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Bugs and Villas!

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Bugs and Villas!

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Tho there have been threads on Bugs, I am hoping to inform (and get feedback) some of you about our island bugs!
When living in the islands, we deal with them every day and thats no lie! The main issue I want to bring up is Flying Termites! What happens is this..... Rain. If we get any substantial amount of rain at all, these little flying creatures come out. The rain soaks the ground and this creates these little guys to leave their homes. By night, they are attracted to light and then try to get into your home. Being that homes are not hermetically sealed, they find the tiniest little spaces to get in! SOLUTION: Turn out your lights!!!!!!! This does not happen often, but DOES happen! When renting a villa, you are in a home, not a hotel!!!! Unfortunately there is nothing anyone can do about it and it happens to everyone whom lives here!!!!!!
Being that I live in a wooden cottage (OK not a shack, but close)!, I have been living with ants, clearing the bush around and fighting these little pests with all we have! What do ants bring? SCORPIONS!!!!! Since I have lived in this cottage for one wonderful year, I have delt with 3 scorpion stings and found about 25 or so, 4 in the last week!
Now mind you, you most likely are not going to deal with these characters on a regular basis, BUT they can show up from time to time, even in the nicest of homes! The scorpions here are nocturnal and not deadly, tho may have an impact on you should you be allergic (don't know too much about that). In-fact, I would rather be stung by a scorpion than a Jack Spaniel, our local wasp that can sting more than once. If you are doing any hiking or walking threw any bush, take a stick along to hit branches ahead of you. This may help to avoid getting stung. Look under Thatch palm leaves, Jack Spaniels love them!
We also have Centipedes here. They are the scariest looking of all and I have rarely encountered them in any of the 23 yrs. living here, tho again they can show up unexpectedly. I did get stung/bit one night by a baby one, he was only about 3 1/2 inches long and they can get to be up to 10 inches long! Called the hospital about that one. They said if I started to have trouble breathing to get there right away. Nothing happened. These I have encountered two different times in my homes.
And yes, spiders. Ground spiders and tarantulas. Again, in all of my time here, I have had maybe 3 get into the homes I have lived in. None in my shack, can you believe it? Oops, I mean cottage!
My point is this: We have critters here, they sometimes get in. Villas are exterminated on a regular basis, but there is no guarantee that one of these little guys won't get in!! I actually had guests leave the villa cause the flying termites came in. These guests were informed that this would most likely happen as we had had a full day and a half of rain! They show up, they then die and then we clean them up. Turn out the lights!!!!! This lessens your chance of them getting in!!!!! They are pretty harmless, tho not a pleasant feeling!
Yes, there are many critters I didn't mention! Noseems, other spiders, red ants, and more!
Anyone care to share?

Posted : November 2, 2006 3:22 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Hi Anjell - What part of California do you live in? I'm in Southern California in a semi-rural area and we regularly get LARGE dark brown cockroaches about 1" - 2" long (some people call them water bugs) that fly, small brown cockroaches (very rarely), some people have seen scorpions (I haven't but I know they're around), palmetto bugs that get blown in from the desert on the Santa Ana winds, mosquitos, ants (red & black), and FLYING TERMITES! 🙂 Oh yeah, and a rattlesnake and a mountain lion or two (I know mountain lions aren't bugs, but they can certainly be very disconcerting, as well!). We keep a very clean house and yard, so it's not garbage or anything like that that attracts the bugs... they just lived there first!

I've had termites swarm twice in 12 years in my house. The first time was during El Nino (waaay too much rain!) when we had houseguests. Thankfully my guests were from Florida and are used to bugs, so they helped me vacuum them up. It was so sudden... one minute fine... the next minute 1000's of bugs on my carpet! Then I didn't see them again for many years. I complained to the exterminator that we shouldn't have this problem because we have a termite service come out to our house yearly, but he explained how they actually live in the ground and, like Sherri said, they come up when it gets too wet down there. Apparently they grow wings during the mating season and once they get laid, their wings fall off and they start eating your house. Oh joy!

