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Question for y'all. In the past 5 years....

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(@St. Thomas)
Posts: 1

How many times have you been to the USVI? How often do you go? And when do you plan on going next?

I'm just curious because it seems like a lot of people must be retired to get all of the time off! 🙂

Posted : March 24, 2007 12:14 pm
Posts: 1

Hubby officially made his first visit at 5 months old, though his parents had visited a few times prior to his birth. I was introduced in July 2003, the first year we were dating. We have returned every year since for about 1-2 weeks at a time. We were toying with the idea of going in August with my mom, but decided we needed to take this year off. Our first conflict was the fact that we've been trying to get pregnant for a year now, and we weren't sure if we would have a newborn, or if I would be in my last trimester. Well, we're finally past all of that worry because we're still not pregnant. Now the only thing keeping us from going is Hubby's school schedule. His classes conflict with the time period my mom has booked. So we're hoping maybe next summer. Either that or a last-minute trip the next time we get some time off. We also have a parcel of land on St John which we are trying to sell, and a rental home in Ohio which needs to be sold. If we were to sell either by mid-summer, I'm guessing we would celebrate with a trip. Until then, we have to focus our energy on selling property, getting pregnant, and finishing school.

Posted : March 24, 2007 12:27 pm
Posts: 519
Honorable Member

First trip was for our 15th anniversary on a Royal Caribbean cruise stop (9 years ago). We saved for the next 4 years (and worked my tail off for work promotions) and spent our first "fly-to" STT vacation 4 years later. We've been back each year now since then. That's 1 cruise stop and 5 yearly visits. Unfortunately, we're going to break our "string' next year as we've promised our 12 and 10 year old daughters a cruise. However - I'm still trying to get the cruise scheduled in November so I might be able to sneak down for a short burst of the islands in Feb or March. Oh, yeah, I've been with current employer 12 years and get 4 weeks vacation per year - that's how we can make time for our yearly trek.

For sure - we'll be back Winter of 2009!

Posted : March 24, 2007 12:36 pm
Posts: 2023
Noble Member

You know that a nice relaxing, romantic vacation in the Virgin Islands is sometimes just what the doctor ordered for your "ailment."


Posted : March 24, 2007 1:27 pm
Posts: 1

I know...but it didn't work last summer 🙁

Now the doctor is ordering injections, sonograms, blood tests, and all that other fun stuff.

Posted : March 24, 2007 1:33 pm
Posts: 1

Where is your parcel of land, how big is it, and how much do you want?

Posted : March 24, 2007 1:35 pm
Posts: 52
Trusted Member

My wife and I first visited St. John in April 2001, celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary. We had never been to the Carribean and were stunned by the beauty and "island time" attitude of the place. We've returned 3 times and are visiting for a 5th time 4 days from today, woohoo!! Anniversary # 26 is Monday 4/2. My business doesn't skip a beat while I'm gone, my partners see to that. I've made this (now annual) event an important priority, and my wife is happy to agree w/ me on this. We struggled for a long time (6 kids), it's nice to be able to afford this type of holiday. My 2 youngest are entering college this fall, hopefully this financial burden won't prevent us from visiting for # 27 (if our marriage lasts) 😉 John

Posted : March 24, 2007 2:31 pm
Posts: 1138
Noble Member

While we haven't been as fortunate as others to visit USVI more often, every trip has been special.

#1 1988
Not having gone on a true honeymoon (married right out of PSU in 1979), we were looking through a National Geographic book on US National Parks for somewhere to finally celebrate. In it they mentioned a place "where sophisticates go to escape and relax". We were the escape and relax bit (2 out of 3 ain't bad) and we loved the picture in the book of a STJ peninsula dotted with huts/houses overlooking a beautiful bay.

We told the travel agent to book us for 4 days but she had difficulty finding the place (B4 and kept wanting to book us on a cruise or trip to Cozumel instead. We persisted and got 4 nights at a place called Caneel Bay, never having heard anything more than a description and few photos from the book (didn't have a brochure either). Before leaving for the trip, we learned my wife was pregnant with our second, following some tough times (Crystal - good things do come to those who wait with patience :)).

