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Trip Report Part 3 - Did the girls get a free t-shirt at Willie T's?

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Trip Report Part 3 - Did the girls get a free t-shirt at Willie T's?

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It's been awhile since the last reports but they were so long that everyone needed a break from all the mundane details. Plus the studying is getting in the way. Bluwater - I cannot fail the bar exam, of course, if I do that just means I have to come back in February to retake it. 😀

First, Saturday nite: We decided to try Iggie's. I called down there first, the girl at the front desk said they were having a party, I asked if it was private, she said no and to come down. We piled in the car and hit the parking lot, there were cars lined up on the street a half a mile away. Looks like a happenin' place. We found parking, walked in and could hear the sounds of a Reggae band. Just what we were looking for. It was packed and people were everywhere. I think there was a benefit concert for the Red Cross. We get a table quickly (seems that no one is eating, just drinking). We sit down order our drinks and appetizers. 2 Tuna apps and conch fritters. We order dinner, the lobster crab pot thing, Baby back ribs, shrimp pasta and one more thing. The drinks come, they are yummy, raves about the "Lost Iguana" drink from the one that has tried every (I do mean every) painkiller on the island sincer her first one. The tuna apps come but no conch fritters. That's okay, we devour those and wait and wait and wait and wait. Oh hear comes, something. It's the shrimp pasta. I tell the guy we havent got our conch fritters yet. He brings them out in a few minutes. The shrimp pasta is still sitting on the table. The conch fritters were good. The waiter comes back and we order drinks. We ask him if he could bring the pasta back to the kitchen and have them remake it with the other food. He takes the pasta back and we wait and wait and wait AND THE BAND CHANGES. Now, mind you I like all kinds of music including a little dose of heavy metal now and then.


Yes and Yes, but it brings back memories (or I just like to bounce around in my car singing). Anyways, let's just say this band was 10 steps above (louder and more annoying) then anything metallica put out. This is headbanger music and I'm waiting for the mosh pit to start any moment. By the way, we still have no food when they take a break. I really couldn't tell when they took a break b/c my head was still ringing. We asked for the manager, he came after our second request and we complained about the wait of the food. We had been there now over an hour and a half. He was great, explained that they got behind back there and the food would be out in a second. The food came out. The broccoli on the plates was actually frozen ( I swear, I'm not making this up!). The ribs were still cold from the refrigerator and The shrimp pasta was totally crispy from sitting under a heat lamp forever and the lobster, crab pot thing was not hot. Manager back to the table in seconds and he took everything off the bill and apoligized profusely. We paid for what we got, drinks and apps and went home. Breakfast food for everyone. I think once we complained they put everything on a plate straight out of the fridge and freezer, put some sauce over it and called it done. I will try Iggie's again maybe but just not on a night where there's a "party."

Sunday morning:
Up bright and early (what's new) but so is everyone else. We are taking a boat out today. Went down to Nauti Nymph, had only rented a 25' for Sunday b/c that was supposed to be our Jost trip. They gave us a 29' foot for the same price. Everyone was super nice and we headed out. The only thing there is to say about being out on a boat is AAAAHHHHHH. It is perfection. We are not even out of Red Hook and we see a turtle. This is going to be a good day. And I don't have to do any work. B took over at the dock.

Around St. John, through the cut in between Whistling Cay and Mary Point and off to Tortola to check in. The water is still rough from the tropical waves that came through but I don't care. Tortola check in was a little busy and I'm short and hard to see behind that tall counter but everyone was pleasant. I love the Cruising Certificate that they give you and it is being framed with some pictures of all of us with it. We're off to the Indians. We get to the Indians and only have to wait 5 minutes for a mooring ball. The smile on my face is even bigger than the one I have when I get off the plane onto STT.

The girls put on the snorkeling vests and gear. I don't usually wear one but the current is strong and we see many people struggling to get back to their boat. There is a large barracuda at the mooring ball as we hook up and he eventually hangs out under our boat the entire time we are there. The Indians cannot be described. The BEST snorkeling, lots and lots of fish and little crevices to dive down and look into. Wish I had brought a weight belt to make it easier to stay down. Really wish I had scuba gear with me to dive the Indians. Another time. Went completely around The Indians and back to the boat. The barracuda was still there watching over the boat (really under the boat). Back on the boat and I wanted to go around again. We had already let one boat tie up to us since all the mooring balls were taken but now there seemed to be all kinds of boats waiting. I wanted to let others experience it so we headed off to the Caves to find a mooring ball. There were none there and it looked like everyone on all the boats was in the water. They wouldn't be done for awhile. We went over to the Willie T for drinks and lunch.

Willie T's had boats stacked up 2 and 3 deep at spots so we went for a mooring ball and swam up to it (those waterproof cases are great). We had ordered 2 tunas, 2 chicken salads and a chicken sandwich and, of course drinks! I was not expecting much from the food ( I had been told it wasn't very good, just to go for drinks) but it was one of the best meals we had on the trip. The Tuna was perfect! There was a birthday party on board for some younger children (what a great memory that would be) and pretty much a family atmosphere. We looked through the book on the bar and realilzed it was not always a family atmosphere and found out if you jump off the top deck with your top off, you get a free t-shirt. hmmmm, I haven't got a souvenir t-shirt this trip yet.


I didn't say that, did I? I was thinking, just for a second that I might (emphasis on might) be able to pull it off, cover everything up with my hands and jump. Us girls stood up there, each looking at the other to see if someone was going to do it. We just jumped! TOPS ON! 2 of us had 1 piece suits on (remember our ages from the first trip report) and I had on a bikini top but with a pair of board shorts not a bikini bottom. Age tends to do weird things to the body, especially when the hot flashes start and I would not want to subject any stranger to the view that I see in the mirror.

The Willie-T was a hit and will be done on a return visit (maybe not this one coming up but the next time).

We went over to the Caves, found a mooring ball and snorkeled over there. After the Indians, I think I am spoiled. It was okay, saw some fish but not a lot of coral. I think there's too many people climbing up on things the closer you get to the caves. It was kind of a far swim from the mooring so the snorkel vests came in handy on the way back but otherwise a perfect time just b/c I'm in the water. By now, it's late and we have to head back to STT. Need to gas up at the dock and have the boat back by 4:30. We surf the waves on the way back since they are still big but otherwise it was picture perfect.

Dinner at OFF THE HOOK in Red Hook. Mahi, steaks, tuna. All was great. The service was good (waited on right away, drinks brought promptly, food brought after a short amount of time) but somewhat cold and nonchalant (maybe just professional) But again, the food was very good. Would recommend eating here.

Off for another bout of studying. I need to pass, I need to pass, I need to quit being so stressed about all of this is my new mantra). . . . Next time, shopping in CA, Indigo (YUM) and then Carnival on STJ for the 4th of July.

Posted : July 18, 2006 7:50 pm
Posts: 274
Reputable Member

You are so funny!!!!


Posted : July 20, 2006 12:27 pm

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