Something to add to your island shopping list - RAID! 🙂

Posted : November 3, 2006 11:52 am
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

Lions, Tigers, and Bears...Oh My! This was what I was thinkin' earlier today! Then I read your note with your Mountain Lions in it!
California Girl, Wow, You have them too! Almost makes me feel better! We are not alone in these islands and there are state-siders that have them too! 🙂 Whew!
Cleo, When our guests called me about the flying termites,I told her to turn out the lights, I promised that they would be gone by morning and then I would be happy to come and clean them up, she said, "I cannot live with bugs"! I told her that I wish I could say that! She didn't think I was funny! Honestly, I was trying to make light of the situation! I wonder where she lives? 🙂 They didn't leave 'til the next morning, it was all over by then, tho there WAS a mess to clean up! Guess where the concentration of Bugs were? By the lights!

Posted : November 3, 2006 2:47 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Ok, this is really OFF TOPIC, but ....

Here is a sign on the entrance to the bike path at the end of my street last year. We had a pair of lions that were stalking the horses & riders at the local stables. Unfortunately they couldn't capture & relocate them and they were destroyed. I tend to believe it wasn't so much an issue of not being able to capture them, but more an issue of convenience. Ticks me off!! The authorities said that now that they were stalking people, they would always be a danger. That may be so, but I want to believe not if they relocated them to a really remote location.

Posted : November 3, 2006 4:32 pm
Posts: 1

Hello California Girl,

Orange County, yes, up here in Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, Las Flores, Cota De Caza, Wagon wheel-have at times spotted Mountain Lions (in fact, a few attack), even rattlesnakes (but Rattlesnake Reservoir is here). I've never seen any. Before that lived in Newport Beach, and the neither except mosquitos. When I lived in Ontario, had quite a few problems with palmetto bugs.

I really want to buy a condo there, yet I am scared. I have never in my life come close to Tarantulas, scorpions. Now, I have heard about the eels there. I don't know if they are in the water only! I guess I can deal with the termites, noseeums, but the tarantulas is a whole new ball game.

Posted : November 3, 2006 9:25 pm
Posts: 1

Thanks everyone for your input on this and answering my questions. Wow, I really need to take all this in consideration.

I am horrified of bugs, well, like cockroaches, spiders, is there anything else? I am scared because I will be coming there alone, no manly man to come to rescue me if I should run into a bug, LOL.

Posted : November 3, 2006 9:30 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Anjell, Anjell... it doesn't sound like you are at all cut out to live in the tropics. I live just down the road from you in San Juan Capistrano 🙂

I happen to be fascinated by bugs, but not in my house. At my house we have a "catch & release" program, except for roaches, for which we have a Raid program - LOL! Tarantulas are creepy and scary looking but they really won't hurt you. If this gentle creature shoud bite you, it's usually no worse than a bee sting. I plan to go see if I can find some tarantulas when we go to St. John, they really are sort of kool 🙂 And from what's been said about scorpions in this thread, they don't sound all that bad either. Just be sure to shake your shoes out before you put them on.

And as far as I know, I don't think I've ever heard of an eel on land. They are water animals 🙂

Posted : November 4, 2006 12:56 am
Posts: 1

Wow, San Juan huh,

I thought maybe you were going to say Silverado Cyn, or maybe somewhere in Ventura, or even up in the hills in Altadena or Chino Hills.

I like Newport better, things are more convenient. Better food places too. Hate the 5/405 always too much traffic. I always have to go pass the 5 to Laguna N to go to Stater Bros on La Paz. Yes, there are a few things on Crown Vly Pkwy, but since most of my family lives either in L.A. or Fontana it takes longer to get there. I don't take the expressway-toll.

And it gets hotter here than in Newport. But yes, I am trying to weigh my options. Besides, I only wanted to purchase a condo to stay there a few months out of the year, and then the rest of the year come back to the states with my family. We'll see.

Posted : November 4, 2006 3:21 am
Posts: 1

Calif Girl,

I am Archstone-Las Flores, so you know there's nothing here. It is soooo boring.

