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See You Wednesday!

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See You Wednesday!

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Yes - I will be a cruise ship passenger visiting STT next Wednesday! We normally come to the islands each winter for a week (we were just there first week of November), but this time will only have a single day to enjoy our favorite place! We'll be on Freedom of the Seas.

We're bringing my parents and our daughters (10 and 13) with us. None of them have been to STT before and we thought this would be a great way to show them exactly why we go to this paradise each year (we leave the girls, and parents usually house/kid sit for us). I'm sure they'll be very supportive (although also very envious) next February when we come back down again!

Anyway - please be kind to the cruisers next Wednesday - you just never know - it might be ol' VI Lover!!

Posted : January 24, 2008 7:08 pm
Posts: 763
Prominent Member

Leave your towel on the ship
Put your hook bracelet on
Tell the Cab Driver you want to go to KMart to get your Rum
and make sure your girls see St John 🙂

Posted : January 24, 2008 7:21 pm
Posts: 3881
Famed Member Admin

Have Fun!!


Posted : January 25, 2008 4:52 am
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

The family will love it! Have a great day, tho it won't be long enough! Let us know how they like it!

We are ALWAYS nice to the cruisers!!!! 🙂

Posted : January 25, 2008 9:53 am
Posts: 519
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Got back from our cruise yesterday. Overall, had a great time. Freedom of the Seas is an excellent ship. We've cruised 7 times and are probably done for awhile (but only because we've now escorted all our friends/family and can just enjoy STT/STJ for awhile).

Docked Wednesday. Got off the ship early and headed to Budget Havensight. Reservation was in order and got a brand new van for the 6 of us. Headed to Red Hook - boarded the car ferry immediately - and set our sights on STJ. My parents and daughters went along with DW and me. They really thought the car ferry was something else!

Got to Cruz Bay and headed for Cinnamon. Stopped for my parents to take a couple of photos along the road, and was SOOOO disappointed to see the waves crashing the beach at Trunk from the overlook! Darn - I was really hoping we wouldn't get that north shore swell that sometimes hits. Oh well - we went on to Cinnamon so our family can see my wife's favorite beach. Went ahead onto the beach - I stopped to rent a couple chairs. By the time I got there, my daughters and my 73 year old father were already "jumping waves" along the shore. Suddenly - dad went DOWN! He got knocked down by a large wave and by the time he began to get his balance the next wave hit him again. My wife screamed - I ran into the surf and pulled him up to his feet. He was fine - out of breath - and mostly his pride was hurt. We stayed to enjoy the view of the water and the warm sun, then packed it in around 11:30.

Headed to Woody's for lunch and was once again happy to be sitting in the hot sun enjoying a fresh Mahi Mahi sandwich, onion rings, and a Bushwacker (okay - 2 Bushwackers!). Since the north shore beaches were inaccessible, we decided to let our family see Magans Bay. Jumped back on the car ferry and headed to the beach. It was a little more calm there, but still rough by usual standards. Stayed for awhile then needed to head back to turn the car in by 5pm.

Had to get some gas (tank was a gallon or 2 short when I picked it up, but in my hurry to get to STJ I forgot to check before I left). Drove through Charlotte Amalie to show my parents the downtown area and thought I'd stop at the Texaco station. Didn't realize YOU CAN'T GET THERE from the left side of the road! Ended up driving through the shopping area, turning around and hitting the little "Cash Only" station across the street from the Texaco. Traffic heading back through town got terrible and I was going to be late! Called Budget customer service who said, "Oh no. The lot will be locked and you will have to bring the car to the airport or risk parking on the street, but if anything happens to the vehicle - you'll still be responsible! No! This is too much stress! Luckily, the nice agent called the office and talked the lot attendant into staying for a few minutes. I arrived at 5:05pm and he was still there, but anxious to get home. I tipped him for his trouble and thanked him for staying to help.

Shopped at Havensight for a few minutes. Mom bought a small diamond ring at the first (and only) store she visited. She tells everyone she got a $900 ring for "just $350". I think she got a $350 ring for $350, but hey - she's happy and that's what matters most! Boarded the ship at 6pm, and nearly shed a tear. Hated to leave. Disappointed that we couldn't teach our daughters to swim in the beautiful VI waters. Glad to see our favorite travel destination again - and already planning next February's trip down with 2 other couples for a week stay.

Thanks for reading - see you all next Feb!

VI Lover

Posted : February 4, 2008 4:34 pm
Posts: 1

I love trip reports!! Those are my favorite things to read on the board! I'm glad to hear you had a great time. I'll be there March 8 - 15th and am counting down the days!!

