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Airline Etiquette - PLEASE!

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Airline Etiquette - PLEASE!

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Dearest airline travelers.....a simple request.....

When you are flying and not in first class, why oh why do you recline your seats ALL the way back? Do you have any idea how squished that makes the person behind you?

Some of the hardware on seats on the airlines are very worn - and the seats probably go back farther than intended. It is really hard to eat from my tray, use my laptop, watch a video on the DVD player, etc...if not impossible.

If you are a heavy person, your seat will really go back too far if you recline all the way. Please, have a heart! The man in front of me last night was a really big guy - and he did a full recline. His seat was really going back too far on one side. My knees were pushed into his back. Couldn't he feel it? Don't you KNOW when you are reclined too far? To add insult to injury, he was in the exit row and and had NO seats in front of him...and a large space between him and the wall - where the flight attendant's jump-seat was. Good grief....with all of that room, why crush me?

Please, please.....let's stop doing the full recline in coach. There simply isn't room for it anymore. A slight recline? Sure. But, IMO, the full recline is just rude!

Be a conscious flier and understand that we're all going to be uncomfortable for a while. Let's not make it worse for each other.

Not all planes are packing us in by design - so I realize that reclining is just fine on some planes.

Just my pet peeve and one that I always forget to mention once I am off of the plane.

Posted : February 27, 2007 5:19 pm
Posts: 1

I have to say AMEN to that! I don't ever recline because I know how uncomfortable it makes the person in back of me. I've seen this in other posts on different boards though and some people think it's definitely fine to recline as far as you please regardless of others comfort. It really is irritating when you have no leg room, can't use your tray etc, but they are as sprawled out as they can be in such cramped quarters!

Thanks again for all your trip reports!

Posted : February 27, 2007 5:23 pm
Posts: 1

Finally somebody has said what I have wanted to say for a long time. I'm 6'3" about 260 pounds and if I can some how find a way not to recline why can't somebody else. I also seem to always get the person in front of me that will recline the minute the meal is served, it drives me nuts.

Posted : February 27, 2007 5:28 pm
Posts: 313
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Amen - - and I would also add a shout out for those who think of others and actually clean up their mess in the bathrooms (thanks, folks, it's much appreciated). And, on the flip side, a big thumbs down to folks with stinky feet who feel inclined to remove their shoes and share. And, to the crammers - you know, the ones who are determined that their oversized crap is going to fit in the overhead bin even if they have to shove, slam and flatten everything else that is already up there. These seem to be the same folks who are pulling their luggage out before the seat belt sign is off. I love it when they grab from a few rows away - more than one cranial fracture has been caused by these folks, I'm sure. It's not like they are going to get out any faster...Harry Chapin was right on - "it's the going, not the getting there, that's good".

Posted : February 27, 2007 5:46 pm
Posts: 43
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With the way people are packed into planes nowadays, it seems very rude to recline fully and this is something I personally never do. (The one exception being, of course, if no one is seated behind me.)

I wish the word would get out and this would become an "official" rule of etiquette!!!

Thanks for mentioning this.

Margy Z LOL at your hilarious post!


Posted : February 27, 2007 5:50 pm
Posts: 43
Eminent Member

Okay OT, but I will keep it short.

Margy Z:

Your mention of rude flyers with smelly feet reminds me of a flight I took to the South Pacific: The guy sitting across the aisle from me had such horrific, smelly feet that the flight attendents cruised past him and discreetly sprayed air freshener on the floor near his feet.

It took them several passes (I am not kidding about this) before we were all able breathe again!!!!

Posted : February 27, 2007 6:03 pm
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Ok good - I am glad that this is out in the open now. I knew I couldn't be the only one with a problem. I'm sure someone will chime in with defense to the recliners (or the crammers, or feet stinkers, etc).

It makes me want to stand up holding onto the top of their seat, pulling back on it as hard as I can...and then releasing it so that it catapults

Hey, maybe the people with the stinky feet are just trying to get back at the recliners in front of them. I wish the airlines would disable the recline features on these crammed planes - since some people have no concern for others 🙁

Posted : February 27, 2007 6:21 pm
Posts: 323
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Absolutely agree! IMHO they ought to remove the recline feature from coach seats - it just isn't necessary. As a child, my parents told us NOT to recline so I never have (except in first class on a transatlantic flight because I could). It always seems that the person in front of me does though 🙁

Posted : February 27, 2007 6:33 pm
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Here's one more of my rules:

If someone is in the middle seat (not aisle or window) they get BOTH armrests. It is the least we can do for them. The middle just plain stinks (unless a small child occupies it). Let's concede the armrests to these poor souls.

