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Day 4 - BVI Boat Trip!! The Highlight

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Day 4 - BVI Boat Trip!! The Highlight

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ay 4 – the Big Excursion

Today is the big day…6 of us (me, Geoff and all the kids (including the BIG kids) are going on Born to Rhumb with Landlockedbeachlover, her hubby and their two kids. Mom and dad were off to Tortola for the next 2 weeks. We said goodbye to them the night before.

Got up early and everyone had breakfast. Everyone was excited and read yon time, without any prodding. LLBL and I had spoken the day before and all we knew was that we were to meet the boat at the “old national park dock in red hook”. We decided that we’d park in red Hook, walk to the docks and ask which dock was the old national park dock. Seemed easy, right? We parked at the $10 parking lot above Marina Market and walked down with plenty of time to spare. We approached the Nauti Nymph desk and asked where the old national park dock was. “oh! That’s waaay over there, across the bay!” …he pointed across the water to a dock that had to be reached by driving over to the other side. Ok, so everyone quickly walked back up the hill to our parking spot and we wondered if we’d get our money back. They guy at the lot saw us coming and said “uh oh!! What’s wrong??” and we told him about our problem. He said “no problem…and handed us back out $10 before we even asked…..nice guys up there, always have good experiences with them….very professional. You don’t even have to walk to the ferry dock, they’ll take in you a van and be there to pick you up when you step off of the ferry and take you back up the little hill.

Ok, so we quickly drove to the “Old National Park Dock”, parked and saw that our boat was the only one sitting there…..with Captain Kevin and First Mate Stephanie eagerly greeting us. LLBL and family were not yet there, and we suspected they’d met the same fate with the dock confusion. After tossing out flip-flops into a bin and stowing our gear, we all lathered on the sunblock and got acquainted with our hosts for the day. LLBL soon called Kevin’s cell and said they were on their way…same confusion as us. Soon, they boarded, we met for the first time (gotta love this forum) and were off. LLBL wore a bright yellow cowgirl hat, 2 braids in her hair and looked ready for a day of BVI fun. Her hubby has quite a history with the VI and a really friendly and laid-back attitude. Perfect couple with whom to travel!

Stephanie whipped out a waterproof map and showed us where we were going. LLBL and I had discussed and charted our own course beforehand. STT to Virgin Gorda for the baths, then Jost for lunch at Soggy Dollar and swim in White Bay, then Sandy Cay for the sheer thrill of saying we’d been….and back to STT. We’d originally wanted to visit the Bubbly Pool on the other side of Jost, but heard that the calm summer waters were not making it very bubbly these days. So, we skipped it in favor of experiencing it during a winter visit.

Kevin stopped the boat at points of interest and told us tales of celeb homes and such. The boat (Kevin) was really doing a fantastic job cutting through the chop so that the boat was steady and even-keeled. But, we were really moving fast. Perfect for th 1.5 hr trip. It would have been longer without the power of this craft.

On board, we had soda, beer, water and painkillers later in the day. There was a HUGE chest in the middle of the deck and we were welcomed to as much has we liked. There was more than enough for even the heaviest of drinkers.

It was a beautiful morning on the water and good friendships were in the making kid were 9,9,9,11 (+18,20 son and his GF).

We all handed in our IDs and passports when people had them (they were NOT necessary…state ID was fine -- Geoff had US Citizen papers after coming in from Jamaica…no passport. I just knew we’d be leaving him on Virgin Gorda where he’d meet an island-bunny and live out his life scuba diving and bone-fishing.). Everyone was fine.

We pulled into Spanish Town, VG and Stephanie was sen to clear customs while the rest of us grabbed muffins at a little bakery that LLBL’s husband knew about from his former boat charter days. Yummy, yummy!! Darn, I don’t know the name of it.

After about 40 mins, we were back on the boat and heading to the Baths. I wish we could have been dropped at the Baths to swim in while Customs was cleared….but this is how we did it this time. Maybe that is not allowed anymore. I didn’t ask.

At the Baths, Kevin pulled in pretty far and the swim was nothing. Everyone, including the kids, swam in with no problem. Kevin had boogie boards for the kids, which they used, but probably didn’t need for the brief swim. It was fun.

Geoff had a new underwater housing for his camera. This was his fist underwater housing experience with this camera and the underwater pics didn’t come out too clear…but I’ll show you a sample. If you see a spot on the picture when we are not underwater, that’s salt. Yes, who knew that you had to clean the camera housing after coming up. Lesson learned.