When we arrived on STT we were taken back by the shear beauty of STT followed by the ferry ride into that same bay in the photo on STJ. Imagine our amazement when the escort at Caneel drove us to our 'room' of the very huts/houses we saw in that same photo in the NG book. From that point on, we knew we were meant to be on STJ. Of course, we were still not 'alone' and under doctors instructions to relax so a honeymoon would have to wait.

#2 2004
Yes...there is that waiting thing again, but family takes precedent and we were able to show our kids (and us) a lot of the world in the mean time. By now, my daughter was nearing college graduation and the chances to have family vacations were getting fewer and fewer. We had always gone on about the beauty and 'island time' of STJ and felt one of our last family trips should be to our slice of heaven. While my wife and I knew what was ahead, the kids were awed and mouths wide open with every new beach, trail and snorkel they took. They also enjoyed the down time associated with 'island time' and that trip was one of the most memorable out of the many we have taken to places all over. But still no honeymoon.

#3 2007
My daughter will marry next January and my wife insisted "we will have our honeymoon before our daughter does". Two weeks in June, 110 days to go (but who's counting? :D).

Not the annual visits some are fortunate to make and keep us going through their exploits & reports, but each trip is precious and holds a little more than the previous one.
Good things happen to those who wait.

Posted : March 24, 2007 3:27 pm
Posts: 170
Estimable Member

We started going to STJ with our daughter in 1973. Since that time we have owned a condo(since sold) and a boat on STJ. We go on an average of 3 or 4 times a year. During the summer I spend 1 month on island in a friends place. It is my retreat time. Just this past Feb. my husband and I spent 3 weeks sailing in the VI. I plan to go down again this summer for a month and then again in Nov. It is my favorite place. We've done quite a bit of time in travel, all the way down to Grenada plus trips to Europe (sightseeing and skiing) and a special one to Russia. But we keep returning to STJ all the time and will until these bones can't climb up the boat ladder anymore.

Posted : March 24, 2007 3:30 pm
Posts: 238
Reputable Member

I would have loved to see St. John way back when like some of you. How very fortunate! We are planning for our third trip. The moment my eyes first clapped onto that gorgeous little island, I just knew it was the place for me. I've been at my employment for 12 years and have 4 weeks vacation each year. We usually do at least one big vacation a year and sometimes two. I wish it were more though. We always travel with our two kids so it gets $$$$. We also alternate between an island vacation and Disneyworld. My little peeps love it all! I was just sitting here thinking how fortunate the neigbors across the way from us are. I swear they do a 2 week vacation at least 4 times a year.

I grew up in Cali on the beach so I am the total beach girl and when I first saw those amazing bays and waters, I was hooked for life. Doesn't matter what is going on in my world. House, cars, college, braces. I find a way to make it all work. It's all in the priorities and I think mine are where they need to be. Being together with the peeps I love in the most beautiful place on earth. We will be able to do more trips when the kids are grown and gone but by then I'll probably want to tote the spouses and grandbabies along too so yeah, I'm probably screwed! I don't think I'd want it any other way.

I always say someday when I grow up or win the powerball, one of the first things I'm gonna do is get me a little piece of paradise and a boat. I'd love to spend several months of the year over there. But for now I'll just keep dreaming and planning for the next two week adventure...

Posted : March 24, 2007 3:50 pm
(@St. Thomas)
Posts: 1

Thanks for all of the responses! I love hearing about other peoples experiences! Keep them coming! 🙂

Posted : March 24, 2007 5:43 pm
Posts: 1

Parcel of Land is located in Upper Carolina, overlooking Coral Bay. It's parcel 6-3-116, currently listed with Marc Miller at Town & Country. We are in the process of lowering the price to $329K, but haven't made it to a fax machine to send the price change. It's .5 acre parcel. The adjacent parcels are listed for around $390-$450/ that ball park.

Posted : March 24, 2007 5:52 pm
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

Just hit Crystal's name and you can e-mail her! Good Luck! 🙂

Nice stories everyone! Since I live here, I can't contribute to them. What a great idea St. Thomas!

