Then---how TA wants to run their forum is their business. I can decide if I want to be involved or not. If i don't like how they run it, there are other forums I can post on. They're pretty well established and aren't terribly interested in my opinions of how they should change forum. And all of these forums are really fairly obscure things that only a small number of people frequent. The world doesn't get changed here.

Not to scare anybody away, but in the last five years here Boston, there have been arrests in less than 40% of the homicides committed. No one's calling for the FBI. In fact, for those of you familiar with the Whitey Bulger story, we'd rather not have the FBI too involved anymore. We don't have the sort of problems that are endemic to the VIPD, but do have some of the same constraints: witnesses fear to come forward, due process is often slow and painstaking. Just 'knowing" who committed a crime isn't enough in a democracy. Each of us is guaranteed due process. Sometimes it takes considerable time to build a solid case. Moving too quickly in order to please a frightened and angry public can result in an acquital. Police also really don't comment on ongoing investigations for a variety of very sound reasons. This can be extremely frustrating for families. But I don't find it at all outrageous that no one has been charged yet or that the VIPD is keeping close-mouthed about their investigation. CSI and Law and Order have set a standard for investigative work that is fiction, but creates unrealistic expectations.

There a lots of rumors, suppositions, speculations, half-truths bouncing around that some folks are quick to grab onto as corroborated fact. This probably isn't helpful.

Things run differently in the VI. Politically, it is the U.S., but culturally it's the Caribbean. And while it's not as different as Mongolia or Ghana, things definitely don't work like they do on the mainland. And Virgin Islanders do seem to feel that they should be in control of their islands.

Talk of boycotting the VI or dire predictions regarding the impact on tourism are probably no more than talk. A quick scan of the threads related to this murder show that there are a handful of people who are posting about it. More people are reading and posting about Kenny Chesney or how to get to Red Hook from the airport or giving their favorite recipe for a bushwacker. There are many troubling issues on STJ that most tourists are oblivious to or disinterested in.

STJ is a pretty good place. Crime has increased significantly since we first went there in the mid-80s. Violent crime has certainly increased notably. Yet STJ is essentially a safe place. Prior to this young man's murder, his family liked it there enough to want to be living there. Even after his death, the family hoped to be able to continue to live there. In their initial letters, they were not so damning of the island. It has not changed into the dangerous place that some posts seem to insinuate.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:32 am
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

Cshell, you did what I would have considered the impossible in this discussion. You mentioned Tillman and Rumsfeld and have shown you suffer from BDS.

Also, OJ was guilty, but we had a stupid jury.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:38 am
Posts: 630
Honorable Member word...Halliburton.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:39 am
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

I know his history and I thought that there was a bit of intimation.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:41 am
Posts: 1

guess someone missed my point ... what a surprise!

Last nite on the news it was mentioned that there is a dramatic increase in murder in Philly - some 400 plus to date and less than half have been solved. Did any of those families make Faux news while they wait for news that probably will never come.

Until the biological, sociological and psychological roots of crime are addressed, only those at the far ends of the political spectrum can be conceited enough to think it will never affect them.

But it is easier and cheaper to call the police incompetent, slow, corrupt than address why this incomprehensible act of rage and violence destroyed families and lives. Until politcal ideology is parked at the curb, we cannot identify the causes and cut them off at the root so that others don't suffer the same fate.

Posted : August 2, 2007 8:54 am
Posts: 2026
Noble Member


Philadelphia residents are aware of the increase in violent crime here - hence the people who stand on the street corners each night holding vigils and signs - ticking off each murder and showing us the count, to date. The police have held press conferences, along with the Mayor, to deliver the plan of attack for the problem....and the police force is being beefed up. We all, as Philadelphians, know the plan...and can see it at work. It is a huge deal here -- not one that is being shushed away and ignored.

We cannot comapre the murder rate in a large city to that of USVI without it showing the problems in USVI. People have often come here, to this forum, to claim that it is safer there than in the US cities. Then someone does the math - and it is embarrassing for the territory.....the per capita murder rate is much higher in the territory.

But, since you plan on living in the VI territory (if you aren't already) and earn your living in the field of law (not sure if you are prosecution or defense), I can see why you'd take a firm stance on this.

STT, didn't yet open my PMs today. Was out late last night at a Brazilian concert in the park. Peppers? Hmmmm...have to check that PM!