We crawled, climbed, crouched……all through the baths. By now, the kids were well acquainted and running ahead, together….parents were trying to keep up, while savoring the Baths experience. I found one new passage…..a belly crawl space. I popped up on the other side and the kids were amazed…”Hey! How’d you get here?”. We all felt the years of experience and reservation melting away. We were kids….all of us. Son and his GF ventured off to the more “swimmy” way around…out in the water that surrounds the Baths…in the exterior grottos. Every now and then, they’d peek into a room that we were in…but they were on the water side and we’d entered from the Land side.

Eventually, we made it through. Everyone swam in the waters at the beach on the other side.

Oh, while inside, LLBL and I heard and saw larger boat charters coming through. I won’t name them….but they were yelling “all XXXXX boat charter people, we’re now moving on!”…and large groups would come trudging past is in formation. LLBL and I looked t each other, made wide eyes, and shook our heads… WAY, would we like that.

See the woman at the bottom of this photo to get a size of the boulders.....

Ok, so eventually, we all headed back to the starting point…going backwards through the Baths. When we reached the other side, we were supposed to snorkel. But, somehow, everyone wound up on the boat and my son and his GF were still somewhere at the baths. I knew they thought we’d be snorkeling, since that’s what we’d told them we were heading off to do, so I had to go and get them. Geoff and I swam back in and trudged and called all along the Baths trail….no kids…..Kevin and the boat were motoring along the outside of the boulders…no kids. Finally, Geoff and I went back to the starting point and found the big kids on the boat, painkillers in hand! Geoff and I had really been speeding through the Baths on two separate paths, so we were tired and thirsty. Kevin came close and we swam onto the boat as first make Stephanie handed us freshly made painkillers. Everyone was smiling, so, too, did we.

We were off for Jost! Coasting again…..emerald islands on all sides, sapphire blue water beneath….and the vibe becoming more like a party. The kids discovered the salon, while grown-ups lounged on deck cushions. Painkillers continued…and continued…and we were on our way to the Soggy Dollar, where the painkiller was invented. Oh boy!

We pulled into White Bay and got close, again. When we jumped off, we could just about stand up. Went ashore and ordered the beach bbq meal from Soggy Dollar….very good and grilled fresh. And, of course, painkillers.

After eating, our group went into the water at White Bay and just hung out. Geoff and I walked down the beach and found ourselves walking over the little hill to see Ivan’s. I’ve heard about it, but never visited. We’d left the little kid with the older kids and we’d not said anything about where we were going, but we went anyway.

We got to peek inside the cottages at Ivans… a sleepy little cottage campground on White Bay. Famed for the lazy nature of the place, and the quaint little cottages on the prettiest beach in the Caribbean. We found a man asleep in a chair under a tree,and we think it was Ivan. A lady was sitting on a reclined lounger on the beach, reading. She raised her head and smiled as we passed. The only other soul we encountere was a housekeeper, who was coming out of a cottage with mop and pail. She greeted us and let us look inside. “Yes”, we agreed, we could spend a week there.

Back across the hill, in our bare feet, Geoff and I joked out each other being “tenderfoot”…after he’d spent a childhood in Jamaica and I’d spent part of a childhood on St Thomas. This hill, I’ve been told, used to have a clothes hamper on both sides, filled with old flip flops that could have been used and replaced in the other hamper once you’d crossed. But, we were told that they were trying to “clean up” the beach area and had discarded the flip-flop hampers. We think they should bring them back. Some things just make sense.

Got back, swam and then Kevin signaled us that we needed to get to Sandy Cay if we wanted to spend any time there. So, we boarded again…and were off.

ByeBye White Bay...

By the time we reached Sandy Cay, we were feeling good and having fun. I jumped off the bow of the boat….lol…..and there’s a photo that I’m not sharing.

Most of us tried to climb a palm tree. We swam, Geoff snorkeled, kids really loved the coarse sand here. Sun was going down and we knew our day was coming to a close. We felt full of the BVI….and happy to have selected the right boat and the right people with whom to spend this day.

We all boarded and Kevin told us that we really needed to try to beat the ferry from Tortola to STJ customs. Otherwise, the wait would be much too long. Sure enough, we saw the ferry coming along the side of STJ. We were crossing and coming in on it’s right side. It was a race… vs. the ferry….and we were winning!! Yahoo!!

Chatting with First-mate Stephanie...

Then, we saw them……US Customs Border Patrol…..coming at us with lights flashing, Customs vests on, serious looking.

