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Strip Club in Cruz Bay?

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Strip Club in Cruz Bay?

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Strange to find no mention in this forum of the strip club that planned for the former Mixology Warehouse space at the Lumberyard complex in downtown Cruz Bay. Oh yeah - this won't add to the crime problem that doesn't exist.

I am not a prude (and have known to visit these types of establishments while in Vegas), but a strip club on STJ!!!??? I am surprised that no one is up in arms about this... (yet) How about a gigantic casino next?

Posted : May 2, 2008 5:58 pm
Posts: 844
Prominent Member

Kinda fuzzy logic, rock.

Posted : June 12, 2008 6:47 am
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

This kind of logic really gets to me. First of all, who in particular are you talking to? Also, generlizing that '"us" Americans would ever think that slavery was ok and on the same line as strip clubs is just rediculous Don't forget that these "dregs" are probably the people that put milk and food on your table. Something is very angray about you and I don't know what it is, but before you click that post button, you should rethink what you say.

Is this the way Islanders really feel about Americans? If it is, why would anybody want to come? Conventions for strip clubs? I think not.

It seems that you feel IF America left your island alone, as you suggest, that your island would lose alot more then it would gain.

Angry person for sure.

And rock, by the way, what do you do down in the islands? Anything to do with tourism?

Posted : June 12, 2008 8:37 am
Posts: 1134
Noble Member

Please ignore the troll and they will go away.

Posted : June 12, 2008 8:46 am
Posts: 167
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Posted : June 12, 2008 9:54 am
(@Real Rockman)
Posts: 1

Actually I do NOT have anything to do with tourism. I am NOT against people all over the world visiting various lands and OBSERVING diverse cultural practices. What I am against is the charismatic manner Americans have about the world and whether your involvement is ACTUALLY wanted or even needed. See the way "RonUSVI" just labels me as a monster who's view point (albeit harsh) is unimportant and irrelevant? Like I was a bug in his way while his occupying, capitalistic rape is continued. HA he and other like him are no different than the old trading companies that truly believed that their "business" practices were just and spiritually aware. HA again. See While strip clubs are considered to be un-moral, I contend that it is those who steal under the cover of commerce to be evil. My home and those who inhabited St Thomas, St Croix and St John were peaceful, kind and loving people. But Ask yourselves... all of you, how safe are those streets now? Murder, stealing, mobs, fighting are all signs that your economic model is a waist of time and your involvement of conduct and moral fiber is fleeting. If not cancerous. And yes I think America SHOULD leave the V.I. alone an allow the pimping to stop. Common the V.I. just recently was "ALLOWED" to vote in presidential primaries. It is NOT a state it is a "territory" which mans kept in holding until the event should arise where a strategic wartime position is needed. America and Americans have NEVER cared about the V.I. other than a pet or a good slave.

Now I am not ignorant about TRUE Virgin Island history, to the contrary I am aware that at one time Pirates considered the V.I. to be not only a place to conduct commerce but was a place for rest and safe harbor. BUT history has taught us that the real pirates were the trading companies. Corporations have been the wings of evil since someone thought about screwing over the little guy for a piece of meat.

Yes I am angry. Angry when you all started charging for chairs on Megan's Bay and $5 bucks for a burger back in 1980. Angry when Isador Piewonski bought main street for a plate of chicken and a fit full of dollars. Angry when the so called architects (Jim and Robert Armour) and land rapers of the now infamous Mahogany run got off and was allowed to keep building the shotty disgrace they called the crown of the Caribbean golfing world, but what really get me is the first time in a 100 years that the VI got hit with Hurricane Hugo, it was the American corporations that got insurance money and subsidies from F.E.M.A. and the folks in Annas Retreat or in Dunu projects got jack! Then the insurance companies headquartered in the U.S. were the next out on the planes while CNN claimed we were rioting a Burger King.

Get the hint Yankees when tourist busses get turned over and songs like "Kill the rabbit" and the countless others against government now rising keep becoming the voice of those you care less about, it wont be long until the same revolt over slavery that happened in St Croix where the REAL ISLANDERS burned the Island starts happening again.

I know im just a crazy uppity island BOY who is running off at the mouth making no sense at all, upsetting the women folk and scarin the little darlins. Where's the tree? Right? Opps did I get to historic? Sarry Sur!

