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Hello everyone!

As some of you know, I've been checking out this board for MONTHS in anticipation of my first trip to the VI's. We are staying at Secret Harbour and traveling with another couple (best friends of ours). Have rented a midsize car thru Hotwire for a total of $204. I am finally going to start packing TODAY! Have waited for this moment for so long. I have starved myself for months too, to get ready for this trip haha! I have made my packing list, have printed up PAGES of stuff from the internet and this message board, and I am PSYCHED!

ANYHOO, I have a somewhat stuped question. If I am wearing flip flops (or sandles) while traveling, do I still have to take them off to go thru security? I hate the thoughts of stepping thru security barefooted, and someone has mentioned to me that if you have on flip flops, you don't have to remove them. Just thought I'd ask - I know someone here will have an answer for me!

thanks! 🙂

Posted : April 12, 2007 10:02 am
Posts: 519
Honorable Member

Yes, you'll have to take them off. Very strict on this.

Glad your time in the sun is finally here! Have a great time and be sure to give us all the details!

Posted : April 12, 2007 10:31 am
Posts: 285
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Yes, you most definitely have to remove all shoes. If you're wearing flip-flops, I'd bring socks to put on through security. There are SO many germs to pick up in that area - - gross!

Posted : April 12, 2007 10:40 am
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well that answers that question! I'll pack all flip flops and wear tennis shoes with socks. that would save room anyhow, since the tennis shoes take up more space. I was going to bring them in case I would want to do alot of walking (shopping), so I'll just wear them down. I have 5 different pairs of flip flops to bring - is that overpacking 🙂

Posted : April 12, 2007 11:00 am
Posts: 41
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We're leaving one day ahead of you for our first trip as well! I've travelled with those thick soled sandals and had to take them off and have 'em x-rayed - I might've hollowed out the sole and put something in there! Kinda hard to imagine doing this with my little size 6's LOL. But I don't mess with the TSA! No underwire bras, easy-off shoes, no belts, no pocket change and no carry on liquids and I breeze right through. Although this trip, I'll have my laptop and that always seems to slow things down a wee bit. As an FYI - if you ever travel with high heels pack into your carry-on bag (prolly not to STT/STJ!), you'll probably have to open the bag for inspection as they often have a metal shank and it looks rather suspicious in the bag scanner.

We're staying at a rental apartment on the North Shore, rented a compact car from Budget and will be celebrating our anniversary for the entire week. I sent my grocery list to our landlord George and he'll have a cold bottle of bubbly waiting for us! Woooohooooooo.......

Posted : April 12, 2007 11:23 am
Posts: 238
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I hope you first timers have an amazing trip! I am sure you will. We want to hear all about it when you return!

Posted : April 12, 2007 11:34 am
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that's great, I didn't realize it was your first trip also. Unreal about the shoe thing, but no, I won't be packing any high heels! When we flew to Florida a couple months ago, I saw many (mostly young girls) with flip flops on and I wondered hummm, maybe that's handier if you didn't have to take them off. Never saw them actually go thru security, just waiting to board. I have "easy off" tennis shoes (that's what I've always called them) that will be handy enough. I did actually forget about wearing underwire bras tho, thanks for the reminder!

If you decide to have a lunch or dinner at Blue Moon Cafe (secret harbour), look us up. (I'll send you a PM)

Posted : April 12, 2007 11:46 am
Posts: 1

Yes, in Dec I had to take off my flip flops! Tennis shoes could end up being more practical if you have to mad dash for a connecting flight. Did that once in Ft Lauderdale & thanked God I had on tennis shoes. Or if they change your gate and you have to walk a mile or two & are not used to wearing flip flops yet....Of course maybe you luck out with a direct flight 🙂
Have a great time & we will be watching for your report! Have a Cruzan vanilla & coke for me:)

Posted : April 12, 2007 12:10 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

Mountaineer.....I'm a flip flop fanatic...i swear i must have 100 pairs. I have a hard time deciding which ones to bring, so i bring the most comfortable ones first, then i narrow down by color...always need black ones, blue ones, tan ones and then i have to makes sure i have my brown and pink reefs...then there's always the cheap old navy ones for around the pool.

Does this confuse you??? lol

Posted : April 12, 2007 12:13 pm
Posts: 41
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Since we're on the subject of shoes, should I bring a pair of water shoes/sandals?

Posted : April 12, 2007 12:34 pm
Posts: 25
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3 days behind you Mountaineer - This will be our first trip to the USVI as well ! We are getting married there on the 24th. SOOOOO much to do, only 8 days there. We have something planned for every day, but not every day is full. Looking forward to a little do what we feel like doing at the time. We are soooooooooo excited !