Posted : August 2, 2007 9:33 am
Posts: 1

Not trying to compare the "rates" or per capita crime ... if we did that, we could compare the US to Japan , a nation of roughly comparable industrialization, with cities much more crowded than ours, yet the U.S. homicide rate is over 5 times higher, the reported rape rate is 22 times higher, and the armed robbery rate is an astounding 114 times higher. We also know that communities within all regions of America differ drastically among themselves in how violent they are. In general, the smaller the community, the lower the rate of violence. Within the same city, some neighborhoods have rates of violent crime 300 times higher than other neighborhoods. We know that failure of a child in school is one of the most enduring correlates of later violence. Four out of five violent offenders in prison never finished high school and remember that the connection between one legal drug -alcohol - and violence is beyond dispute. My point was that many, maybe too numerous to count but am sure there are statistics somewhere, go unsolved - not that they happen elsewhere.
One murder anywhere is one too many. And I am neither the defense nor the prosecution but do happen to work with both offenders and victims. But promoguy thinks that I am an "unwashed hippie " from the Left (yikes! hide the kids since they are also known as "liberals") who blames all crime on poverty, dead-end jobs or bad childhoods (and Rpublicans! lol). It's not true but then he thought Ronnie was being "intimidating."
We, as a society, rather than emphasizing punishment and hiring yet more "enforcement" officers and putting all resources there need to look at how we can better attack a serious problem in all our communities - at all levels rather than trying to close the gate after the horse has already run away. Unless, of course, it stops the other horses from running too but that doesn't seem to work well, does it? Maybe with horses but not with criminals.
Chidren do learn what they live and aggression at age 8 significantly predicts violent convictions well into the thirties in every culture in which it has been studied. But interventions cost money, and lots of it , and that's only after we figure out what is/are maybe the cause(s). Whether the perp is a sociopath and has no conscience or has poor impulse control and readily resorts to violence to solve problems (and the horrific description of the rage expressed by this attack is almost incomprehensible) might indeed be biological, sociological or even psychological or most likely a very deadly combination. But we don't know nor will we ever if everyone stick's his/her head in the sand, sings la-la-la, and points at the police for the solution.

Posted : August 2, 2007 10:59 am
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

This whole thread is getting very complicated.

I agree with everything you said CS and too bad that the police station was ONLY 150 feet away from the crime eh?

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:02 pm
Posts: 1

Stop!!! Take a look at St Croix!!! Those who live on STJ stand up in numbers. Tourist feeds the economy! Look at Aruba, they can't give trips away. Make a difference and help save people before it is too late and STJ ends up like St Croix. STJ is small enough for one person to start to make a difference. Ban together, black and white. PS this is not about Bush, Chaney or any other political party, this is about justice and freedom.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:09 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

All well and good - sounds great. I'm all for it, seriously. I do my part, believe me. I'm sure we would all agree that at the higher level, the root cause of these problems are where we should be targeting our efforts.

In the meantime, I'd like the police to solve this murder - and those that will follow - and maybe a few of the old ones. That's all.

Until the perps are arrested, we won't know if the reason is, as you've said... "perp is a sociopath and has no conscience or has poor impulse control and readily resorts to violence to solve problems (and the horrific description of the rage expressed by this attack is almost incomprehensible) might indeed be biological, sociological or even psychological or most likely a very deadly combination".

We need case studies to know. No case? No studies!

Then there's the article I read today where someone (can't recall if it was the USVI Tourism Bureau or the Atty General's deputy) cited only 5 visitor murders in the USVI since 2000. Strange, since I can instantly recall that many from the last few of years - and I'm sure i don't know about them all....maybe I do. Anyway, that's getting off-topic and detracting from this one case, which is what I writing about now.

If my son was murdered, and someone suggested that I, or others, who may be focusing on the police investigation were burrying our heads in the sand and I should be concerned with whether women should breastfeed more, or if poor impulse control should be identified in preschool, or if the Bush administration's corruption is of more importance (not quoting you, but this is the sense I get), I'd blow a gasket.

I mean, if we can't get one crime solved, where there are witnesses who have given names...then we surely won't be able to solve world hunger.

