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You all getting tired of my un-ending questions yet? lol Ok 2 more questions, which car rental place is the closest to the dock that I can carry my luggage to in St. John and what am I hearing about a .25 cent charge for something in or around St. John?

Posted : April 3, 2009 10:06 am
Posts: 10
Active Member

We rented from L&L and the Jeep (with agent) was waiting for us just off the ferry. He either walked back or took a return back (i.e., we didn't have to drop him off)

Can't help with the other ?

Posted : April 3, 2009 11:46 am
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

Can't help you where the nearest car rental operation is concerned, but the 0.25 charge you're asking about might be a new turnstile surcharge of 0.25¢ pp at the ferry terminals which is only in the planning stages right now and will be a while before implementation. Passenger ferry fares between STT and STJ will increase by roughly $1 at the beginning of next month. However, effective immediately, the temporary $1.10 fuel surcharge on each ticket has been removed.

Posted : April 3, 2009 11:49 am
Posts: 327
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Whats the extra .25 suppose to cover and if increasing ferry fares I think they are trying to nickel and dime people. Is this only happening on St. Thomas or St. John as well. Is it only going to be at the ferry docks at both places? I will be there in Sept. or early Oct. will it be going by then?

Posted : April 3, 2009 12:07 pm
Posts: 263
Reputable Member

We have always used L&L ( and they always meet us at the dock for pickup and drop off. If you are arriving later than 6pm you have to make special arrangements with them or perhaps you could arrange with your villa manager to pick up the car prior to your arrival.

Posted : April 3, 2009 12:16 pm
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I just didn't want to bother any body for a ride. So I thought I would pull my luggage to the closest car rental place.

Posted : April 3, 2009 12:35 pm
Posts: 66
Trusted Member

For the past 5 years we have rented our cars from Conrad Sutton; his place is in downtown Cruz Bay approx. 2 blocks from the ferry dock. My wife and I have a great arrangement: we get off the ferry, she retrieves me a cold beer from the High Tide bar and I sit happily with the luggage while she walks over to Conrad's place and pulls the car around. There are other car rental places around Cruz Bay, but our experiences with Conrad have been good so we haven't had a reason to try anyone else. Conrad also lets you park in his lot for free when you're back in town to shop or dine. Good luck whatever you choose, here's Conrad's website:

Posted : April 3, 2009 12:56 pm
Posts: 3316
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imcnell: This link to our local online newspaper will give you the details:

Posted : April 3, 2009 1:55 pm
Posts: 131
Estimable Member

St John Rental is close to the ferry dock, its near the Beach Bar. They provide parking for you while you are hanging around Cruz Bay which is nice since parking is so tight.

Posted : April 3, 2009 10:13 pm
Posts: 284
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We plan on using Dependable on St. Thomas again this fall.
They pick you up at the airport, take you to their office/agency, and you get in your car & are free to go! It's an easy drive to Red Hook, where you jump on the car barge/ferry, and the one we took last November had adult beverages on the upper deck, that noone sitting in their cars seemed to know about.
We were then dropped off at the ferry barge lot on STJ, and went about our business, as we were met there by our villa greeter.
All in all, it was the easiest transition from the airport to STJ, and we only had to move our luggage around once or twice. We were basically on "Island Time" as soon as we landed, and it didn't have the cattle-cargo feel whatsoever. Sometimes dealing with the taxis' and baggage handlers can get a bit exhausting if not intimidating. And this is coming from a guy who's been there 9 times.
Good luck!

Posted : April 4, 2009 12:10 pm
Posts: 327
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What are the directions from Dependable to red hook barge?

Posted : April 4, 2009 3:56 pm
Posts: 385
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check out the "news of St. John" website....It's a great site to find out the latest info on St. John. There was an article written this past week w/ regards to the increases on the ferry. I believe that's what you are talking about.

I go on the News of St. John site at least 2 or 3 times a week to see what's happening. The guy who writes the site lives on the island and is really informed about all aspects of life on the island. Check him out.


Posted : April 4, 2009 5:12 pm
Posts: 3316
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JIII, with all due respect, the best sources of information pertaining to what's going on locally is a combination of reading the Virgin Islands Daily News (available online) along with the Source (only on line) and The Avis (only available in hard copy.)

Most visitors don't give a rat's patootie about what we're dealing with right now in this failing economy!

imcnell124: You will get a map from your rental car agency and getting to Red Hook is very, very simple. Two direct routes. Very simple! Cheers!

Posted : April 5, 2009 2:28 am
Posts: 871
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I also find the st john Tradewinds useful which is also available on line.

