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Passports - AGAIN!

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Passports - AGAIN!

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Gang - what is the word on passports when going to USVI to BVI and back? I tried to schedule the "2 week expedite" appointment for a passport, but the only available appointments are beyond my travel date. This, my 8 yr old will not have a passport for this trip. Are we stuck in the USVI? (sooooo bummed). I hope this helps others to know that the wait for passports is not what it used to be. Get one early - you cannot rely on the expedite process!

Posted : February 14, 2007 9:14 pm
Posts: 110
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Blu, Blu, Blu...*heavy sigh and a chuckle* I just patched up that hole in the drywall. Why do you do this? I know, I haven't posted in a while, thought you'd draw me out huh? 😉

Oh, and to answer your question...I don't have a clue. But I'm sure you'll get at least 5 different answers. Good luck!

Posted : February 15, 2007 1:13 am
Posts: 563
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Hi BluWater:

Everyone will need their passport to re-enter the U.S.V.I. from the B.V.I. - in other words, the restriction comes from our side due to the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative, not the B.V.I.

Everyone, even infants, can U believe it? 'Tis tru, Blu...

Posted : February 15, 2007 2:57 am
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A.Davis, good to hear from you - and thank you for clearning that up for me. So, no passport, no re-entry from the BVI. 🙁 Guess we'll be missing the Baths this year.

Richmond - I know. So sorry. I'm certain that A.Davis is giving the correct info on this one. Hope you haven't re-opened that hole 😉

Posted : February 15, 2007 4:23 am
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My son's passport , which needed to be corrected, came in 4 weeks. I don't think the wait times are that much longer now. The good news is I don't think he is going to need the passport, anyway. The new travel initiative clearly states that passports are not need if traveling by water until next year. Please read it carefully. I have also corresponded with New Horizons II and they verified the fact that you can still visit the BVI without a passport, just using birth certificate with raised seal and a photo i.d. I hope you don't give up on visiting the BVI's. You can contact the service you would use to visit the BVI and see what they say.

Posted : February 15, 2007 8:13 am
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Here we go again.......

Last year we went on the New Horizons and they asked for a passport. This year, our airline...usair, told me on the phone to bring passports to the airport for our flight. I'm just not taking any chances at all, especially with this crew that I have going.

Do you need a passport if you decide to swim from the Baths to St. Thomas?

Posted : February 15, 2007 8:28 am
Posts: 230
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Just so you know you DO NOT need a passport to enter and return from the BVI if you are coming by boat until 2008, or car if you are taking the tunnel. Passport law only effects AIR travel. However, many charter companies are requiring them regardless, since there is so much misinformation out there, thus the large lump on Richmond's head.


Q. What impact does recent legislation have on the date of implementation for the land and sea phase?

While recent legislative changes may permit a later deadline, both the Departments of State and Homeland Security are working to put all requirements in place to implement the land and sea phase by the original deadline of January 1, 2008. Advance notice will be provided to enable the public meet the land/sea border requirement.

Posted : February 15, 2007 8:50 am
(@Matt B)
Posts: 1

A. Davis has no idea what he is talking about... when are people actually going to read the ENTIRE WHTI before telling others what it says?

The passport requirement in PHASE ONE (which took place 01/23/07) restricts AIR TRAVEL ONLY. The SECOND PHASE restricts water travel. The SECOND PHASE does not begin until 01/01/08. There are currently NO NEW restrictions for water travel. You can go to and from the BVI's WITHOUT A PASSPORT. All you need is valid picture identification and a raised seal (original or certified) birth certificate. For a child under age 16 (i think its 16) no photo id is needed.

And before anyone tries to argue I did a day trip to virgin gorda for the day on 01/26/07 with only my photo id and birth certificate.

For anyone who wants to read the ENTIRE thing (which would be nice so you quit scaring people) check this link. This is the final rule.

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:12 am
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I clicked Stu's link and it DOES state that the the passports are only required for AIR travel, not by land or sea. So, I called the USVI Customs and Border Protection office for entry by sea. They let me speak directly with a US customs inspector, who took the time to make sure he clearly understood my question (he was very nice - and asked me to repeat my question twice so that he was certain he understood)....which was: "if I am a US Citizen and I travel from the USVI to the BVI and want to return to the USVI, what documents do I need to re-enter by SEA"? He clearly stated that a possport is NOT required, at this point, for sea entry. A passport is only required for AIR travel right now. For entry by sea or land, proof of citizenship is required, but may be a raised seal birth cert and proper photo ID. He agreed that there is a lot of confusion on the topic.

