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Day 3 - Snorkeling SH, Coki and Why I WON'T return to Molly's

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Day 3 - Snorkeling SH, Coki and Why I WON'T return to Molly's

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Day 3…

Today, Geoff and I decided it was time to get the kids into the water with their snorkel gear on. We had snorkel vests for them so that they would float better. They are both strong swimmers, but we didn’t know if they would really know how to relax and float on top without a bunch of kicking and stuff. After breakfast in the villa, we headed down the road to Secret Harbour, which was 5 minutes from the villa.

We followed the rules and didn’t use the chairs. We had our own beach blanket thing. The blanket history is a little funny because Geoff had been in Bed, Bath and Beyond a few weeks earlier and called to see if I wanted anything. I asked him to look for a “neat sheet”. He was like “uh, ok, but I have no idea what it is”…after checking with a few people and getting funny looks, he determined that a neat sheet was not in our future…but he insisted that he’d found something better. I, being the stubborn person that I am, was not confident that whatever he’d found would be anything like a neat sheet. Actually, it wasn’t…but it turned out to be a really nice beach blanket thing that folds up and turns into it’s own bag. It is also really pretty and colorful. I’m learning to be flexible….slowly….but learning.

Ok, so everyone was geared up and in we went. This is when the hand-holding began in the water and the girls wanted to snorkel 4 across, with them in the middle. We indulged them, hoping that they’d grow more comfortable and confident with time. They did really well and we went out pretty far. I’d never been out that far at SH and was surprised that the water is so shallow all the way out. We didn’t see anything major in terms of fish, but did get to see a good deal of interesting coral, huge sea uchins, large yellow-tail, parrotfish, etc….the usual. We stayed out for a good while until the girls said they were tired. We then came back to shore and let the girls build sandcastles. At some point, we grabbed lunch from the Blue Moon at ate it on our blanket.

the Gabbi's

My Gab snorkeling - she found an orchid on the ocean floor

I think it was around 3 when my parents called and said they were at Coki. We said we’d come over and join them. We packed up…and the older kids called and wanted us to take them from the villa to Burrito Bay. We did that and then went to Coki. Mom and dad were just about ready to go, but settled back down so they could hang out with us as the sun began to set. This is my favorite time at Coki…..after the ship people leave and the sun goes down a little. We opened our fantastic blanket again (smile) and my dad laid on it and fell asleep. The kids didn’t want to snorkel anymore, but Geoff and I did. Mom and dad agreed to watch our stuff while we went in. So, we snorkeled again – on the wall at the right side of Coki. I didn’t venture out too far this time, but wish I had.

Mom then called me over and said she and dad were leaving for Tortola the next morning, so she and dad wanted to take the girls to dinner so Geoff and I could get a night out by ourselves. At first, it sounded great. But, the girls protested because they wanted to go to Indigo and Mom and Dad were set on Molly Malones. Since we’d been to Molly’s the night before, the girls were groaning about that. In the end, Geoff and I decided that we were too to make a big deal of it, so we wouldn’t go out…but, in protest, we told the girls that were eating pizza in the villa and everyone was going to bed early. More groan and complaints from the girls!! Good – that made us feel victorious!

Back to the villa and we ordered pizza to pick up from Sopchoppy’s – mmmmmmm, amazing pizza (now called Island Time Pub). We had Rotary 2 for 1 coupons for it, so we ordered 2 pizzas. Mom and ad were getting ready for Mollys and I called Molly’s to order some conch for myself (I have to be in the mood for pizza, which isn’t often). Molly’s said they were swamped and my order would take 45 mins. I told Mom and Dad and they said “for get it, we’ll wait forever if we go there”. So I offered to pick up some Molly’s take-out for them…and I planned to use the 2 for 1 dinner coupons I had for Molly’s. I ordered 4 entrees, a salad and a soup.