Posted : March 24, 2007 5:56 pm
Posts: 1

Chris @ Work, your message got me teary-eyed. My husband and I are both only children and grew up with divorced parents. I have never really had a relationship with my father and while my husband and his father were close, he unfortunately passed away in 2004. We are both very close to our mothers, though. His used to be a travel agent, and mine frequently allowed me to travel with my grandparents on business trips, during which I got to see almost the entire United States. That being said, having many children and showing them the world is hugely important to is a long-lasting positive relationship. Reading your story just reminded me how much I'm looking forward to experiencing life with our future family.

Congratulations on your upcoming anniversary, the entrance of your youngest into college and the wedding of your daughter...such big life events for you and your wife!!! It all sounds so wonderful from my tiny family perspective 🙂

Posted : March 24, 2007 6:12 pm
Posts: 1138
Noble Member

OK Sherri...back atcha

Since you live in our favorite vacation spot, where do you go on vacation?

Posted : March 24, 2007 10:17 pm
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

Chris @ Work,
Truth is, I only make the trip back home (upstate NY) to visit family and to go shopping up there in what I call Fantasy Land! To me, this really isn't a vacation any more. SO, I have decided that the next trip I make will be to somewhere I have never been. My Fiance' has children in Alaska, so I am hoping to make the next trip with him up there! Would love to take an Alaskan cruise or something like that!
I have to admit, I like tropical destinations the most. Would love to go to Madagascar (sp?) or something like that! 🙂

Posted : March 25, 2007 7:16 am
Posts: 1138
Noble Member

Alaska is on my wish list as well. If you go, tell me how you liked the cruise.

Posted : March 25, 2007 12:37 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

We've only been to St. Thomas and St. John once and we will be back May 12th for a week with friends.

Some of my favorite places to go are:

Sanibel Island, Florida
The Keys...of course
Grand Cayman was really nice
And during the summer we have a place in North Wildwood, NJ

North Wildwood can get kind of crazy, but they have great beaches..

Posted : March 25, 2007 1:09 pm
Posts: 1

My wife and I went to the Westin in St John for our Honeymoon in July 2003. We have been back to either STT or STJ five (5) times since then. I know there may be other places in the world, but I have never took to a place like STJ ever in my life!! Things I always wanted to do or see suddenly revolved around STJ after I visited there. I have been to Ireland twice, Canada (if that counts), and many places on the east coast down to Florida. So, I haven't seen as much as there as to in the scheme of things.

However, I don't need to anymore. I have never felt more relaxed, in my place, somewhere different, where I was meant to be (whatever you want to call it) -- ever. And to find that feeling I believe is invaluable! The most enjoyable vacations and times with my wife holds its place there also -- I never feel as happy then eating at the Lime Inn and daydreaming the hours away with a drink a High Tide (former Rumbayala). If I could, I would definitely spend as much time down there as possible. I cannot think of all the words to describe how much I enjoy everything down there. We go down for about a week each year, but went twice in 2004. I eat up my vacation time. I can't wait to go back.

There is the perfect combination of modern conveniences and seclusion on STJ, with a taste of something cosmopolitan next door in STT and total seclusion in the BVI. STJ with those options is perfect.

Posted : March 25, 2007 1:14 pm
Posts: 68
Trusted Member

I went down in 1999 on what was supposed to be a vacation with 2 other couples. At the last minute, one couple was transferred, my husband had to go to Europe on business, and the other couple divorced. We were living in CLEVELAND, ugh!! so I had to go somewhere with sun. We cancelled our villa rental and I booked into the Westin. One day during my stay, I took the timeshare presentation and immediately bought a 3 bedroom villa (contingent on my husband's liking the place - they gave us 90 days to cancel, and an explorer package to come back). We've been back every year since, with the exception of 2003 when our pet was ill. We even bought an additional week last year. Our now five year old daughter refers to the timeshare as her "island" house, and the count down to departure starts almost as soon as Christmas is over. She also likes Disney (once a year for the last two years), but when told we only wanted to take one vacation this year - she chose her "island house". We're wheels up May 5.


Posted : March 25, 2007 8:06 pm
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