Ok, I am going to test this. If I get stuck in the BVI, I'll be taking one for this team! 😉

I thank everyone who posted the links to the Dept of State pages. After reading them, it is clear that a passport isn't needed. I didn't realize that AIR was being treated differently from Land and Sea, for now. I'm perfectly pleased that my daughter and I can visit the BVI during our trip. She'll be so excited to hear it! She was bummed when I told her that we couldn't visit the "rocks"...(her name for the Baths). Once again, this forum comes through!

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:12 am
Posts: 563
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Well, I'll be... I sit corrected.

We have been recommending to all of our guests that they get passports for BVI travel, as some of our boating companies have been requiring them. Here is the text from the State Department:

January 1, 2008 – It is anticipated that on January 1, 2008, U.S. citizens traveling between the U.S. and Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda by land or sea (including ferries), may be required to present a valid U.S. passport or other documents as determined by the Department of Homeland Security. While recent legislative changes may permit a later deadline, both the Departments of State and Homeland Security are working to put all requirements in place by the original deadline. Advance notice will be provided to enable the public meet the land/sea border requirement.

I will repeat what I have said in earlier posts, the carrier is the final determinant of whether a passport will be required, but I must admit, I have been wholesale recommending passports without regard to method of transport due to not differentiating amongst them.

I am sorry, for any misunderstanding my oversight has caused. But, I still continue to recommend the passport. We are headed in that direction, for travel outside the United States and its territories.

But, this is good news for you, Blu! Just be sure to check with your boating company before you reserve!

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:12 am
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A. Davis, Yes, it is great news, isn't it? (happy dance)

Actually, I think you might be overlooking the year in your post. The date is 2008 - not 2007. Is that the confusion?

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:20 am
Posts: 563
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Honestly, I tell people to check with their carrier ever since the notification came out.

I did a poll - one ferry company requires passports, 2 say it is preferred, and the other 2 are flexible:

Transportation Services: PASSPORT REQUIRED
Inter Island Boat Services: PASSPORT PREFERRED

I did not not the differentiation between air and sea, not so much the year!

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:32 am
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Thanks for the poll, A. Davis. I wonder how Transportation Services can get away with requiring US citizens to operate under passport laws that are not supported by Dept of State. I know that private companies can do whatever they want - but this is more of a government issue and why would they enforce a rule that isn't active with the government?

Do you know which ferries they run?

Posted : February 15, 2007 9:41 am
Posts: 563
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A couple of airlines do it, too. Even into the U.S. Virgin Islands.

That's the miracle of living in the U.S. of A. - folks can run their businesses as they choose.

I have had my passport for ages because it is the most definitive proof of citizenship currently accepted. Birth certificates and driver licenses CAN be faked, but a passport is forever... or, at least, 10 years or so.

Posted : February 15, 2007 10:05 am
Posts: 1

Let us know if you make it back to the USVI with no problems Blu. We were wanting to go to BVI but just assumed the passport issue would keep us from it.

Posted : February 15, 2007 10:13 am
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I'm sure it'll be fine. I have a Passport. It is my 8 yr old who doesn't.

Posted : February 15, 2007 10:54 am
Posts: 110
Estimable Member

This is all just an elaborate ruse by Blu to get "stranded" in STT. Don't let her charm fool you! And using your child as an accomplice, you should be ashamed! hahahaha


Posted : February 15, 2007 7:32 pm
Posts: 460
Honorable Member

wish I'd thought of that Blu!

I cant wit for your trip rpeot!
I've had so mcuh cruzna rum creme this evening that I can't type without mispellign! soryy!

Posted : February 15, 2007 7:37 pm
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Yeah, I can think of worse things than being stranded in the BVI!!!

MG, I had forgotten about our rum creme sisterhood! I'll be in your shoes in 48 hours. I drank the last of my rum creme months ago - and need more NOW!

Posted : February 15, 2007 8:05 pm
Posts: 460
Honorable Member

Rum creme sisterhood! I like that. Think of me blu, up here in WV while your listenin' to the wave's and sippin yuor rum crmeme (oops ccrmem, shit cnat get it right) and I'm here sufferin the cold 9degree nights. Today was hubby's 55th b-day and I celebrated more htan he did! ha! doens rum crme give you a headache in the morning?

Have a safe trip blu! we'l be thinkin about ya next week! gotta lay of the booze and lose 20lbs by April!

70 some days til wheels up!

Posted : February 15, 2007 8:29 pm
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