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The link to my photos from STJ July 3-9th, enjoy!

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The link to my photos from STJ July 3-9th, enjoy!

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Here are my pictures from STJ, hope you all enjoy as much as we did. If the link doesn't work let me know and ill repost.

Posted : July 12, 2005 9:11 am
Posts: 1

Great pics!! Thanks for sharing!

Posted : July 12, 2005 11:28 am
Posts: 94
Estimable Member

Great pictures!

Posted : July 12, 2005 1:07 pm
Posts: 1

Amazing pictures. We'll be there in a couple days. I've never been and can't wait. Especially after seeing your pictures. How did you get to Jost Van Dyke? Did you rent a boat? How was the trip? Anything you suggest we do there? We have three boys ages 4 to 10.


Posted : July 12, 2005 1:21 pm
Posts: 1

We rented a boat with a captain from Nauti Nymph for the day. The costs including the captain, the boat, the gas and oil, etc came to about $600. We had an excellent time. We had 2 boys with us ages 7 and 14 and they loved it. On Jost Van Dyke we went to White Bay, and had drinks at Soggy Dollar Bar, and then we docked in front of Foxys and we had lunch, the menu was a little limited but overall we had so much fun. Anchored the boat a few places like the Annaberg Ruins and went snorkeling. Our next trip looks to be as soon as the beginning of Sept.

Posted : July 12, 2005 6:26 pm
Posts: 1

Great pictures Becky - thanks for sharing - we were just there in June - had a lot of the same shots except you had a great one of that "house/home/castle" that sits at the point of Peter's Bay - doesn't fit the environment or island feel, but still an amazing piece of property. A local told us the history of who started it and who owns it now - quite interesting!

Posted : July 13, 2005 8:01 am
Posts: 133
Estimable Member

I saw that property too when I was there at the beginning of June. You're right, it doesn't fit it.

If you get a chance, can you share with us what the local told you about it?

Posted : July 13, 2005 12:39 pm
Posts: 3881
Famed Member Admin

Very nice Becky!! Thanks.


Posted : July 13, 2005 4:52 pm
Posts: 75
Estimable Member

Kenny Chesney owns a home on Peter Bay. Who did the local say owns it now?

Posted : July 13, 2005 9:23 pm
Posts: 1

Hi Woogawooga....okay, the information I was told about the "house" on Peter's Bay was that it was started by Diana Ross, for whatever reason she did abandoned her plans and put it up for sale and a young man (mid 30's) who lives on St. John, self made gazillonaire from the computer industy, bought it. I was told you would never know this fellow had the money he does...walks around St. John looking like a beach bum (like the rest of us)... interesting, huh? Oh, Kenny Chesney's house... (we love his latest CD - if you love St.John you've gotta get "Be As You Are" - anyway...his house was pointed out to us... it sits much closer to the beach, we could only really see the roof, it appears to be surrounded by trees, etc. - if this was truly his house... <')))<

Posted : July 14, 2005 7:54 am
Posts: 75
Estimable Member

Yes, Be As You Are is awesome, isn't it? I have the line from that song that goes "I wanna go where I can lighten up the load; drive a little while on the wrong side of the road" on my auto signature in Outlook at work. You wouldn't believe how many people come back to me and say "what does your auto signature mean?" LOL!!

Can't wait to get there next June.

Posted : July 14, 2005 9:39 pm
Posts: 133
Estimable Member

Thanks, Cindy <')))<. Funny how you get different stories from people about these things. I asked one of the taxi drivers about that house and he told me it was being built by "a couple of gay guys from Boston". Said it had been under construction for three years now. Hey, maybe when it's done we should all meet up there for a party and find out the real story!!

Posted : July 15, 2005 7:35 am
Posts: 1

Hi Wooga... hahaha... that is funny - who knows what the truth is!! BUT the idea of meeting up there when it is finished sounds like a grand idea... we could all swim over from Cinnamon Bay and hike up - until they throw us off the property anyway ! hahaha Hey, maybe Kenny will be sittin' in his blue chair on the beach...

Posted : July 15, 2005 8:06 am
Posts: 249
Reputable Member

How cruel of me to be sitting here reading your posts about Kenny while his life size cardboard cutout is standing next to me!! On the beach in barefeet with his St. John hook bracelet on & a recipe for Cruzan Confusion on the bottom!!
I got it from the liquor store where my son's girlfriend works. When I got back from St. Thomas last year....I kept asking them to get CRUZAN Rum in the store cuz I needed it for all my recipes. So she got in the whole line of flavors & they have been doing soo well that the owner ~rewarded~ me with the Kenny cutout.
I actually put it im my bedroom & took a picture of it & everyone thought he was really standing in my room!!!

Posted : July 15, 2005 9:36 am
Posts: 1

Fabulous photos - thanks so much for sharing them with us all. Can't wait to go!!

Posted : July 16, 2005 2:09 pm
Posts: 1

Just to be a little more precise on the home in the photos. The owner actually has been building this for almost 3 yrs. but continues to make changes as the construction goes on so...island time building is about 3 yrs. anyway. The home is owned by a gentleman that used to be in the computer industry, cashing out and walking away with millions...lucky guy. So, he lives in a one bd. apt. on St. John currently as he's building this home and walks the streets as any joe blow on St. John. To be quite honest, on St. John you wouldn't be able to tell who has money and who doesn't..but what does that matter? So, the home is much more complete at this stage, long as he doesn't make any more changes.

It is truely a beautiful home.

Posted : January 8, 2006 2:26 am

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