Posted : April 5, 2009 7:29 am
Posts: 385
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STT Resident w/ regards to your comment "Most visitors don't give a rat's patootie about what we're dealing with right now in this failing economy!" I must say that's where you are wrong. Even in today's failing economy my husband and I who are frequent travelers to STJ were able to make it down for 3 weeks and support STJ's locals, we shopped the stores, we ate out at the restaurants, we paid park fees and dropped quite a bit into a place we love. I'd say we give a big rat's patootie about STJ

As for my reference to IMCneil1125 I was simply pointing out an article I read recently regarding info she was looking. After all that's what this board is for...helping newbies get around and plan a pleasant vacation.


Posted : April 5, 2009 6:16 pm
Posts: 327
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I've been to St. John many time's although 5 years being the last due to health reasons. I have always read all the online articles, newsrooms etc. almost on a daily basis. I truly care for St. John that's why I'm coming back on October and will be eating out for most meals for a week and driving a rental car, and have since changed my mind and will rent one from St. John. If I could afford it I would come more often then I do. Or for that matter but a villa and live there would be my ideal way. I truly appreciate all that have answered my never ending questions and plan on having a great time although it still looks like I'm still coming by myself. St. John will always have my heart.

Posted : April 5, 2009 6:53 pm
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

Didn't realize STT and STJ had a monopoly on the failing economy. We are coming down in July, even though my fiance lost his job "due to the ecomony" . Sounds like these hard times have affected some attitudes!!!

Posted : April 6, 2009 9:51 pm
Posts: 563
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we appreciate all visitors as well as residents who support local businesses. i make it a point, since i do have a job, to treat someone to a meal or buy a book or something once a month and not be so tight with the dollars.

but, i can see why sttresident (who is normally a pretty cheerful sort) is feeling a bit jaded. i am sure it will pass.

i work in the hospitality industry, and most callers these days, even with a current promotion in place that grants free nights to all renters, ask if we can take even more off and add on normally paid services as complimentary. they insist that we return to the owner time and time again to take off more and more and more. i sometimes want to know if they think the owner of the villa is on another planet.

i will suggest this post,96906,96911#msg-96911
...and this post,103910,104435#msg-104435
for further reading.

we can only go so low, and we know that there are many out there who are only looking for the cheapest, and quality means nothing to them. i think that these are the folks sttresident is referring to.

not ALL visitors have that mindset, and it's nice to be reminded accordingly... so thanks!

Posted : April 7, 2009 8:09 am
Posts: 20
Eminent Member

I already have booked on STJ and they did have a discount in place, but would have come anyway. Thanks for the info. I'm looking forward to coming for the 3rd time. I love your island and you seem very kind.

Have a good day!!

Posted : April 7, 2009 8:44 am
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

I do think my comment was rather misinterpreted. I was certainly not in any way denigrating our visitors in any way, shape or form, just noting that the economical situation is so bad elsewhere that people are naturally more concerned with what's going in their own back yards and that knowing that things are bad EVERYWHERE (including the VI) isn't really of much concern to them.

I wasn't really even thinking about the mindset which Anita so aptly and correctly describes but that IS a valid point. Visitor forums have been larded with questions lately about how to get the cheapest excursion, the cheapest daysail, the cheapest food, etc. and, as Anita has pointed out, those directly in the hospitality industry are being asked to give more and more breaks. Nothing wrong with that at all but the MANNER in which any request for a deduction is concerned is all-important.

My business is affected by tourism indirectly but I have many friends whose businesses depend SOLELY upon visitor revenue and I feel their pain when they relate stories of outright rudeness from visitors. "WHAT? You're charging me that! That's outrageous!" "You people are just gouging us!" And so goes on the litany which we know is a small part and parcel of the whole visitor routine and with which we deal with year in and year out. but which in this current ghastly economic climate seems more prevalent and is just so rude.

When I first saw the writing on the wall over two years ago I predicted that the downfall would hit the VI in a big way and, at the time, was quite severely criticized as being a "doomsayer" when I predicted a huge downturn in tourism and the consequent closure of several businesses. Most naysayers said that this was just a "little glitch" and that everything would quickly turn around. Am I happy that my realistic viewpoint has been vindicated? Of course not! I would much rather have been wrong.

I don't feel generally jaded. To me right now it's rather like the aftermath of hurricane Marilyn when particularly St Thomas (and St Croix after hurricane Hugo) saw a big drop in tourism and revenue. It was hard living but eventually things turned around. Many people left the islands, several businesses closed down but it all came to rights eventually. And now this situation which is much more serious. But I'm basically an incurable optimist in the worst of times and that's what keeps me going through thick and thin.

If I've failed to clarify my position then I'm sorry. To all of you coming here in the next year I hope you enjoy a wonderfully relaxing stay! To all of you hitherto regular visitors who've had to curtail your visits for the time being until the economic climate rights itself, we'll be awaiting your return at some time in the future. Cheers!

Posted : April 7, 2009 9:13 am
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