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Countess Nadia deNavarro Farber

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Countess Nadia deNavarro Farber

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Is there anyone on the island who can update me as to the status of my great aunt, the Countess Nadia de Navarro Farber?
She lives/lived in what everyone referred to as "The Castle on the Hill." Any information would be appreciated.

Posted : January 6, 2011 4:42 pm
Posts: 3316
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Why don't you just do a Google? Plenty of information is right there at your fingertips. Cheers!

Posted : January 6, 2011 11:02 pm
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Thanks for the advice. Of course, I have been to Google and done numerous searches for addresses or phone numbers to use to reach her.
The family members I have contacted don't have forwarding information and a lot of the information on the internet is false. I was hoping someone locally on the island had some more recent information or even "sightings" of her. We just want to know she is still there so we can make arrangements to visit her.

Posted : January 7, 2011 1:24 am
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

Your best bet would be to register on the Relocation forum (link top right this page) as many St Croix residents post on there and should be able to tell you what you need to know.

Posted : January 7, 2011 10:23 am
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OK. Thanks!

Posted : January 7, 2011 12:58 pm
Posts: 2
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I am Billy, I live in North-East Texas. In 1990, I went to St. Croix to help rebuild, after Hurricane Hugo. I was there about a year and a half, when I became employed by your Aunt. I was there when the "Grand Opening Party" or whatever you call it, happened. I remember an "Ice Cream Cake" that was served that night. It was my first, and it was fabulous! After the party, I was lucky enough to get to take several of the cakes home. They were Grand! I worked hand and hand with Hector Rivera, a Puerto Rican, the master builder of this fabulous Castle! I worked for about a year and a half, then, soon after, I came back to Texas. It was a wonderful experience I will always cherish. I associated,some, with Uri, he was, in my opinion, a pretty cool guy. He was a little sneaky too. After I decided to leave their employment, I asked Uri for a "letter of recommendation" to which he begrudgingly agreed. HOWEVER, he wrote it, personally, on some kind of silk paper, and the ink didn't last but about a year, then it was invisible. I believe he knew that it would do that. He was just civil, which he had to be, but, not a caring person. I'm sure that he could be a total ass if he wanted to. Both of the Farbers were saturated with greed.
As for "Nadia" she and I didn't see eye to eye. I am a proud Texan, and I worship no human being, which is what she expected. I knew most of the local men that worked on the landscaping around the castle, and I knew how much work they did, and how little they were compensated for it. I am an excellent judge of a person, and I judged her to be the most greedy, uncaring human being I have ever known. She only cared about herself. I know that Hector would go every morning to her, and look at a picture she had picked out of her "clothing" album, and lay out that particular set of clothes for her to wear for the day. I've heard her get mad and go off on a screaming fit like little spoiled child. Sorry, you aren't liking what I say about her, but, it is my judgement of her. I despised her. I had the utmost respect for Hector. He is a fine man, and one of the smartest, and skilled men I have ever known. I learned more from him than anybody I've ever worked with. He is very kind, I never saw him angry about anything. I'd like to have just half of his skills. The castle is a work of art. All steel and concrete, with mahogany wood throughout the entire building. This was the only wood that the termites would avoid, is what I was told. I loved the experience, didn't care for the employers.

Posted : January 31, 2012 12:46 am
Posts: 1
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Hi Billy,
Reading your post brought back memories when I lived in STX. I don't want to divulge my identity and my post will be evasive.
You are 100% in your evaluation of Nadia/Countessa and Yuri (td). They are beyond Selfish and Greedy only begins to describe them. With all the money they still looked for "Freebies" from anyone. As for Hector (tu), again you are 100% correct. I know Hector and spent many hours with him at the castle. To verify, I watched him cut PVC pipe to make molds for the railings and the "Flower" centerpiece in the living room. And let's not forget the Window Tree of Life inserts. He is a Master Craftsman and never truly appreciated.

Posted : June 4, 2012 12:35 pm
Posts: 166
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Interesting stories.

Posted : June 4, 2012 4:41 pm
Posts: 2
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It's nice to hear someone agree with me about these people. Thanks!! Neat to communicate with someone that has worked there too! I came along after the Flower in the main room, the ceiling, and all of the windows had been finished. I did, however, see the PVC used to form a column post at the entrance above the pool. Hector and I hung the doors that separated the kitchen from the main room, and, it seems like there were two sets of them. I think we installed the kitchen cabinets,....He went on vacation once, and let me build two window frames and we installed them in the wall around the workshop. Since he was gone, I built one out of pressure treated lumber to keep for myself. I had it for many years, but, it has come up clue as to what happened to it. I was proud of that window!!! I installed all of the wood on the main gate, I even have videos of it somewhere. I had a big box of videos that I took during my time there, and still have a few. I left a big box for a friend to transport to Florida with them, at a later date, since I had all I could take. They claimed that the video box "fell out of our truck on the way to the airport".....well, that as a great loss to me. So much on those videos!!
I remember Nadia not liking me because I didn't look up to her. I had NO respect for her at all. People must earn respect, and she isn't capable of earning respect. It isn't in her vocabulary. HA she who could speak so many different languages, didn't have one very important word in any of them!!! "Compassion" She cared for no body but herself, and her possessions. I have to say, though, that that "House" was the most elaborate I've ever worked on, but, I give Hector Rivera all the credit for that! Man, Hector and I took two very expensive mattresses, cut and formed them together to make her a HUGE bed. The fabric on those mattresses was SO complicated, covered with flowers, and embroidery it was amazing! I watched Hector take a common sewing needle and sew those mattresses back together, and you could NOT tell where he has done the sewing! THEN, he took a simple sewing machine and designed and sewed the most ELABORATE curtains for her bedroom I've ever seen! He was a genius!! He sewed a magnificent Headboard for the bed, and above the bed, he made an oblong contraption, and covered it with the most elaborate display of material sewing I've ever seen!!
I remember a lot of the men that worked there, the local men, not their names, but, their goodness! Some of the finest men I've ever met. I remember one man that brought his lunch to work every day. Every day the same thing! One fish, the whole complete fish, baked, eyeballs and all!! He'd take his time, and just pick it apart and eat it! He looked to be VERY healthy too!! He was very friendly too. Most of them were involved in the landscaping around the castle. And, it was amazing too!! The roads that circled the hill, and the beautiful flowers all around it! A lot of that scenery I lost in the lost videos.......
It was a wonderful time! I worked on the island for about 6 months, and sent for my wife and three children. We lived there for about two years. Once, for about two weeks, my parents even came. Also, my oldest daughter's husband got to come for a while, before they were married. They were just about 16 or 17 at the time, and it was a wonderful experience for both of them to remember forever! They've been married many years now, and have four wonderful children!
Ok, I'm hushing! NIce to chat with you, hope your life is great!
Be cool!!!

Posted : June 4, 2012 9:09 pm
Posts: 1
New Member

Hi, @ifarber3 have you reached your great aunt before she passed away? 

I have some questions to the people shared personal stories with Yuri and Nadia. do you know what were their relations? Were they married? Because he introduced as a nephew of her previous husband?  Also I know that he limited the relations of Nadia with her blood relatives and to the reporters as well. do you know something about her daughter and grandchildren?  

Posted : April 4, 2023 3:49 pm

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