Posted : February 4, 2008 5:50 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member

Hey Camille & VI Lover:

You gotta read this trip report that happened to us a few years back. We took the Ferry over to SJ to show off our skills by renting a Zodiac for the day. We wanted to show our two friends a few of the nicest beaches on the island. As soon as we started over to the first beach, I said to my husband,"I think the North Swell" is pretty darn high today, maybe we better turn back." Well you guest it, we continued on our way to our favorite hide away beach - that can only be reached by boat. As we approached the beach I thought to myself - this is gonna be a story to tell for years to come. We drifted in on a swell and the front of the Zodiac did a nose dive into the gutter on the beach. *-) As soon as we realized we were in trouble our two friends jumped out with me. My husband was trying to hold onto the boat as swell after swell crashed over the back of the engine. AS soon as our friends got out of the boat the first swell knocked both of them down into the water. Each time they tried to make it to shore - another swell rolled them up the sand and back into the water. Meanwhile I was grabbing the front of the boat and began to drag it around to face the on coming swells. By now the boat is filling up with water and all our gear, including wallets, towels, books, cooler, etc. are now floating in the boat. The next thing I noticed was a couple sitting on the beach watching our calamity of errors and you could tell they were laughing their selves to death. I would have been too, except my one friend was having such a time that I was afraid I was not going to get her back in the boat! My friend is a love-able roley poley and not very agile. Finally, I yelled for everyone to make a dash for the boat and get in any way they could. My friend got one leg over and got stage fright as she watched the next wave approach. I just grabbed her leg and threw her in the boat. I was the last to get in the boat - it was like mounting a horse - you just go for it.
As we backed the boat away from shore I waved to the folks on the beach and yelled - thanks for all your help! All the way back to the dock, we bailed and bailed and bailed. Now we can laugh about that adventure, but from then on we always check the weather for the North Swell warnings if we want to take a trip over to SJ for a day of snorkeling. Trust me when I say - don't rent a Zodiac when the wind is up and the North Swell in high! (td) But do rent a Zodiac for the day and visit all the out of the way beaches and snorkeling sites along the way! (tu) Oh, and always waterproof your important things while playing in a boat on the water. 😉

Posted : February 4, 2008 7:55 pm
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

VI Lover,
Thanks for sharing your story! WOW! Glad your Dad came out OK, those swells this time of year can really throw you for a loop to say the least! Lookin' forward to your return to our Islands!
Enjoyed your story as well and what a story to be able to tell!

I have a cool picture of my friends lookin' UP and back at a huge wave at Cinnamon Beach about to HIT them, as it did! They went flyin'! I am gonna HAVE to locate it so I can some day post it! AMAZING!

Posted : February 5, 2008 8:36 am
Posts: 1

Hey Andaste,

I am sitting here chuckling while reading your story. Sorry you had such a rough time out there. The way you explain it makes the reader feel like they are actually going through it with you! LOL!!

Posted : February 5, 2008 12:41 pm
Posts: 28
Eminent Member


Yea, it was just one of those days in Paradise - stuff happens. I have told that story over and over again and still laugh til" my sides hurt 😀 I( just wish I could have taken a video and sent it to Funniest Home Video show - I know I would have won something. At least it beats working outside in the Northeast any day! We still had a fabulous time: eating - drinking- sleeping - walking the beach - driving around our favorite hairpin roads - taking tons of pictures - and just darn right out relaxing!

Have you ever had the chance to stop by the local ceramic shop - out past the Coral World turn-off - out on the East End? It's right on the road and I think it's called "Diane Artware." I always stop there every year and buy their newest colors of cups/dishes, etc. Last year the gal told me the owner was selling the place. I hope another local buys it and keeps it going! I love their pottery only because it is made by our local folks(tu) - and not owned and operated by people from another country. Can anyone tell me if it is still in business?

Thanks 🙂

Posted : February 5, 2008 8:25 pm
Posts: 3881
Famed Member Admin

Andaste - sounds like Kilnworks Pottery & Art Gallery, Peggy Siewert is the artist. Here is their website

Diane Artware I think is in Subbase, her work is available in several souvenir and gift shops. She does ceramics but probably better known for her hand painted Christmas ornaments.


Posted : February 22, 2008 6:46 pm
Posts: 1

WOW! We'll be on a cruise (one of many we've taken over the years!0 and stopping in St. Thomas midweek!StT has to be my very favorite island...Enjoy!

Posted : February 22, 2008 9:21 pm

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