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Airline Etiquette - PLEASE!

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Airline Etiquette - PLEASE!

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Dearest airline travelers.....a simple request.....

When you are flying and not in first class, why oh why do you recline your seats ALL the way back? Do you have any idea how squished that makes the person behind you?

Some of the hardware on seats on the airlines are very worn - and the seats probably go back farther than intended. It is really hard to eat from my tray, use my laptop, watch a video on the DVD player, etc...if not impossible.

If you are a heavy person, your seat will really go back too far if you recline all the way. Please, have a heart! The man in front of me last night was a really big guy - and he did a full recline. His seat was really going back too far on one side. My knees were pushed into his back. Couldn't he feel it? Don't you KNOW when you are reclined too far? To add insult to injury, he was in the exit row and and had NO seats in front of him...and a large space between him and the wall - where the flight attendant's jump-seat was. Good grief....with all of that room, why crush me?

Please, please.....let's stop doing the full recline in coach. There simply isn't room for it anymore. A slight recline? Sure. But, IMO, the full recline is just rude!

Be a conscious flier and understand that we're all going to be uncomfortable for a while. Let's not make it worse for each other.

Not all planes are packing us in by design - so I realize that reclining is just fine on some planes.

Just my pet peeve and one that I always forget to mention once I am off of the plane.

Posted : February 27, 2007 5:19 pm
Posts: 2026
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I hate to disagree with anyone on here- but I don't agree that this is the fault of the airlines. People do not need to recline. People didn't need to recline when we had all the room in the world...and now that we don't, they really shouldn't.

Regardless of what the airlines do; purposely making each other uncomfortable, while on board, is rude.

In this scenario, reclining because of the airlines is akin to my neighbor tapping into my electricity becuase the electic company charges too much. No fair, me son!

Posted : March 1, 2007 9:21 pm
Posts: 630
Honorable Member

Blu, people used to be able to recline. It wasn't a problem. Someone mentioned the airlines wanting to maximize their loads. They even over book now, which wasn't the norm years ago before deregulation.

Again, I am a guy who believes in the free market, but airline deregulation is at the heart of the problems airlines are having today. Before deregulation, airlines got a fair price. After deregulation it became, who can lower the prices the most to attract the business. Well, they all had to. Deregulation didn't do the flying public any good. Would I want regulation of the industry again.....I'm actually not sure.

Posted : March 2, 2007 12:06 am
Posts: 460
Honorable Member

and maybe we're all just FATTER than we were 20 years ago! (grin)

Posted : March 2, 2007 8:31 am
Posts: 1138
Noble Member

I tried to stay out but...

Should one be more considerate of others around them, certainly but that applies to life in general not merely travel on planes. But I'm afraid AAFly and promoguy are closer to the point. The flying public has clearly stated they prefer lower fares above all else as can be seen by the demise of business class, shrinking number of first class seats, failure of Braniff (remember them?) type seating accommodations, proliferation of low cost "SWA look alikes" and web sites dedicated to bottom line pricing. Not to mention the continuing discussions about locating low fares on this board.

So, the airlines offer low fares and have increased capacity on the SAME planes by 5-10% to recover the cost, leaving us less room than before which unfortunately we need today as Mountaineer girl pointed out. Some of us may be able to tolerate sitting in that God awful "seat back forward, tables in upright and locked" position for flights lasting more than 2 hours, but many of us can't. I know I would go mad on my many overseas flights without that minor luxury (I rarely get to fly First Class). So do the airlines maintain two types of planes in their inventory (standard and restricted seats), of course not.

If your prime criteria is getting there and doing it on the cheap (see above) I am afraid your ability to watch DVDs, and do work on a laptop are already lower if not last on the list. Does one's 'Right' to work on their computer outweigh the 'Right' of the person in front of them to recline?

While we are on the etiquette list, I haven't seen anything about those people trying to get their world's possessions in the overhead bins. Time for the airlines to ENFORCE the carry on limit at the gate.

Posted : March 2, 2007 9:15 am
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

Hi Chris,

Regarding the last part of your post:

Margy Z mentioned this earlier -- see "cramming."


