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(@island girl)
Posts: 1


Posted : March 25, 2005 2:52 pm
(@Dr. Dave)
Posts: 1


Thanks for your reply and your thoughts on the issue of safety in St. Thomas and the VI's. Thanks also for the links to relevant articles. We have indeed communicated with the Police Commissioner and the commissioner of Tourism.

My incident occurred on 3-27-05. I noted with interest that it was not mentioned in the 5-09-05 Daily News article listing eleven other crimes.

Hope you and yours are doing well.

Posted : May 17, 2005 10:26 am
Posts: 71
Trusted Member

I posted the mugging/shooting at Bolongo on here on May 3rd after talking to a family member who is an employee there. The interns and young staff who live in the condos where you were staying need to also be very careful. Not that anyone is prepared.......
Dr. glad that you are recovering after such a traumatic undergoing. My prayers are with you & your family.
I had planned to bring my elderly mother down to visit her grandson in the Fall, but am a bit fearful at this point - until someone finds these offenders. I guess we will look into St John and ferry over a few times. Or, he can come to us on a rare day off his work. This has put a glitch in things.

Posted : May 17, 2005 11:18 am
Posts: 167
Estimable Member

To All, I have been reading this string for several weeks now and Dr. Dave I did read about the follow up article in the VIDN some time back. I have also read local responses from locals about how crime in the USVI is rare which I reply it ain't rare to Ginger and Dr. Dave!! I have been visiting the islands for twenty years and yes there were crimes committed against tourist even then. In fact in 1982 (when I was single, childless, and considerably more stupid!) I thwarted a purse snatching on government hill. But if activity like what has happend lately is to be meaningly curtailed, the demand for it has to start locally! The island economy is sooooo dependant on tourism that this string are to scare the crap out of any local that sees it! Marty you ought to circulate it among your fellow merchants. That does not mean that the readers/posters to this board and lovers of the USVIs don't have a roll to play. If we take a little energy and write a paper letter to the Daily News c.c. it to the Governor, head of the Dept. of Tourism, Board of Realtors, Merchants Assn. Carnival Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean, and they get a hundred or so letters. Don't think it won't get their attention! Any Takers? Marty or somebody get us addresses! Nobody should have to endure what Dr. Dave or Ginger did. It is not and never will be acceptable statistically or otherwise. It's like Winston Churhill said. "If we are sheep...wolves will eat us!" I'll tell you who probably knows who this scum is...his next door neighbor!

Posted : May 17, 2005 12:10 pm
Posts: 1

This is a very important topic. Has there been any other incident since the reported ones here?
Can you please list the agencies and people who we can contact and write to?
Thank you

John lover of St. Thomas

Posted : May 25, 2005 1:58 pm
Posts: 7
Active Member

I have a suggestion which may seem crude to some, but why not use the very thing that these criminals are after "against them" MONEY ! If they are willing to break the law and put peoples lives at risk for MONEY, then use the MONEY as a tool to stop them. As stated earlier the island economy is dependant on tourism. Why not encourage the local businesses, the travel companies and industry to help put together a REWARD for the capture and conviction of these criminals. From an economical perspective this would be a minimal investment but has the potential for a maximum return. I am not trying to encourage bounty hunting here...... ok, yes I am and in this case these criminals deserve being captured and the local people of St. Thomas and the tourist who come to the island deserve safety from criminals like these.

MONEY can speak louder than words.

Posted : May 30, 2005 9:17 am
Posts: 19
Eminent Member

I think an important lesson in all of this is...Don't go inviting trouble! My wife and I just returned from three weeks on STX and I have two suggestions. #1-If you take a camera or camcorder, keep it on your person at all times. I kept the hand strap of my camcorder tightly secured to my hand at all times and NEVER set it down anywhere. If it was not secured to my hand, it was in the safe in our room. #2- you can get something called a WaterPak at specialty beach store. It is just a little waterproof plastic pack that hangs on a lanyard around your neck you can keep your room key in a few bucks in cash and the debit card. It went with us everywhere, even in the water to scuba dive or snorkle. Nothing of value was ever, at any time, not on our person, left in the car or left on the beach. Other than our wedding morning, our rings stayed in the safe in the hotel room. Why tempt fate? Why invite a problem? Leave your valuables in your room whenever you can.
By the way, we had no problems on STX other than a man approaching our car in Christiansted asking for money. We just drove off.

Posted : May 31, 2005 11:48 am
Posts: 447
Honorable Member

steve yes that is a good idea...anyone have some of those addresses for officials and press...maybe we can start asking for a reward...

we can start with

megan polinski at the virgin islands daily news

her email is

[email protected]

here is the one name i have

Assistant Police Commissioner
Police Admin. Ofcs.
A.A.Farrelly Justice Center
St. Thomas, VI 00802

[email protected]

Posted : June 3, 2005 10:50 pm
Posts: 210
Estimable Member

FYI - the Federal Marshalls Service that is now in place in the USVI has begun a month or so ago, airing a tv segment - VI's Most Wanted. In this segment they run security tape clips much as many of us are used to in the states from 7-11 holdups and stuff.

