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crime in the USVI

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crime in the USVI

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Hello all!
My wife and I were planning a trip to STT in April and so we bought a travel guide to the islands. After some reading, we found of course that the crime rate is mentioned and the standard "Be very careful" statements are made. So, knowing this forum has been a HUGE source of information and a Godsend for us, I checked it and found several threads detailing the robbery of guests at their villas/resorts and the whole feeling of "Don't go out at night". We were planning on staying at Secret Harbor but are now considering staying at one of the gated resorts and not leaving the resort for evening adventures for fear of the crime.

I was very startled at the crime statistics that one forum poster compared to his statistics of a similar sized US city. The USVI statistics were staggering. And while I hear many of the forum posters come to the defense by saying that you simply should take the same precautions that you would in a large US city and not walk dimly lit parking lots in small groups at night, not wear any jewelry or anything that might suggest value or wealth, don't walk the beaches at night, etc.
Sadly, that is exactly what drew us to the USVI in the first place. We had heard so much about the nightlife and great places to eat and drink, and couldn't wait to enjoy the beautiful beaches both at day and night. While the "treat it as you would a large US city" statement may be true.....we didn't plan on coming to STT to enjoy acting like we were in LA. So naturally that makes me a little worried. I don't want to spend the money and time to travel there and be scared to do anything.

I'd just like some good honest information from the valuable posters on this site in regards to the current state of affairs. This forum has really been a blessing and we're so glad we have found it. Thanks so much for all of you contributing to it. We are so excited to experience such a wonderful, beautiful place.....just hope we can do it without locking ourselves in our rooms or worrying the whole time.

Is it a case of the media overblowing it or is it truly a fairly unsafe place? Do we have anything to worry about?

Posted : February 12, 2007 12:10 am
Posts: 135
Estimable Member

"I’m not sure why so many people get so defensive when it comes to crime in the USVI. The worst that could happen is that there would be a backlash from tourists that would force the USVI to clean up crime. "

I haven't seen anyone on this thread get defensive. There is a lot of poverty here so comparing ALL of Chicago with crime here is IMO apples & oranges. Most crime, as has been said frequently happens in the poor sections. That's unfortunate but that happens in the not-so-nice sections everywhere & I'm quite sure the numbers you're wanting to prove your point can be manipulated just as easily the other way i.e. consider the VAST numbers of visitors here on a daily/weekly basis which is quite unlike a city in the States. TRLK, you seem to have some issues with the Virgin Islands & I don't understand why you want to come back if it's so dangerous. I truly don't understand - I'm not being snotty. I'm not scared & I'm here full time & live alone.

Years ago, I got on a plane to NYC & was going to stay at the Plaza. The night before a woman was murdered in a doorway about a block away & I heard about it on the plane. It didn't stop me from going to NY. I HAVE been a repeated victim of very brutal crime but it didn't occur in the VI so I'm no Pollyanna & I don't have my head stuck in the sand.

Fern, I'm truly sorry you were burgled. I don't blame you for that leaving a bad taste in your mouth.

Posted : February 14, 2007 5:42 pm
Posts: 1

>>>What number of rapes and assaults in Chicago are not reported? Are the true numbers higher?

Or perhaps numerous rapes and assaults go unreported in the USVI. I know that when you call the cops in Chicago, they actually show up in a timely matter. That doesn’t happen very often in the USVI.

>>>On a small island everything gets reported in the daily newspaper. If someone gets punched in the nose at a bar in St. Thomas it makes the news as an assault......I doubt if it would make the newspaper in Chicago.

The numbers weren’t from the newspaper. They were from the police.

Additionally, if you compare cities of similar size to the USVI (where a punch in the nose would make the paper), the crime statistics are shockingly high in the USVI comparatively. Someone posted that awhile back, and the original poster referred to it.

>>>A significant proportion of the crime takes place with the "locals". Tourists, although infrequently involved, are not normal targets

I did say that. To quote me “Most crime is against locals, not tourists, but you still need to be careful.”

>>>TRLK, you seem to have some issues with the Virgin Islands & I don't understand why you want to come back if it's so dangerous.

I'm obsessed with St. John and think it is one of the most beautiful places in the world. I eat, sleep, and breath St. John when I'm not there. If I never vacationed anywhere else for the rest of my life, I'd be perfectly content.

Am I not allowed to vacation there because I don’t think the crime rates should be sugar-coated?

Yes, I think crime is high there, but like I said, I'm careful and so far it has been worth the risk.

I'm simply providing the other side of the story. I know that isn't popular, but I don't think sugar-coating it does anyone any favors.

Posted : February 14, 2007 6:39 pm
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Posted : February 14, 2007 6:39 pm
Posts: 2026
Noble Member

Let's just all agree to end this thread. This is the same old thread that repeats itself several times each year. If anyone wants to know how this thread would play out - search the archives and find the 15 other threads just like this one. Someone asks for crime info - some forum members give info on crime - other come back saying that it isn't bad and everything is fine - then someone chimes in and tells a chilling tale of their own (the lady whose son and daughter in law were tied up and robbed on STJ, the doctor who was shot at Bolongo, the people robbed on the beach at Secret Harbour...and all the others whose stories are somewhere in this board's history) - then there's a post with stats - then someone debates the stats - then it gets ugly and Islander closes the thread.