Posted : March 2, 2007 10:08 am
Posts: 1

I hardly think a discussion of plane etiquette should be limited to the reclining seat position but start at the very beginning with the boarding process. Because folks try to cram too much stuff into the carry-on (which is often wheeled on, not carried) for the overheads, it makes the orderly and polite boarding process a push/shove match. But then, I won't even mention the time in MIA where I was literally hit-and-run by a "gentleman" who knocked me to my tush and keep on running ... I guess everyone needs to board first and stand at the front drooling to wait for their row to be called because the seats are not assigned and they may miss getting a good one or somehow the plane will take off without them! We all leave at the same time folks! Guess it's that they can be sure to get there not-a-carry-on in the space making it harder for those who do manage to comply with the "rules." Last time I looked most passengers are adults, not children traveling alone, and they shouldn't have to be told or reprimanded for trying to stretch the carry-on convenience beyond reason. Flight/gate attendants are not the luggage police!
Then there are those who still reek of their last Island-binge oozing from every pore that they have not covered up other than with a dirty smelling "muscle" shirt along with bad breath and the smelly dirty feet! Or there are those who think that somehow that perfume that they bought so cheaply in the islands will cover any dank and musty smells (unless the perfume is dank and musty) and they have applied it liberally since they can no longer carry more than 3-ox. of it on the plane to spray themselves and anyone else in their vicinity! Of course, folks all around can't breathe but no matter ...
And why oh why! does it take a whole party of travelers (sometimes 4 or 5 blocking everyone else) to crowd around the luggage claim area to watch one person pull the luggage off the belt?
Kids and ADULTS kicking the seat in front, loud earpieces - my gosh! if I can hear it two rows away what is it doing to their ears? Those noisy bing-bong games that keep kids entertained for hours but can manage to drive someone nearby batty! ...or Even if you are in a row with a lap baby (who has been long past the age requirement in years) ... and after all that, they are likely the ones to complain the most when something doesn't go just right or a baby is screaming its head off because of ear pressure! I had a flight once where the guy behind continually shuffled new cards and I think I heard that sound for weeks after (and can still hear it now when I think about it - just dozing off and riiiiiiiiiiippppp - bang - bang, rippppppppppppppp, bang bang - don't think he played with 'em, just shuffled 'em!!)
well! You all certainly got me going ... I am so looking forward to the wheels up next Sat morning now! LOL Yes, it's a cattle call ... but guessing that some cattle calls might even be more humane! But let's put the blame where it belongs - on those rude and inconsiderate passengers. But then, there's always those miles that you can use to upgrade rather than thinking about a "free" seat with someone's bald head in your lap!

Posted : March 2, 2007 12:26 pm
Posts: 1138
Noble Member

Thanks mell

Posted : March 2, 2007 1:40 pm
Posts: 152
Estimable Member

I didn't notice if this was covered but cell phones are very high on my poop list. (td) I'm not really against cell phones (I've had one since not the same bag phone I started with:D) but why do people have to talk so loud? I don't care if you're on the plane, running late, miss you already, landed the job, got lucky, forgot to lock the doors, just landed...I and the rest of the folks on the plane, in the concourse or wherever don't need or want to know.

Please find a semi private space, make your call and talk in a normal voice or get a better phone. I like to stand near the pay phone areas and make my call/s. There's hardly anyone near them nowadays. 😉 I feel better now. 🙂

Posted : March 2, 2007 2:41 pm
Posts: 48
Trusted Member

I don't like sitting next to a strong perfume wearer, the loud ' listen to me talk' cell phone user, the guy burping behind me, the "spill his/her guts" person in the seat next to mine, the annoying recliner, the whispering reader... plus a multitude of other irritating offenses. But last time I checked, we live in a free country and these rude travelers have paid their fares, same as you and me. Personally, I never recline my seat, even if the seat in front of me is inches from my face.... that's me....I try to be a conscientious flyer....but such is the beauty of life....we all dance to a different tune.....
I totally agree with promo about the effects of deregualation; we can't have it both ways. Deregulation has given birth to a new species of air travel.....lower fares due to cut throat competition, leading to shoddy service, cramped flights, no meals, etc. During our flight home from STT last month, the people seated across the aisle were eating chicken wings and fries...I thought I was going to hurl from the disgusting greasy smell.....but it is their perogative to clog their arteries 🙂 Right?
Blu, I'm not sticking up for the recliners et al....they are terribly inconsiderate and although it make us feel better to vent.....I think that our venting falls on deaf ears. Unfortunately, as I stated in an earlier post, we have two and first class. We try to purchase tickets on our FF airlines, then use points to upgrade to business. And if that isn't doable, we've decided to pay for business and cut back spending on other things..... especially on trips to Europe and the Caribbean. I tried to save money on our last trip to STT and swore I would never make that mistake again! My bad. 🙁

Posted : March 2, 2007 4:24 pm
Posts: 2026
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I'm talking about common courtesy and decency. Once we lose sight of what is decent, and we focus only on what we have a right to do (regardless of how it makes someone else feel), we're on another level. That's probably why some passengers recline ......and some don't.....and it'll probably always be that way.

I have just over a foot or so of space between me and the seat in front. If that person feels that it's their right to eat into 1/3 of that tiny space of mine....and they don't care how I feel.......then that's not a person I can impact with this thread. But, I'm hopeful that there are some people who just haven't thought about it before....and will now decide not to recline.

Posted : March 2, 2007 5:10 pm
Posts: 1

Having read all the way through this...I think there's a simple solution to the recliners. Let's put the toddlers that like to push on the back of the seat and flip the tray table up and down the whole way down behind the "recliners". We always fly with 4 seats in two rows(window and middle) behind each other so that our son only disturbs his sister, but I think I'll loan him out if anyone needs his services!

Posted : March 3, 2007 10:59 am
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