Posted : February 27, 2007 6:39 pm
Posts: 6
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I'll second that motion Blue...especially seeing that me homeward bound seat is in the middle...

Posted : February 27, 2007 6:41 pm
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Chi, did you book online - USAir? Maybe you already know this.....

If you booked online with USAir, log into USAir's website 24 hrs before your departure time (get on as close to the 24 hr mark as possible - not much later) and click the options for "Travel Tools and Services" on the menu bar on the main screen, then select "Web Check-In" from the dropdown menu.

You'll then be asked for some details (know your FF# or your confirmation code) and you'll get to your reservation where you'll be asked if you want to check in - proceed with check in.

Here, you can change your seat! If any seats are open (they usually open more seats on the day before departure..if possible), you can switch yourself to a better seat using the diagram of the plane's seat layout they'll show you. It'll show you what is open and you just click the seat you want - that's it!

I always do this and usually get much better seats this way. I am usually limited because I am trying to switch both my daughter and I - and ONE good seat is easier to come by than TWO together. Being that you are going alone, this should work for you. Since many other travelers now use this strategy, it is best to do it as soon as the web check in opens for your flight - at the 24 hr mark prior to departure.

Other airlines may also offer this - but I only fly USAir. Yes, I have just given up one of my best kept secret flying tips - but I am a sucker for a single dad.

Posted : February 27, 2007 7:06 pm
(@St. Thomas)
Posts: 1

When people have a choice which seat they want and they pick the middle, how can people feel sorry for them if they feel squished? They chose it!

They need to stop making them so they recline, and then people can't use that feature. I'd rather have someone recline the seat back who was talking loudly and go to sleep then talk loudly the whole way and drive me nuts!

Posted : February 27, 2007 8:25 pm
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STT, I don't think anyone chooses the middle over the aisle or window. Often, they get stuck there...probably in effort to sit with a companion.

I can't imagine anyone saying "oh, you have an aisle and a middle - I'll take the middle!".

Posted : February 27, 2007 9:04 pm
Posts: 385
Honorable Member

So if you are stuck in a middle seat and the person directly in front of you is reclined to the farthest possible point that you can't put your tray down or move your legs, and the guy to your right who you have never met in your life is snoring on your right shoulder as loudly as he can and is hogging the armrest so that you can't even begin to re-adjust yourself and your husband who has the window seat with a child leaning over the top chatting away is fast asleep what can you possibly do for the next 3 and a 1/2 hours, not to mention the fact that you had a couple painkillers before you got on the plane and you really have to use the bathroom......What do you do now?.... I hear you Bluwater and raise you one! There has got to be a better way to get to and from Paradise! Jill

Posted : February 27, 2007 9:31 pm
Posts: 80
Estimable Member

If people have not heard of this already....there is a website called which tells you based on the particular plane your airline flies which seats are the best to choose -- most legroom, etc -- and which to avoid -- those by the bathroom, those that don't recline, etc.

This site is wonderful!!


Posted : February 27, 2007 9:42 pm
Posts: 2026
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Amen Jill!

lbrlwyr, good site!

Posted : February 27, 2007 9:49 pm
Posts: 48
Trusted Member

There is a better way to get to Paradise, Jill....actually two. First and Business Class :)....mia

Posted : February 27, 2007 11:09 pm
Posts: 100
Estimable Member

I agree but my dear husband has the opposite. He is 6'7" tall. He sits on aisle more room but when the person in front of him lower his or her seat it slams back onto his legs. He has asked nicely please your seat is slamming in my knees of course some say sorry & move it up. Though most just say tough. He had to ask FA to step in as he paid for his seat just as other person. The FA then ask the person to not do it or since there was no one seating next to them to move over. But once the FA comes into the action the seat is moved up.

He understand the person want to reclines that why he ask for a seat where there is no one but when making plans with airlines they won't assign those seats until you get to airport or that is how it is on the plane we take. Then of course we get to airport only to be told taken when that person makes reservation. But usually the FA takes pity on him & move him to a bulkhead area.

The worse are kids who like to play with their seats as well as adults. No room in planes other than to seat & pay up the a** for the tickets.

Posted : February 28, 2007 3:22 am
Posts: 57
Trusted Member


6'7" - I would not want a man who is 6'7" and who is sitting directly behind me to be upset or uncomfortable

To give him more room I would move my seat out on the wing if he asked


Posted : February 28, 2007 7:00 am
Posts: 1

I agree mia, I also get to Paradise with first or business class. After 3.5 hours with a large, greasy bald head in my lap! Who actually acused me of preventing his seat to go back even farther!!! and then became rather anoyed at me. Never again....LOL

Posted : February 28, 2007 7:15 am
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