Geoff and I went to Sopchoppy’s first and picked up the pizzas. Then to Molly’s. When I handed the bartender my coupons, she said she didn’t know if I could use them. (they didn’t say I couldn’t use them for take-out and other dining establishments had no problem with it). She called the owner over (the wife of the husband/wife team). The owner walked over to me and said “you cannot use those for take out becaue we expect you to eat here so you’ll order drinks and we’ll make more money off of you!!” – and then she turned and walked away…no smile, no thank you for coming, nothing but a turn like she was giving me her azz to kiss. I was shocked. I looked at Geoff, who was still looking at her walk away…and then I looked at the bartended, who had wide eyes like she knew this was bad. I just said “is she serious?”….she said “I think so”…and I could tell she felt badly and didn’t know what to say. I was really wondering if the owner was drunk…because I cannot imagine anyone ever saying that to a customer with a straight face and then sauntering off. In retrospect, I should have walked off and left that $70 worth of food sitting there. But, I paid in full and left. When we got home, we realizeds that we were missing the salad….and Molly’s charged us a surcharge for taking out!! Yes, they charge extra for take-out. So, Molly’s… are OFF of the Blu list and I will repeat this story to anyone who asks me about your spot….and also those who don’t.
And, I hear you are from Philadelphia. So are we. You must have been down there too long, because we don’t do things like that here, hon.

After returning to the villa, everyone was steamed up about Molly’s. It bummed me out for the night. We all decided to go to bed early. Mom and dad were packing for their departure to Tortola and the rest of us were going on Born to Rhumb with Landlockedbeachlover and her family to BVIs at 8am.

I put Molly’s out of my mind and focused on our good day of 4 across snorkeling.

Posted : July 12, 2007 9:28 pm
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

Let me ask you this...with all the happenins' in your report, did you ever really get to relax girlfriend? Tell me there's more with you and your BF really enjoying the islands? I'm afraid that since you lived there and go there so often, that family is dependent upon you lining everything up and you feel like the travel agent. Here's my a trip there with BF and send the kids to Nanas and Popops and don't tell anyone, not even the forum board. I have to tell you I'm a stressful traveler, being from the travel industry, and I can relate to your travel stress. This next trip is a drop and go trip, no stress...I hope. 🙂

Here's my reminder for our next trip to USVI:

Live Simply
Give more
Expect less.

I'm trying to repeat that everyday until and even after we leave next year! Keep your report comin' love to read them 🙂

Posted : July 12, 2007 9:39 pm
Posts: 291
Reputable Member

P.S.S. We love SH also and Blue Moon. It's like an private oasis.

Posted : July 12, 2007 10:05 pm
Posts: 396
Reputable Member

Thanks for taking the time to post your trip reports Blu. We are learning a lot from them. Thanks to you we will pass on Molly's on this trip even though my mother-in-law is Irish. There are a lot of other great places to eat.

Posted : July 12, 2007 11:58 pm
Posts: 91
Estimable Member

Doesn't it just aggravate the fool out of you when someone, in this case, Molly Malone's, messes with your beach vibe? There you were in paradise trying to relax and enjoy your family and it reeeeally is hard to just let it go when someone is so obviously rude without cause... same thing in the states sometimes... When did customer service and hospitality become so rare?

Keep the reports coming. I've never been to The Baths and really enjoyed your pictures on the Day 4 report... now I'm just waiting anxiously for part 5!!!!

Posted : July 13, 2007 1:11 am
Posts: 1036
Noble Member

Yep I'm with you Blu I definately would have just walked out and told them to keep the food - how annoying and rude.

Really enjoying your report 🙂


Posted : July 13, 2007 7:22 am
Posts: 1

I have to agree with Molly's being rude. I really like the place & food...maybe it was a really bad day for her. I would give her another chance but I didn't have to go through what you did.

Posted : July 13, 2007 7:39 am
Posts: 285
Reputable Member

Not to add to the complaints about Molly's, but Blu you heard my story about it. I too will never go back. The last time we were there we saw a mouse running through the patio area. I know, I know. It's outside, so you can't control these things. However, I saw the numerous traps. I just flat out don't want to dine with the suckers! Too stressful for me!

Posted : July 13, 2007 9:44 am
Posts: 238
Reputable Member

"Don't you hate when someone mess'es with your beach vibe." LOL, that's cute! Blu, I agree with Pia. You are nicer than me. I'm afraid I would have turned around right there and given my patronage to a more appreciative establishment!