Posted : November 4, 2006 3:31 am
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

Have been doing a little research on the net about Centipedes in the islands which are considered the largest of all varieties. They too are not considered deadly tho can pack a punch, swelling nasty bite. I had sent a picture of one I had found in a former home of mine to Blu and am wondering if I should not have her post it after all. It is pretty rare for them to enter homes, the least likely of all critters mentioned above! Don't want to "freak" any one out!!!!! 🙂 I also realize that I am finally gonna have to take the time out to figure out how to post my own pics! Blu has been kind enough to post for me and I shouldn't take advantage of her generosity! I promise to work on it!
As for the condo, I highly doubt you would get much unless on ground level. The most would be Cockroaches or Ants. I lived in a condo for 4 yrs many yrs. back and that is all we encountered! So don't worry Anjell!
Thanx for everyones input! 🙂

Posted : November 4, 2006 8:11 am
Posts: 1

the centipede bite is extremely painful but not dangerous. The pain is caused by the swelling iand fluid in the tissues in reaction to the venom.
The level of pain depends where the bite occurs and how large the centipede was. A simple rule would be - the fleshier the area, the less pain. A finger can be excruciating.
The goal should be to halt the histamine production ASAP. Place ice directly on the bite AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Take anti histamine - allergy medication - immediately. Keep ice on for 20 mins or as long as you can stand it.
The breathing difficulties should only occur when a person is specifically allergic to a component of the venom - like a peanut allergy etc.
The pain will go away, the resultant swelling may make the area little stiff and sore for a couple of days. Like all incidents, the very young, the very old and the health compromised should be monitored closely.
Shake out cushions on sofas, pillows on beds etc - favorite lurking places. Hope this helps.

Posted : November 4, 2006 2:00 pm
Posts: 1

Oh, by the way Calif Girl,

This is how bad it is, when I go to Pechanga, I take 5/ 55/ 91/ 15, this is like going in a circle I know. But, I don't like the expressway/tolls.

Posted : November 4, 2006 3:07 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Anjell, if you will register, I can PM you 🙂

Posted : November 4, 2006 3:58 pm
Posts: 1

hey Calif. girl,

I am driving down to Vegas for a couple of days to my aunt/uncle - I will register soon as I get back. I figure drive, it will take as much going thru John Wayne. LOL, if I was still in Newport, I could have taken a cab to JW and taken a plane, oh, well, I'm getting ready for this 5-6 hour drive - depending on traffic.

But, yes, I will register when I get back.

Posted : November 4, 2006 9:28 pm
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

Thanx jane, great information! I was surprised at how many different varieties there are when I ck'd them out! Ours is called "Scolopendra gigas" for those who might be interested! I am thinkin' I should get some antihistamine to have on hand since I have so many scorpions! The night I got bit, my honey had taken a pillow of mine that had fallen on the floor and put it back up on the bed, on my hand. That is when I got nailed and I knew right away it wasn't a scorpion. The scorpion sting is not as severe, I have become accustom to them! As I had said earlier, he was a baby. He got me in the finger, but I fared well.

Posted : November 4, 2006 10:57 pm
Posts: 110
Estimable Member

Putting my semester of Psychology 101 into good use here...

I think people are only freaked out by the bugs with which they are not familiar. People get used to dealing with the creatures that live around them. For example, someone who lives in the north is used to black flies, but they might have a meltdown over the sight of a flying termite.

Also, many people think, "Hey, there shouldn't be pests in Paradise!" These people also are the ones who park illegally in front of the dry cleaners.

How much fun was it for certain parts in the states two years ago when we had the cicadas! I called them Satan Bugs.

Sherri, the bug disclaimer is a great idea. Nice way to tell people to leave their tiaras at home!

Posted : November 5, 2006 12:30 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

Well said Richmond! (tu)

Posted : November 5, 2006 2:19 pm
Posts: 460
Honorable Member

I'm sitting here now cussing these stinkin' brown "lady bugs" that aren't really lady bugs. Thought perhaps I was going to be spared this fall...but here they are!

Bugs are a small price to pay for paradise - but don't ANYONE say there are snakes down there!

Posted : November 5, 2006 6:02 pm
Posts: 117
Estimable Member

It's my understanding that as long as there are mongooses (or is that mongeese?) there won't be any snakes 🙂

Posted : November 5, 2006 6:39 pm
Posts: 249
Reputable Member

Asian Beatles are those pesky 'lil ~lady bugs~ & they give off a fowl odor when you squish them!! When you suck them up in your vacume cleaner, don't forget to change the bag otherwise they will climb back out into your house!!

Posted : November 5, 2006 8:11 pm
Posts: 1218
Noble Member

In 23 yrs, I have had only two encounters with these fellows in my house!

I found this fellow in the last house I lived in, I just used a dust pan to take him outside and THEN I took his picture!

Will take a picture of a Scorpian next chance I get!

Posted : November 7, 2006 5:53 pm
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