If they could only get the software they need to enhance the video on a freeze frame - one might find such a tv segment a great step forward in trying to identify and capture those responsible.

Then gee - maybe the VI Daily News can do it's part by running a still photo of the same culprit(s).

Rewards are being offered and the tip line can be called annonymously.

Small step forward, but could prove to be a large one.

Posted : June 5, 2005 5:15 pm
Posts: 1

I have been reading all the reports. This has been going on for years. My brother and another guy were shot & killed execution style in 1996. So be afraid. Who ever is doing this stuff does not care to kill. From what I understand, not many crimes have suspects, so somebody is getting away with murder !

Posted : September 8, 2006 3:21 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

I am sorry to read of your loss - it must still be vey painful. Where did this happen and what time of day? Is there an article that you can share with us to help us understand? What part of the island?

It is good to educate everyone on these situations, which I undertsand is why you are here. We're interested in leanring if you are up to sharing.

Posted : September 8, 2006 3:50 pm
Posts: 1

Yes, still very painful. This happened 10 years ago and Im still struggling with it. Celebrating a birthday at Old Mill restaurant March 8, 1996 around 1am my brother left the restaurant. Soon they noticed a car following and as they pulled into the driveway of their home the masked gunmen made them lay on the dirt and they shot my brother, the other victim turned around and they shot him in the face, and the other victim got up and ran(shot twice)
I have to go today but I will write more later.

Posted : September 8, 2006 3:57 pm
Posts: 1

Was this the incident involving someone who was living down there to rebuild houses after Hurricane Marilyn and was featured on Inside Edition or some similar show, or am I thinking about a different incident?

Either way, my condolences are with you. I am sorry that you had to endure such a heavy loss in the USVI.

Posted : September 12, 2006 4:31 pm
Posts: 1

yes, that was it. He was down there helping rebuild the island.

Posted : September 13, 2006 8:15 am
Posts: 1

Crime rates are higher in the VIs than in many places in the United States. Crime is a problem, but crime isn’t going to stop me from going there, for now anyway. I intend to continue to vacation in the VIs, but I will be careful. Much more careful than I would be at home…similar to how I’m more careful if I’m visiting a big city in the US. But that’s the price I’m willing to pay so I can relax on some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

For example, I’ll compare my Midwestern home county, which has a significantly larger population than the USVIs (the Virgin Islands have around 108,600 people and my home county has around 150,400). The statistics below are for 2004 (2004 was the most updated USVI list I could find online):

My county: 0
USVI: 23
USVI adjusted for population (assuming 150,400, the same as my home county): 32

My county: 5
USVI: 53
USVI adjusted for population: 73

My county: 3
USVI: 253
USVI adjusted for population: 350

My county: 23
USVI: 609
USVI adjusted for population: 843

My county: 78
USVI: 1697
USVI adjusted for population: 2350

My county: 11
USVI: 260
USVI adjusted for population: 360

My county: 7
USVI: 51
USVI adjusted for population: 71

I’m actually fairly astounded as I look at these numbers....I had no idea that it is as bad as it is. Crime is definitely a problem in the Virgin Islands, but I’m still going to vacation there every year. But I’ll be very careful. Many big cities in the United States have worse crime rates than the VIs...but I choose not to live in any of those cities, and I'm very careful when visiting those places. Obviously even the most careful person can fall victim to just have to make the choice for yourself whether you want to take the risk. For someone from a high-crime area, visiting the USVIs is safer than home....but for someone like me, it is definitely a risk.

Posted : September 13, 2006 3:13 pm
Posts: 1514
Noble Member

Tracy, after living here for almost 9 years, and not having had one single problem, I can say that yes, crime is everywhere in the world, but I don't worry about it here. I've been in my place for over 7 years and I still haven't even locked the door!! It just depends on the situations that you can put yourself in. When you look at our statistics, the majority of those are from one islander against another islander (usually because of drugs ), NOT against visitors. And the ones that happen to visitors are usually because they put themselves into a situation that they ought not have been in. JMHO, of course.

Posted : September 14, 2006 6:58 am
Posts: 1

And the ones that happen to visitors are usually because they put themselves into a situation that they ought not have been in. JMHO, of course

That is just pure BS. Blame the victims. If you look at the actual victims that posted earlier on this thread, how can you say that they were " into a situation that they ought not have been in.". They were on the property of their resort.

I have lived on STT for 3 years. I personally never had a problem. I also travel extensively through-out the Caribbean and can compare the different islands with my own experience as well as from the viewpoints of locals that I know and do business with. I work in a tourism related industry and do have access to a fair amount of data from several sources.

Right now, the most dangerous of the major tourism(cruise ports) islands for crimes against tourists are the USVI and SXM.