Posted : April 12, 2007 1:04 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

Yes, I would bring water shoes. I always do when I go snorkeling off of a beach, or if my feet will be wet. Just convenient.

As far as sandals....bring them too. But, not fancy ones because it's laid back in the islands.

Posted : April 12, 2007 2:25 pm
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I bought cheap water shoes at Wal-Mart for swimming/snorkeling. They even match one of my swimsuits! I found out that water shoes can stink pretty bad after a week, so I get cheap one and will probably toss them before we come home. Actually mine usually doesn't stink - its hubby's! 🙂

cocosmom - no we don't have direct flights. We're flying from Columbus to Newark, to STT. You're right about having to run thru the airport - done that before when our flight was put in a holding pattern for an hour and then we had to run to our connecting flight. so, flip flops at the airport would be a stupid idea.

Another thought - I was going to pack a cooler for when we go to STJ for a day, then decided it would be more practical to just buy drinks/food at Trunk Bay. We can pack a few frozen bottles of water in the beach bag. I think taking a cooler down just for that would be a waste of space and not necessary. Opinions?

Posted : April 12, 2007 3:18 pm
Posts: 41
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Does your accommodations provide you with a cooler? Our rental is making life easy by providing towels, beach chairs and a cooler for our use. Otherwise you can find a very nice, soft-side cooler at REI that can fit into your suitcase.

Posted : April 12, 2007 3:30 pm
Posts: 403
Reputable Member

You guys will have a great time! I can't wait to hear your trip reports!

BTW, what's the deal with the underwire bras...are they not allowed anymore? When I flew last year, it wasn't a problem. I didn't get buzzed in the security walk-through either.

Posted : April 13, 2007 10:27 am
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I have only flown once since last year, and I cannot remember what kind of bra I had on, but I didn't get buzzed. I do remember people saying you shouldn't wear one, but I had forgotten about that. Hubby says Go bra-less! uh, NO!

Churchof one - we are staying at Secret Harbour and I don't think they provide you with coolers. Towels and chairs are available on their beach, none to take elsewhere. That's ok, I think rather than drag one around to STJ, we'll just grab something to eat at the snack bars. Both Trunk and Cinnamon have snack bars I think. We'll just bring some H20. Most of the time, we'll be limin at SH's beach!

....the sun and the sand, and a drink in my hand...with NO BOTTOM! (just gettin' a little psyched here :))

Posted : April 13, 2007 12:40 pm
Posts: 91
Estimable Member

This thread is making me sooooo jealous! I can remember the excitement of my first trip down last summer and i can feel it all over again reading your posts!!! We loved being able to get drinks, etc at both Trunk and Cinnamon so that is a good plan and way better than dragging a cooler. We took our chairs one day and then didn't after that just because we didn't want to have to carry them. We were happy with our towels and found a comfy place under some tree branches at Trunk, but then we weren't much for sitting on the beach we were more likely to be found snorkeling or sitting at the water's edge. Yall just have a wonderful trip and come back with long detailed trip reports to remind us why we loved it so...

Posted : April 13, 2007 3:06 pm
Posts: 403
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I'm with CruzBayB...I'm getting jealous! 😉 Take lots of pics for us! 😉

Posted : April 13, 2007 3:39 pm
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I do plan on taking lots of pics, but I won't have any good underwater ones. I just bought a couple disposable underwater cameras, so I know those won't be so good. I do have a good regular camera tho. since this is my first trip, I didn't want to spring for underwater casing. If I really like snorkeling and come back again (which I have already planned to do heehee) then I may buy an underwater case for my camera.

catmanok - congrats on your upcoming wedding!! where will it be? Don't plan too much, you'll want a few days to chill out. We plan on going to Jost for a day (by ferry) and STJ for a day. Maybe shop for an afternoon, but that's about it. I would like to see if the others with us would like to do a sunset cruise or something. But everytime I say hey let's do this, hubby starts freaking out that I'm planning too much and he won't be able to lay on the beach like a beached whale. 🙂

Posted : April 13, 2007 5:50 pm
Posts: 1

mountaineer girl
the sun and the sand, and a drink in my hand...with NO BOTTOM! (just gettin' a little psyched here )

Love it, too bad Kenny started his tour last won't run into him.
Have a great trip & eat at Joe's BBQ for me..... can taste those ribs. mmmmmmmm

Posted : April 13, 2007 8:13 pm
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