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Tropical storm Alpha....

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Tropical storm Alpha....

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How are you guys holding up? It seems that you guys are getting a lot more rain. NOAA just announced Tropical Depression Alpha and i come to look and it seems is spinning around you guys. Are you guys feeling any of these winds? I hope you guys only the best.

Posted : October 22, 2005 5:31 pm
Posts: 100
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Well fav
I am sorry that you feel this way. Only want to hear what you want to hear? I won't answer any more of your post if you don't list any more about the weather. Yes I have been in 5 hurricanes some in the states & while on some of the islands. As well as earthquakes. NO fun.

Posted : October 23, 2005 5:12 pm
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I think i am done with asking about weather for a while. It seems that people have the wrong impression about me.

Posted : October 23, 2005 5:15 pm
Posts: 563
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hi favislandstjohn:

it's very easy to get the wrong impression about someone over the internet because you are only seeing the written words... not facial expression or body language.

some background, no excuses - many people who are not familiar with the geography of this region, upon watching coverage on 'the weather channel' or the major news channels, will assume that any hurricane within the atlantic is adversely affecting the u.s. virgin islands, which does not even show up on many of their maps. it does not help that many of the weather reporters do not seem to even know WHAT we are, let alone WHERE. while many areas may experience higher winds and/or some rain, we consider it all par for the course for this time of year as we are used to our own 'changing of seasons'.

often people log onto this board in an attempt to gain clarification for an item which looks, to them, to be affecting everything from the leeward (where we are, technically least prone to storm hits) to the windward (south of us, technically most prone to storm hits) islands, and as far north as the bahamas, which are very, very close to the continental united states. i say 'technically' because it is impossible to guarantee anything when it comes to weather, and systems like 'el nino' can affect the normally-expected tradewinds that have, historically, protected the leeward islands from major storm activity.

we who live here, have been through our share of hurricanes (the season lasts from jun 1 through nov 30, with the most active time beginning in september - at least historically - correct me if i err, board-mates!)... we answer the same exact questions over and over, year after year... perhaps some of us wonder when people will 'get it' and know that if you travel to the caribbean during low/hurricane season, you may expect a little rain. but also, that while people are experiencing horrific weather within a few hundred miles, we may be having one of our best days, like today, which featured high breezes, but brilliant sunshine and mostly blue skies. on st. thomas, anyway!

this web site,, features a weather link at the top. it's underneath the "Go" button for searches. it contains info on hurricanes, a 5-day forecast, and statistical data. keep in mind that we cannot predict the weather, we can only say what we believe it will do based upon what it has just done. and that changes from minute to minute.

you were only asking how we are doing, and you got a poke (it's called "flaming"); take heart. it happens on all forums (fora???) and is not unusual, until you begin to understand the many different personalities of the 'regulars'. i can understand why you postponed your vacation - the weather has been bearish lately. but this happens every year, sometimes more, sometimes less. the best time to travel is during high season, when the weather is more temperate down here, and sunny skies prevail. of course, that's when the most money changes hands as well, LOL!

i hope that this post makes you feel a little better about exercising your curiosity (and concern) as well as some of the responses that you have been getting! i expect that some of my statements are debatable, but i hope that you are getting the spirit of this post.

Posted : October 23, 2005 8:27 pm
Posts: 1

CAn you answer one question please? When one pulls up the website for the "weather channel", it allows you to look at a "10 Day Forecast". When i look up St Thomas, it says that Friday will be Sunny with showers, Saturday: Sunny with showers, Sunday "showers, Monday: SHowers, and showers, and showers. I am from the Caribbean, but have not lived there for some time. Does "showers" mean that there are is no chance for sun on that day, or that the sun will have a chance of coming out, but that it will be raining in between? I know that the CAribben is ahrd to read, but I wnated to know how accurate there forecasts actually are. Two weeks planned for St Thomas, and if it is going to be raining so much, I am planning some indoor activities (bars, bars, and bars!). PLease let me know.