Kevin asked everyone to come on deck (kids were in the salon again) and he asked Stephanie to get the paperwork. Through my painkiller haze, I watched the Tortola ferry round the bend toward Cruz Bay….and the border patrol was coming right up next to us…and someone said “they’re going to board”……

More tomorrow........... 😉

Posted : July 12, 2007 11:56 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

You are suh a big tease! Lol!

Posted : July 13, 2007 12:08 am
Posts: 122
Estimable Member

Absolutely fabulous report along with mouth watering pictures,,,,speaking of mouth watering,,,is the hunk climbing the palm tree,,,yours??? Go honey

Posted : July 13, 2007 6:36 am
Posts: 1036
Noble Member

Great report Blu - loving every minute 🙂


Posted : July 13, 2007 7:38 am
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Oh, fair to leave us hanging!
Can't wait to hear what happens next!

Posted : July 13, 2007 7:43 am
Posts: 1

Great pics! Gorgeous kids. I love your report.

Posted : July 13, 2007 7:45 am
Posts: 2026
Noble Member
Topic starter

Thanks guys. Sleeper, the "hunk" climbing the palm tress is my son. The girl with him in the other photos is his GF. The lady with me on the boat when the wind is whipping our hair is LLBL.Trying to keep the right pics with the right day. We took more pics after this more to come of us all.

Posted : July 13, 2007 8:06 am
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

Great Pics and sounds like you did have a relaxing day....:-)

Posted : July 13, 2007 8:13 am
Posts: 41
Eminent Member


So glad you guys went out with Captain Kevin. I just LOVE our BVI trips with him on Born to Rhumb! Can't wait to hear about your "brush with the law".

Posted : July 13, 2007 8:24 am
Posts: 81
Trusted Member

Those pics are beautiful! Were all those pics of the boulders at the Baths? We didn't leave St. John because it was our first trip and their was so much to see, but next time where going to do day trips! One thing I did learn? Next time I will bring my daughter a friend/cousin. I bet your daughter had a great time with her friend! Looking forward to more!

Posted : July 13, 2007 8:43 am
Posts: 403
Reputable Member

Oh, you can't leave us with that cliffhanger! LOL

Your kids are gorgeous!

Posted : July 13, 2007 9:30 am
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

OK Blu, you are putting the pressure on releasing my trip report! I'm just a little behind - - I promise next week! Great synopsis of the day - - what a pic of our "windswept" hair! Born To Rhumb was definitely the highlight of our trip as well and the girls just had SO much fun! I guess I'm the only one to know how the day ended 😉

Posted : July 13, 2007 9:35 am
Posts: 238
Reputable Member

Really great report Blu! I love the pic of your son and his GF on the boat. So cute! Looks like you guys had a blast.

Posted : July 13, 2007 11:08 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Hey there Blu!! I'm loving your reports and seeing your kids again!! Glad to read, and see, what fun, fun, fun you all are having and I can't wait to read about what the "coppers" wanted. LOL

Posted : July 13, 2007 6:48 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

Hey Blu....thanks for bringing back the great memories of Born to Rhumb. We loved that day and we were really sorry that we didn't book another day during our week long trip.

We did everything you did and it's definetly a day we will never forget.

Your pictures are beautiful! Thank you!

Posted : July 16, 2007 8:16 am
Posts: 1

Great pictures. I've been to St. John a couple times, I'm getting married there this August - can't wait! Can you please tell me what boat service you used? I can't remember who we used last time.

Loved reading your adventures.

Posted : July 16, 2007 10:09 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

christine...i'm sure blu will answer, but we also went on the same trip in May. Found Born to Rhumb and Captain Kevin from this message board.

His boat is fast and clean and he'll take you to basically anywhere you want to go, but you must be back to STJ and customs by 5:00 p.m. We went to the Baths, Jost Van Dyke, The Indians and Marina Cay. We also went somewhere else, but can't remember the name of the snorkeling spot.

They will either provide lunch for you, but we decided to bring our own sandwiches. Water, soda and beer are free and he has alot of it. Also, around lunch time he'll start making his batches of painkillers that were really good.

Very nice guy, excellent day trip. I would highly recommend it to anybody.

Posted : July 17, 2007 6:53 am
Posts: 403
Reputable Member

I think we'll have to do this the next time we go. But I think it would be more fun with lots of folks than just my husband and me. LOL

Posted : July 17, 2007 10:19 am
(@David of Cape Neddick)
Posts: 1

Wow Captain Kevin is a good friend of mine from Maine do you have his phone number. I'd love to surprise him with a call thanks David on STX

Posted : July 17, 2007 11:08 am
(@captain vic)
Posts: 1

Blu--need bail $$$?

Posted : July 17, 2007 11:09 am

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