Posted : July 13, 2007 10:48 am
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Too bad about your Molly's experience. I can't join you in your boycott however because I have always had good luck with them and great meals. I am partially addicted to their Reuben and the Fish N Chips. In their defense they are from Philly and you know those Philly people can be rude 🙂

Posted : July 13, 2007 11:29 am
Posts: 112
Estimable Member

Blu - I've never been to Molly Malone's and now I don't care to. They are off my list girlfriend, off my list!!! 🙂 What a bunch of hooey-dooey...too bad the iguana's (in a later report of yours) didn't poop all over their cars. Ha-Ha!!!! Remember, justice can be sweet at times and come when least expected!!

Posted : July 13, 2007 7:08 pm
Posts: 194
Estimable Member

If the owner was smart she would try to find you and send you a big gift certificate. I was amazed by the number of local people who read the VINOW website. I hope this information gets back to her. Word of mouth travels fast. I also don't understand why people put coupons in those books if they don't want to honor them. It isn't good for the Rotary Club either.

Posted : July 14, 2007 10:58 am
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

Blu, you know I respect you and I love your reports.

I have to give you my side of Molly's. We've always had good luck there. We liked there food (there quesadillas are fantastic) and the drinks are good. The company is also good.

They are from Philly. Germantown. We liked the husband, we have never met his wife. I really don't think that Mike (the owner) would like to know that anybody had a tough time at his business. We really liked him and we believe that he wants to make everybody happy at Molly's.

I seriously would suggest that you contact him directly so that he can make it right.

Keep in mind that I DO NOT know this guy except for when we've been down in St. Thomas.

I wouldn't of put up with that at all.

Posted : July 15, 2007 5:05 pm
Posts: 32
Trusted Member

So did you go back and get the salad they charged you for? Ya know, even in the states take out orders don't always get covered by coupon deals. There is never any excuse for rudeness but don't let anybody's lousy attitude ruin what's sounds like a great vacation. I'll be there this time next week!

Posted : July 15, 2007 5:19 pm
Posts: 4
New Member


I LOVE reading your posts. We've only been blessed to visit VI once but are already planning the next trip. Keep up the good work for us day dreamers.

Posted : July 15, 2007 6:51 pm
Posts: 74
Estimable Member

Most of the food coupons I use here in FL are not availble for take out for the exact reason Molly's said. I think that the booze costs less than the food anyway. At least it used to in STX when I was there. the coke cost more than the Cruzan rum back then.

Posted : July 15, 2007 10:54 pm
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I'm not complaing about the coupons - though, it would have been nice for them to type "no take-out" on the coupons...especially since the ycharge a fee for taking out. It was a double whammy.

The problem was with how she handled it. If she thinks that was the way to talk to a customer, she's nuts. I would never have said that to a customer. If they don't take the coupons because they want to make money on booze, that's their business and I don't need to know that....especially not in the way she said it.

I do know Mike, the owner. I also know the son of owner, Mike, the chef. I did tell Mike, the son, about this when it happened. He has always been kind to us when we're there and I'm always glad to see him.

I feel badly because I've always enjoyed my meals with them and my only complaints were a slow or MIA waitress now and then.....not even worth repeating to anyone. But, this was far beyond anything I've ever experienced.

I'll return after a night of slow service, a not so good meal, etc. I'd even return if a wait staff person was a little rude. But, the owner? And this level of rudeness was really over the top. I won't go back.

No, I didn't go back for the salad. We were at home by then....they offered to bring it to us...but we didn't want anything more from them. Hope that helped them make some more $$ that night since that was the sole focus - maybe someone else got the salad.

Posted : July 16, 2007 11:15 am
Posts: 2023
Noble Member

Blu: The owner of Molly's is Frank.

Posted : July 17, 2007 10:34 pm
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

East. that's really wierd because when we spent our last night at Molly's, the owner hung with us almost the whole night and he said his name was Mike. I wonder now whether that was a bunch of bull now.

Posted : July 18, 2007 6:48 am
Posts: 1634
Noble Member

East....i forgot to say that I have a picture of "Mike" from Molly's if you'd like to take a look.

Posted : July 18, 2007 6:49 am
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