I'm just hopeful that this will be solved and more positive results will follow with other cases. I have a son this age, who goes out at night on STT and on STJ, and it is very easy for me to feel myself in this mother's shoes (sort of - but I'm sure I cannot imagine the magnitude). This could easily have been my son. I asked my son about how he handles himself when he is out at night down there and he said that he knows there's a line not to be crossed - "the locals have the final say - and whatever they say is the law there - it is their home, not mine".

And for anyone who wants to host a parade for the VIPD, this article was sritten BEFORE the murder of Jamie Cockayne.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:16 pm
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

"Whether the perp is a sociopath and has no conscience or has poor impulse control and readily resorts to violence to solve problems (and the horrific description of the rage expressed by this attack is almost incomprehensible) might indeed be biological, sociological or even psychological or most likely a very deadly combination."

wow, spoken like a true liberal. Might be that person just lacks values and has nothing to do with anything societal, biological or psychological. Hell, maybe the person is just pure evil.

Oh and by the way the comparison with Japan doesn't work. Since you're so into sociology you might realize that they are a very homogeneous society vs the USA which is very heterogeneous. Also might even have something to do with that non liberal word values.

You'll make a very good defense attorney.

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:43 pm
Posts: 1

I wasn't speaking of the "police solution" to this particular crime but crime in our society nor about the police or anyone ignoring this crime and I thought I made that very clear. I really do not have enough information to conclude what the police know or don't know, what they've done or not done. I do hope that everything is being done that can be done and that whoever did this is caught and goes away for a very long time. Let the police focus on the investigation, let the family grieve in whatever way works for them. Compounding rumor upon rumor and all the guessing as to who has what names or what is going on, that a tape caught the whole incident in the dark of nite, etc etc and making the police sound like the Keystone Kops is not helpful to anyone. There are way too many variables and as I said, it is a long leap not only in time from a crime to a conviction. I do hope that this does not join the long list of unsolved crimes

If you are a familiar with the Vi as I think you are, you are all too familiar with the inaccuracy of the Coconut Telegraph

I do resent your comments about breast feeding, world hunger and all of the other sarcastic remarks since you know that was not my objective. They really were unnecessary.

Have a nice day!

Posted : August 2, 2007 12:51 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member


You haven't been drinking too much beer again, have you??

Posted : August 2, 2007 1:19 pm
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

Not sure what that means......perplexed look on face at this moment.

Or were you just trying to get in last word again.

Posted : August 2, 2007 1:41 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

You are confusing me with your posts....Halliburton??

Posted : August 2, 2007 1:53 pm
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

Here's a trick on the forum. If you want to answer a specific posting that you are reading, go to the 'reply to this message'.

Your posting at the bottom made no sense..........

Posted : August 2, 2007 1:55 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

I'm dropping out of this discussion - it isn't productive and I fear that the intensifying heat will cause the thread to be closed and, therefore, sweep this tradgedy under the rug.....again.

Cshell is offended by my comments about world hunger, which weren't sarcastic...I was serious. CShell, weren't you being sarcastic when you wrote earlier "I guess someone missed my point ... what a surprise!"? I don't think it was directed at me (maybe it was), but it was sarcastic..and then you got offended when you assumed I was being sarcastic.
I think everyone got your point, but I'm not sure who feels like bringing the Bush administration into this discussion. That just makes everything seem like too much to fix. I'd prefer the "one step at a time" approach. That's just me.

So, we're a the 6 week mark - one dead kid - no arrests. And, as the press has noted, on a small island with the population of a large high school. Hmmm...if someone was murdered in a high school, what would be the likelihood that they couldn't find out who did it?

Posted : August 2, 2007 1:59 pm
Posts: 48
Trusted Member

I am amazed, amused, and annoyed by the rantings put forth by the pseudo-intellectuals contributing to this thread. I am also sickened by their blatant use of pschobabble in a pathetic effort to explain possible "reasons" for the vicious murder of a young man.
However.....the thing I find most egregious is the criticism directed at Jamie's parents. Are you folks kidding me? These people have lost their son...period. Whatever they do or however they choose to do it should not be fodder for debate; it has nothing to do with anything!
I must admit to having a good laugh at the expense of the "conspiracy theorist"....what in the heck did that garbage have to do with the murder being dicussed on this forum? I guess it's proof that a true liberal simply can't resist the temptation to spout off their ridiculous rhetoric in an open forum when given half the chance. I was actually expecting to see "Tora Bora" thrown in. LOL

Posted : August 2, 2007 2:12 pm
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