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(@Brooke Masino)
Posts: 1

*My husband and I will be vacationing in St. Thomas in January. What is there to do with our three year old? I know about Coral World and the Submarine...anything else?
Thank you, in advance, for your response.

Posted : December 30, 2005 9:13 pm
Posts: 1

On St. John -
go to Miss Lucy's at the far end of the island for lunch, kids like the goats which roam freely.

Posted : December 30, 2005 10:24 pm
Posts: 134
Estimable Member

I went on the Atlantis submarine just a few weeks ago and it was REALLY cool! On the other hand, it might not be appropriate for a three-year old, unless yours is particularly quiet. The interior of the submarine is reached via a somewhat wet and slippery ladder (it IS a submarine and they DO get wet!). The interior has steel bench running the length of the craft, and passengers are seated according to weight and are expected to STAY IN THEIR SEAT while the submarine is moving so as not to upset the sub's trim. Since the sub is a small, metal, enclosed craft, any noise is a loud noise. This is a real sub, not like the ones at Disney world that run on underwater train tracks. The boat that takes you out to the sub DOES have free rum punch. It would probably make an excellent tranquilizer! If not for your three-year old, for you and Dad!

Posted : December 31, 2005 10:16 am
Posts: 1

I'll be a jerk here maybe, but I do have two kids of my own. Last I remember, 3 years old, with no memory past about 1 month, like to splash in the water and dig in the sand and drink alot of juice. Do you really want to spend time and money dragging a little kid around to tourist attractions that will hold minimal interest for them and which they won't remember? Take the 3 year old back when she/he is old enough to cope with the new surroundings and will maybe remember what they saw and why they liked it. The Miss Lucy's suggestion is totally on target. The goats are a blast and your little one will have a ball chasing them around and climbing the rocks on the beach while you enjoy your drinks and food. Let her/him stand in the water and watch the fish surround the little feet. Put sugar on the deck edge of your villa or hotel room and let her/him watch the banana quits fly down and peck at the sugar. Watch the pelicans together as they dive bomb the water looking for fish. Load the sweetie up with sunscreen, a good hat and sunglasses and go play at the beach. Anything else is a waste of money and effort IF your desire is to please the child. If you want something for yourself and your spouse that is child friendly, that's a whole 'nutha story and you should cruise through the message board to find where folks have gone. (Just avoid those horrific captured dolphin places unless you want to expose your child to sick, trapped animals.) We took our kids twice, camping at Maho Bay on STJ, starting at age 6 and 9 and they remember land crabs, the water, snorkling, boat rides etc, mostly the animals that crossed their paths.

Posted : December 31, 2005 2:12 pm
Posts: 134
Estimable Member

I went to Disney World a few years ago, and can STILL remember an exhausted Mom on the monorail from someplace to someplace else whopping her about three-year-old and obviously exhausted child and screaming at him "GAWDARNET (or something less acceptable) "we paid $$$$ for this trip , and by GAWD you're gonna ENJOY IT!"

Karie's comments are appropriate. It seems that we're trying to cram too much too fast into our kid's lives. The Virgin Islands are a cool place to visit but they are NOT a theme park.

Had you considered having Grandma watch three-year-old while you and Dad have some quality time to yourself?

Posted : December 31, 2005 3:10 pm
Posts: 844
Prominent Member

My daughter and her kids were here in November and all the girls (3 & 6) wanted to do was sit on the beach with pails and shovels. Our most difficult task was keeping their sunscreen and hats on.

Oh, they did get some culture -- we went to see the beer drinking pigs. The oldest remembered them from last time and that was her first question off the airplane.

About sunscreen. I cannot emphasis too strongly how careful you need to be about the sun. Even in the shade, the reflected sunlight can do great damage to tender young skin, especially my two blondies.

Posted : January 1, 2006 6:24 am
Posts: 763
Prominent Member

I would tend to agree with most in that the water activites will be the highlight. I do think a three year old will have memories later in life, but most will be around the water, animals seen, and maybe the ferry ride over to STJ.