We all love each other. This forum is full of people who love the VI. We all go back year after year and live to tell great stories of fun and good times. Those talking about crimes are only trying to help new visitors get smart about their visit - not turn everyone off - and those who are saying that it is fine are only trying to keep the new visitors from being unnecessarily afraid. We have to be fair and honest about it - and protect each other so that everyone can come back with a good TRIP REPORT!! (I need one right about now!)

Everyone's contribution here is correct in some way. I don't see one post that is way off base, IMO.

Posted : February 14, 2007 7:37 pm
Posts: 135
Estimable Member

But nobody said it was all fine. Nobody was sugar-coating anything.

Posted : February 14, 2007 8:19 pm
Posts: 563
Honorable Member

EC Pirate:


Posted : February 15, 2007 3:05 am
Posts: 1

I'm sorry if I resurrected old posts or anything. Definitely didn't mean to try to give the islands a black eye or anything.....just wanted some peace of mind and a valid synopsis of the current state down there. I read the old posts before I asked, as I'm sure many soon-to-be travelers do.
But we, for some reason, have to ask the question ourself.....get current info and help put fears to rest.
Didn't mean to stir the pot and hope I haven't offended anyone.

In my honest opinion, we take risks every day. We risk our lives when we drive to work every day. But we also have rewards for that drive and the relatively low chance of having an accident is enough to offset that, so we don't lock ourselves in our homes.
This is just another example. Yes, there is a risk as with any other vacation or tourist area. Sounds to me like the risk may be slightly higher in the USVI than say vacationing in Florida or the Gulf Coast or something.

But that doesn't mean it's worthy of canceling the trip. It's just important for us to ask the questions so that we can make our own determination of risk vs. reward. And also so we know what to be aware of when we vacation there.
Thanks for all the info from everyone. It's been a great help. The forum is a wonderful resource.

Posted : February 15, 2007 11:05 am
(@Matt B)
Posts: 1

The only people who try to make light of the crime situation are the people who stand to lose money if the situation becomes well known.

The crime if horrific. Just subscribe to the daily news updates and see how much crime is reported. In the one I just got in my box today there was a cabbie shot, a teenage girl raped at gunpoint, and a teenager who turned himself in after shooting a police officer.

The police department (from my limited view) is a disaster. A friend of mine was robbed about a year ago at gun point and the cop never even wrote a report.

Sign up here...

Posted : February 16, 2007 9:26 am
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

I don't think any of us are making light of anything. We have the crime, no guarantees can be made. I did not write all that I wrote to make light of it, I wrote my views as a person whom lives here and so that is from my perspective and my tips.
Have to be honest and tell you my house, the first one I ever lived in here, had been robbed while we were out. We must of came home while the robber was in the house as they did not take anything (expensive camera equipment) from one of the bedrooms. They took a gold chain which was well hidden, my costume jewelry and an SG Guitar as well as a 6pk of beer from the fridge. Mind you, when I lived back home on 116 acres of land in the country, our house was robbed there as well. What my point was that I have had no personal attacks of any kind on my being. NOT to say, it can't happen!
As I write, I wonder, should I even waste my time. Blu is right, it is time to end this thread. It's all been said!
Best wishes to everyone, regardless whether you choose to come or not. I love it here and have NO intentions of ever moving away! 🙂

Posted : February 16, 2007 11:18 am
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

It has definitely all been said

Posted : February 16, 2007 11:26 am
Posts: 1

The picture that is truly worth a thousand (or million or quadrillion) words. Thanks for posting a clearer picture with comment from the horse. Your first effort may have been too subtle for those driven to get in the last word..

Posted : February 16, 2007 11:32 am
(@Captain Obvious)
Posts: 1

No, it the initial horse beating wasn’t subtle. Everybody got it.

But some of just don’t think that ECPirate is the end all, be all.

ECPirate posted a couple times, spoke his/her mind and opinion on the topic, but then when other people responded with their thoughts, they were accused of beating a dead horse. That is absurd, and comes across as ECPirate's way of saying "I have spoken, the rest of you can shut up now."

This is a discussion board where people have DISCUSSIONS. If you aren’t interested in the topic or think it has gone on for too long, just don’t click on it.

We are all here for the same reason...we love the USVI. There is room for all types of opinions, and I think we should welcome that instead of discourage it, in a civil manner of course. I don't care for the sound of one hand clapping...I come here to 'hear' other points of view. If I only wanted to know what I thought, then I'd sit in an empty room and think quietly to myself.

Can't we all just get along?

Posted : February 16, 2007 1:38 pm
Posts: 1

I don't know. That horse looks pretty dead to me.