Posted : June 12, 2008 10:59 pm
Posts: 1

Real Rockman: I don't consider you by your writing as a "crazy uppity island BOY who is running off at the mouth...etc" but I do find your logic somewhat skewed in many respects. Were it not for the diligence of the Magens Bay Authority in properly maintaining, policing and preserving not only the beach but the indigenous flora and fauna residing within its confines (and, I might add, with virtually NO subsidy from the V.I. Government) Magens Bay wouldn't be the pristine spot that it is today.

The Paiweonsky family didn't "steal" anything from anybody. The family purchased downtown buildings donkey's years ago for a fair price at that time and, unlike some slumlords of that era and later, never let their purchased properties fall into disrepair but rather improved upon them and rehabilitated them at great expense. They have been continual contributors to the community in many ways over many years and maybe it's time for YOU to learn your history and learn from it.

Ronnie Lockhart and his family have likewise purchased properties and renovated them over the years, paying close attention to historical buildings and restoring them to their original grandeur and in accordance with the historical trust.

"Kill The Rabbit" was a wildly inflammatory song which, according to it's authors/writers, Jam Band, was never meant to cause the problems which it obviously did. That was years ago. Your rhetoric is reprehensible. History refutes your rhetoric. As is the rest of the world, we in the Virgin Islands are faced with a most grave economical downfall which is only going to worsen in the next year or so and it behooves us all to come together as the diverse community which we are and help each other out as much as possible.

And don't talk to me about "real islanders." You sound like Bert Bryan. I''ve lived here for coming up 25 years now, this is my home and - believe it or not, I'm white and bust my chops just to keep a roof over my head so don't go there where I'm concerned. You don't scare me and I doubt you scare anybody much with your "uprising" nonsense. Quite sane heads fortunately do reign here. Troll off, dear heart!

Oh, and by the way, I think you're an American citizen? Maybe you should rethink your denigration of Americans...

Posted : June 13, 2008 12:00 am
Posts: 1134
Noble Member

A troll is someone who incites reaction on a message board, such as you are doing, just for the mere enjoyment of themselves. No one called you a monster. Trolls also don't register themselves. Register if you care to give credence to what you are saying. And tell me, what do you do for the better good of this community?

BTW, the spelling of Magens is such.

Posted : June 13, 2008 6:39 am
Posts: 284
Reputable Member

Cool name, bad attitude.You have the nerve to complain that Ron was treating you like "a bug in his way", yet isn't that how you treated any/all tourists to STJ on this board? I was under the assumption that tourism helped the local economy. My bad! Get over yourself. You're nonsense isn't going to keep anyone away from that delicious island. Or is it "YOUR" delicious island?
Sorry, Ron. I almost feel wrong by even entertaining this post. You're right,...
How did the "strip-club" message go so wrong?
"Rock"- you owe me a lap-dance.

Posted : June 13, 2008 1:38 pm
Posts: 61
Trusted Member

Interesting take Rockman. I once had a manager who escorted me out of his office with the following words, "Don't tell me your problems, but feel free to come back when you can tell me your solutions."

Last time I checked, the Virgin Islands freely elect their own governor and their own senators. As such, what is it that ties their hands in solving the murders, the stealing, and the fighting? Are you saying they're constrained by the American economic model of free enterprise? Then perhaps you can tell me why Jamaica and Trinidad/Tobago, or even Haiti have the highest rates of violent crime in the Caribbean region. Are they too, despite being independent nations, the victim of Americans? And although not technically in the Caribbean, the Bahamas are lumped in with the islands of the Greater and Lesser Antilles to form what is known as the region - and the Bahamas have one of the highest murder rates per capita in the world. We going to point the finger at Americans there too? Or would you like to extend your "capitalistic rape" accusations at the British as well - despite the fact that the Bahamas claimed independence from England some 35 years ago.

Perhaps you can enlighten me and tell me what economic model the V.I. should adopt (after kicking out the Americans of course) that will make the V.I. immune from the violence that you blame on the American capitalistic society?

And before you answer I'd like to remind you (or perhaps educate you) that - aside from war - the major cause of violence worldwide stems from narcotics trafficking. The entire Caribbean region could convert to any economic form and it still would not make a dent in the crime that springs eternal as a result of the drugs coming out of South and Central America and the gateway that the Caribbean provides merely because of its geographical location.

Richard N Kurpiers

Posted : June 13, 2008 1:49 pm
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