You may find the beaches in STJ more kid friendly only because there is anbudance of shade. This will allow the family to stay on the beach longer. Honeymoon, Maho, and Trunk come to mind. Trunk can get pretty crowded with Cruise ship folks, but that means there will be other kids to play with while mom & dad get sun time. Megan's bay on STT also has shade and lots of cruise ship kids to play with.

The birds, mongoose, and iguanas are always an interesting to watch.

Recommend you get your child one of those quick dry surfer shirts - great sun protection.

The one thing I would definitely say is do not drag the child downtown shopping. It will definitely be the worst day of your life.

Take your child, lots of film, and sunscreen and enjoy family time. I know there is a picture that will be captured that you will always hold close and say that was a great vacation when you were little.

Posted : January 1, 2006 10:22 am
Posts: 63
Trusted Member

Brooke - you probably have already arranged for your child to go since you are going this month - so the option of not taking her is probably just that, not an option. We took our children at their youngest at 4 years old and it was basically all about sand and water... we didn't take them back until 12 and 18 - much more fun - didn't have to watch them like hawks... with that said...I don't really have other suggestions, but just to reinforce that you need lots of sunscreen, one of those floatie type vests (so you don't have to constantly worry about them drowning) and cooler of drinks, snacks and sand toys! You'll have a great trip - I'm sure you love being with your child - I do too, they make it fun - I guess it's just the fact that when they are 3 you can't relax very much... Have a GREAT time!

Posted : January 1, 2006 10:23 am
Posts: 872
Prominent Member

The entire family might enjoy the Paradise Point Tram ride, because they have bird shows at 10:30 and 1:30. The views at sunset are spectacular (though that doesn't coincide too well with the bird show!), and there's a "nature trail" where you'll probably see other birds (I've seen hummingbirds).

Posted : January 4, 2006 6:17 pm
Posts: 16
Active Member

I totally second the idea of just "beaching" it! We took our two year old last year, and that was the best part. Just letting him enjoy being with us in the water. I definetely do not regret taking him. It was work, but it was worth it. We took him on a daysail, and he could have given a rat's patootie about anything but being outside.
I am going back next week (YIPEE!!) and leaving him and my 7 year old here at home. It will be a totally different type of vacation ( I rarely leave my children) but one I am looking forward to.
Just relax, have fun, and enjoy watching your 3 yr old see new things. Kai,my son, was a JOY when we were there! and he is usually a TERROR!!! We called him "Island Kai" as opposed to "Hurricane Kai!"

Posted : January 4, 2006 6:41 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

I am another "always take the children" vacationer. My parents always took me and my brother and I always take mine. Each time I start to feel like I should have left them behind with nana and pop-pop, some mom comes over and tells me how much she misses her children and how much she thinks they would have enjoyed it based on the other children around. Ahhh....parents....damned if you do, damned if you don't.

My D7 has been going to STT/STJ since she was 1. I recall her favorites at 3 being:

1. Water and Sand play on any beach (Megans Bay and Secret Harbour are especially calm with gradual entries)

2. Having lunch with the "Dinosaurs" at Sapphire's Pool Grill (where there are plenty of iguanas a.k.a Dinosaurs)

3. Coral World

4. Standing in the shallow water and feeding the fish at Coki

5. Walking out along the right side of Megan's Bay in the shallow water and looking for starfish in those rocks along the right side of the peninsula.

6. Walking along the marina boardwalk at Sapphire and looking under the boards for land crabs (just kneel down and look over on the land side - not the water side of the boardwalk). The crabs are always there.

7. Shelling at Hull Bay

8. Crab Races at Sapphire (for children)

9. Children's Calypso show at Sapphire (Madame Voodoo show)

10. Watching the planes come in from (memory slip) whatever that beach is under the landing area at the airport

11. Ice Cream at Udder Delight

Posted : January 5, 2006 12:08 am

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