Posted : February 16, 2007 1:48 pm
(@Matt B)
Posts: 1

I agree with captain obvious

Posted : February 16, 2007 1:50 pm
Posts: 568
Honorable Member

This discussion reminds me of why I love to be on Water Island. We have great fun when we venture to STT & STJ during the day or early evening and then we enjoy the peace, friendliness and safety of WI. Theft (items left in plain sight in the car, on/near your beach chair, etc.) on WI is a very very rare occurence - one that I've seen attempted only once and the local residents and veteran visitors handled the culprit promptly and appropriately. The Neighborhood Watch is in full force on WI; there are not that many people; its a very very small island - - - compared to STT or STJ, I will take WI any day (or night).

Again, in the spirit of full disclosure, I have a home on Water Island.

Posted : February 16, 2007 2:42 pm
Posts: 60
Trusted Member

Lighten up Captain Obvious...I guess you can't take an obvious joke. Newflash, I know this a message board and newsflash I know there will be 100+ Crime threads while I live here and I know my opinion is not the end all be all, in fact a message board opinion and .50cents is not good for a cup of coffee.
I am planning a trip to the Middle East where I have to worry about buses blowing up or a suicide bomber interupting my trip into the bar for a piece of pizza and a cold one so yes I do find it a bit laughable when people bring up crime in the USVI. That is MHO and by no means do I downplay the concerns of those who ask the questions on crime. As I stated earlier in this thread it is the responsibility of everyone planning a family vacation to do their due diligence to make sure they will be safe. That is always the prudent thing to do and ultimately you weigh the positives with the negatives and decide on whether to make a trip.

Posted : February 16, 2007 4:45 pm
Posts: 66
Trusted Member

This topic certainly brings out the passion. While we all share a passion for the USVI, the problem with this topic is the Pollyannas and the ostriches who either dispute or dismiss the obvious, and obviously never read a newspaper. My main concern are the Pollyannas with an agenda-those who may be effected financially. It is intolerable for villas agents to infer that they have never had a villa burglarized-they either have not been in the business long, have no houses, or lie. Those Pollyannas who dismiss statistics (but add their own-if 99.9% of 3,000,000 tourists a year have no problem with crime, does that mean over 8 a day do? Oh that's right, you're so cavalier about it-who cares if they don't come back?) or don't want the subject discussed, maybe a discussion forum is beyond your understanding. Regardless, if that's the way you feel, don't read the thread; above all don't contribute or try to stop the thread. Ostriches (some of whom bring a whole week of experience with them) heed the same advice-if you never hear anything, the USVI is indeed Mayberry.

This particular thread has been marked by considerable openness and earnestness-many contributors spilling the guts in as tempered a manner as possible. Unfortunately it is marked by rudeness and intolerance by others-as it always is.

One very specific topic I want to address is villa burglaries in St. John. Every agent that I have ever talked to on STJ admits to villas being broken into. Usually and fortunately guests are not there. As correctly stated in this thread, there is now a trend to steal from tourists rather than owners. The most recent "new white Highlander-NWH" incident was a good example. So far it has been rare for tourists to come face to face with robbers fortunately. At one time burglaries outside of Cruz Bay, Contant, and Chocolate Hole were unheard of. Now with only a couple exceptions, all neighborhoods may see burglaries. Coral Bay, Fish Bay, Klein Bay, and Rendezvous Bay (the last three all by NWH) all get hit now. The most unfortunate truth is that virtually no one gets caught, those caught rarely seem to be punished. Bottom line when you leave your villa close it up tight and do not leave anything of value out especially ipods.

Posted : February 16, 2007 6:58 pm
Posts: 152
Estimable Member

It is interesting to me that in the last city I lived in, there was a sugar beet plant and waste lagoon on the north side of town. Everyone all over town would complain about the smell certain times of the year when they were cooking and whatever with the sugar beets. Tourists would complain as well. But, the folks that lived in the neighborhood of the plant couldn't smell a thing. Ring a bell islanders?

Posted : February 17, 2007 12:57 am
Posts: 135
Estimable Member

Not really because noone who lives here (or has posted to this thread) thinks there's no crime in the USVI. I can't speak for others but all I can say AGAIN is that crime here is no worse than most of the rest of the Caribbean & from my own personal experience, in many cases the crime on other islands is hushed up. It's not hushed up here. The police are no better or worse than in most of the other Caribbean islands.However, I will continue to live here as a lone female & go to work every day & out to eat & to visit friends, all without a bodyguard. I don't know what the rest of us islanders can do other than to vote for the best people we can to get elected to make this a better place for us & visitors alike & be active in the community to the best of our ability.

If you think the crime is that bad here & you're that frightened, I'd suggest Anguilla or St. Barth's as I believe the crime there is much less.

Posted : February 17, 2007 3:29 am
Posts: 319
Reputable Member

Sherri.....They stole your beer????? MY GOD is nothing sacred any more? 🙂

Posted : February 17, 2007 8:01 am
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