Posted : October 24, 2005 2:18 pm
Posts: 563
Honorable Member

"sunny with showers" probably refers to passing rain, that does not last. for the most part, we enjoy a 20% chance of showers all year. (i say "enjoy", because we'd stink! we don't all have access to public water works, most of us exist on the water that is captured in our cisterns).

with wilma and the kickup caused by alpha, we are experiencing outer bands of showers in kind of a ripple effect.

look more at the chance of precipitation. in my opinion, anything over 40% will mean more overcast skies but still generally nice weather, but if it gets to a 60% chance of showers, i'd plan some indoor activities.

also pay attention to the humidity. high humidity coupled with an over 40% chance of showers means sticky and wet, too.

anyone else???

Posted : October 24, 2005 4:44 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

I wish I was I would have a free place to stay on each and every visit! Oh heck...forget visiting, I would just go live in my castle!!

Thanks for the chuckle Barb.

Posted : October 24, 2005 6:41 pm
Posts: 1

Okay guys. I have all this nonsense here at home. I come to this site to bring me closer/quicker to the place I love: ST. John. By the way, I am here in New Hampshire, and the winds are blowing and we are having torential down pours. I would rather be in St. John listening to this than here in 42 degree gloomy NH.

Posted : October 25, 2005 12:23 pm
Posts: 1

Cricket, I hope you haven't floated away yet. I am in central NH, and it was SNOWING a little while ago! Part of the road is washing out, the streams are now tumultuous rivers, and my beaver pond is now a lake. Oh, well, life in NH! I, too, love STJ and am looking forward to going in February, (if the &$%&*#$! airline prices ever get to a reasonable price!)BTW, the temp is 34 degrees here!!!! Oh, for the sunshine and warm water of STJ!!

Posted : October 25, 2005 3:04 pm
(@Bonita Welker)
Posts: 1

We five ladies just returned home from St Thomas last night. We had a wonderful time!!! We were really worried about the weather, but kept our vacation plans.
We left on the 20th and returned to Ohio last night. 43 degrees and rainy!
We stayed at the Antilles at Saphire, and we absolutely loved it. A few problems right at first, but everything was straightened out.
The views are fantastic!!!! Our room was on first floor in section E. The beach was right outside our door. We had a wonderful view of St. John, and were watching when the electricity went off a couple nights ago. That felt erie, knowing that the island was there, but we couldn't see any lights.
We took the car ferry to St. John, and swam at Trunk Bay and a couple other beaches.
I will never take a car to St. John again. The hills were terrible, because the rental car that we were supposed to get was supposed to be a 4-wheel drive, but ended up being a small car instead, and it would not make it up the hill. Ended up going back to the ferry, and getting a taxi to take us to Coral Bay and to eat at Skinny Legs. What a treat!!!!! The taxi driver waited on us while we ate, and looked around. Then he drove us back to the ferry. We were very pleased with the courtesy and help that he gave us!
Everyone that we met were really nice. We had a wonderful time, and the weather was just beautiful. A few clouds, but we needed them after getting burned.
I would go back to St. Thomas tomorrow!!!
Thanks for all the help on the board.

Posted : October 26, 2005 8:27 pm
Posts: 104
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So would you recommend renting a 4X4 if going to St. John from St. Thomas on a ferry?

Thank you.

Posted : October 26, 2005 10:34 pm
Posts: 184
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LindaJ's and my son and his wife live in Playa del Carmen. Currently they are in Turkey. She was supposed to go back to Playa the week before Wilma hit, but because of some kind of mix-up, she was delayed. Thank God. Their house survived with only a little water damage. The eye made landfall right over the hotel where my daughter-in-law worked before they went to Turkey. The store where my son works will be closed for several months. They were able to talk to her brother who came to Playa from Cancun because he thought it would be safer. He's okay, but sounded "shell-shocked", At last report, there was no electricity, water or food in Playa. They will be a long time coming back from this one. Those of us who live in the VI pray for them.

Posted : October 27, 2005 9:05 pm
Posts: 100
Estimable Member

No worries ^^^^BLUWATER^^^^
( hope I spelled it right lol) I am happy someone thought it was funny!

Posted : October 30, 2005 4:26 pm
Posts: 1

Yes, I would reccomend a 4x4 on St. John. The roads are very steep. I know that you will have a wonderful time.

Posted : November 1, 2005 1:26 am
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