As far as documented crimes against tourists, Jamaica is actually one of the safest. While it does have a very bad crime and murder problem in Kingston and Spanish Town, these areas are quite far from the tourist areas and tourists are never involved or exposed to it.

I have personally walked around downtown Montego Bay and Ocho Rios very late at night by myself and never once felt unsafe. I will not go to downtown CA after dark. Period. I will also not go to even my favorite restaurants on STT at night if I can't park very near to the door.

Yes, there is crime everywhere. But if places like the USVI continue to wave it off as not a big deal, their tourism will drop and the dollars will disappear. That begins a downward spiral because as poverty increases so does crime...keeping tourism away even more.

As an example STX used to have a robust tourism product, including a very active cruise industry. After having too many passengers and crews reporting crimes, the cruise lines pulled out. Businesses closed, jobs were lost and crime went up. STX has one of the highest crime against tourists rates in the Caribbean. Now STX is trying to lure cruise ships back by dredging the harbor, but until crime is under control STX will never be a major cruise port again. Too bad...It's beautiful island with generally nice people and could have one of the better tourism products in the islands.

If the VI does not get it's act together soon by getting it's crime under control it will quickly lose it's market share. And as long as locals and tourists accept the status quo and sweep it under the rug it will only get worse.

Posted : September 15, 2006 8:54 am
(@aka -creekdweller)
Posts: 1

One Love - interesting post. I just booked my reservations to STT for March. After learning of the crime problem, I almost went somewhere else. BUT - this is my daughter's first trip to the Caribbean and I really really want her to experience the snorkeling in STT and STJ - I don't know of a better place in the world. With crime on the increase, she may never go there again in her lifetime, but we will take this window and be very careful. I came to the same conclusion as you, and on the advice of Bluewater, I shortened my trip so I could afford to stay at Frenchman's reef and we will stay at the resort in the evenings. It is precisely because of the crime problem that I did not book my first choice - which would have been a condo in SH or PP. Thus, It's already affecting the tourism business.


Posted : September 15, 2006 9:06 am
Posts: 1

Lana, although i usually agree w/ blu and is very helpful w/ her posts i disagree w/ her on staying at frenchmans over secret harbor... but thats just my opinion. i also think that fear of crime in the VI is a black eye on the entire region but not nessasarily warrented. i have lived there in the past and currently own a home there, where i vacation w/ my family including 3 kids under 7 and have never had a problem or felt unsafe. i think marty is right on the mark about it being mostly local on local crime and if your walking around the wrong neighborhoods at 2 am shame on you. (what are you doing there?) this applies to "any city" USA by the way. if your changing your plans due to fear of crime, it is like living in fear of terrorism. if you do this "they" win. i mean are you sailing in or flying? both have risks... eg: shoe bombers or pirates... DONT let fear of crime in the VI affect your plans. use common sence, be curtious and you will have no problems. i hate to even post under this topic because i dont want to bump it up and fuel the fire but someone has to defend these fine islands w/ fine people.

Posted : September 15, 2006 11:43 am
Posts: 1

I hate having to post this because after over 30 years of visiting the USVI and at least the last 20 STJ specifically I too am a big proponent of USVI, but I find MTT's response deceptive. First Tracy123's statistics are discounted, then onelove's opinions;so much for your HO!
Perhaps you would care to comment on the Chicago Tribune's warning to travelers about the USVI from last Sunday. Basically it was a retelling of the recent assault in Cruz Bay and last year's overblown "hate" crime along with a hint at a basic malaise-straightforward and mostly accurate.
Savvy locals, which you clearly consider yourself one of, know what the figurative and literal boundaries are; unsavvy tourists may not.
I found Tracy123's analysis very interesting and MTT's rebuttal more correct for STT and STX but totally wrong for STJ.
An similar analysis of STJ alone with less than 5000 residents would be, I am afraid, totally alarming.

Posted : September 15, 2006 12:10 pm
Posts: 100
Estimable Member

MLS, the Chicago Tribune's warning to travelers is riddled with untruths, the most significant, in my opinion, stating that a tourist was attacked in the same area a few years ago as the man attacked with a shovel. Not that it makes a huge difference, but that incident several years ago was NOT a tourist who was attacked - it was a local who was attacked by kids he had previous issues with (I verified this through newspaper archives). And don't get me started on how incorrect the report is regarding the "hate crime rape." NO ONE has been arrested for this crime, and the man who was recently charged with assault against the same woman who was allegedly raped was never a suspect in the rape. It really makes me angry when people who know nothing about this island will publish such damaging words without double checking facts...and the Tribune needs to fact-check on the syndicated columns it runs, too.
And as for the tourist who was attacked recently in Cruz Bay with a shovel...I hate to even say this for fear of being accused of "blaming the victim," BUT...would you walk down a dark street alone, intoxicated, at 2 in the morning, in the town where you live? If you wouldn't do it at home, don't do it here, and in general, you will be fine.

Posted : September 15, 2006 12:46 pm
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