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1st Trip to the USVI

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1st Trip to the USVI

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We are going on our first trip in a week and a half! Sooooo excited! Does anyone have any good advice for
A. Restaraunts
B. Parasailing or another adventure activity
C. Best beaches for snorkeling
D. Romantic Excursions
E. Things to bring
We are staying on water island but plan to spend alot of time on st john and some on saint thomas!
Thanks for any advice!

Posted : June 14, 2008 1:01 pm
Posts: 1514
Noble Member

For your adventure excursion, check out My ex-wife, Tiffany, runs this gig and it's an absolute HOOT! I highly recommend it...

Posted : June 14, 2008 1:33 pm
Posts: 1

Will definately check it out! Someone just posted about water island too! We are so excited to visit! It is mine and Tony's first trip to VI and my first trip to any islands!! Thanks for any advice! :@)

Posted : June 14, 2008 2:16 pm
Posts: 2023
Noble Member

Stacey: You are going to be very limited in restaurants for dinner unless you have a dinghy at your disposal. I think the last ferry is around 6 pm during the week. You can provision at Gourmet Gallery in Crown Bay, right next to the ferry. Water Island is a wonderful getaway because the access is limited. Bring some books and hang out on Honeymoon Beach, have lunch with Heidi. See if you can find the fort- we couldn't! Ask the locals for suggestions about snorkeling.

Posted : June 14, 2008 2:22 pm
Posts: 660
Honorable Member

water island is for R&R and very kittle night life. As mentioned before you will need to have a dingy bring you back and forth. And if you are going to enjoy the islands you should have a car for a few days then you can taxi it. But I'mnot sure when the last dingy runs but watch that time.

Have a good stay.


Posted : June 14, 2008 2:40 pm
Posts: 1

We are definately looking for some R&R! The last ferry runs at 6:00 and if you want a later ride it can be arranged with the ferry operator for an additional fee. We probably wont be looking for alot of night-life as far as going to clubs and such! Our main goal is to relax and enjoy! But, we are thinking about staying in St John for a night depending on what we feel like!
We will take a look for the fort while we are there! I will definately post a trip report when we get back!
Thanks for the tips!
Stacey & Tony

Posted : June 14, 2008 4:19 pm
Posts: 2023
Noble Member

Stacey: How did you pick Water Island for your first trip to the Caribbean? It is an interesting choice, and one I hope you'll enjoy. I look forward to your trip report.

Posted : June 14, 2008 4:54 pm
Posts: 660
Honorable Member

by the way you might try pardise point for sone fun. but you will need to get a late ride back. The Delly Deck is a good place at Havensight. Shipwreck is pretty ood and has 1/2 price hamburgers on Fridays.

good luck, but I would not have chosen water island for my first visit.


Posted : June 14, 2008 8:22 pm
Posts: 3316
Famed Member

Stacey: You'll find the Water Island residents most hospitable and very helpful when it comes to advice about getting supplies during your stay there. Check with whoever you're renting from where logistics are concerned in re basic supplies. It might be a good idea to make a basic pit stop en route from the airport to Water Island to pick up some basic food supplies but, again, check with your "landlord" to see what's going to be available to you on site.

As has been pointed out, STT and STJ have regular stores (STT more so than STJ) but Water Island has pretty much nothing so you need to plan accordingly. That said, it's a wonderfully pristine spot and, as long as you plan ahead, you'll have a wondrously relaxing time there. Cheers!

Posted : June 14, 2008 11:32 pm
Posts: 1

I actually picked water island by looking up usvi campgrounds online and the island looked so relaxing and secluded that it just seemed perfect for us! We like a nice quiet area and that seemed the perfect spot for us! Of course we still want to do some exploring but our number one priority is R&R! The site for the campground has advice on just what to bring and where to shop for provisions on the way over! Wow, only 6 days till vacation! Cant wait!

Posted : June 19, 2008 5:02 pm
Posts: 284
Reputable Member

Stacey & Tony-
What a wonderful choice for you to make. We've been down to the USVI's 9 times, and were looking to try Water Island, but always end up on STJ. I hope to hear about your trip. My research as far as Water Island is as many others have posted- very quiet, and almost remote. Did you think about bringing a soft sided cooler with food-stuffs to cook/prepare at your location? Are you at a campground, or a private home? We're due to land in 127 days on STT, for our trip to Coral Bay on STJ, and albeit not too far away,(we just got back from a trip this past April-) I'm a little jealous! Remind Tony- A man should not be judged by the size of his dinghy alone!

Posted : June 20, 2008 10:39 am
Posts: 1

I will defnately post some pictures and a trip report! It is a campground that we are staying at and they have a refridgerator and all cooking needs! Yay! They also have a cooler provided for us so it is very convenient! All we have to do is grab up some groceries at the store before we get on the ferry and we are all set! 3 days to go and its off to the islands!
stacey & tony

Posted : June 22, 2008 8:59 am
Posts: 568
Honorable Member

Stacey, when you arrive at the STT airport, get your bags and secure a taxi to take you to Crown Bay Marina/Gourmet Gallery. My recommendation is to take an empty soft cooler bag (you can get extra large soft, foldable cooler bags at Sam's Club or BJs for $10 and pack it in your carry-on or somewhere you can get to it easily). Before you get on the Water Island Ferry, do your grocery shopping at Gourmet Gallery. They've got everything you may need and they are 1 minute walk from the WI Ferry. You don't have to get everything you'll need for the duration of your stay but at least get what you'll need for drinks/snacks/supper that evening (for a quick/no fuss supper that first night consider Gourmet Gallery makes great sandwiches.....go to the deli counter. They have sandwich order slips that you fill out....what kind of meat, lettuce?, condiments, bread, etc......and give to the deli clerk.), and breakfast. You could have lunch @ Heidi's on Honeymoon Beach the next day as well. She makes the best burgers, grilled chicken, vegie burgers, curry chicken salad, etc. After that, next time you go to STT you can pick up the rest of your stay provisions at Gourmet Gallery or Pueblo is just a "block" or two east of the Marina complex. Don't sweat it. You'll likely even have time for a bushwacker or rum punch at Tickles before boarding the ferry. My recommendation is to buy a 'punch pass" ($40) from the WI ferry captain once you board (versus one trip ticket). You'll get 10 trips on the punch pass and if you're going to be going back/forth to STT or STJ or elsewhere for exploration/adventure, punchpass is much more economical.

For adventures in STT you can do the dollar ride if you're just going to downtown or Havensite. If you want a full day of STT exploration, just walk couple blocks from Crown Bay Marina to rent a car.....Amalia Car Rental is one we always use. BUT, be sure that you plan on sufficient time to get the car back to the car rental place before 5:00 (closing time for them). Or, if you're going to keep your car overnight in say....Crown Bay should go up to the CB Marina office BEFORE you rent the car and see if they have available parking spots to rent. I think it's $20 per night for parking inside the CB complex. Though, it's possible to park the rental car and the lower level parking lot in Nisky Center, I don't recommend it.....not secure. If it's an old beater island car, no prob. parking at Nisky. But for rental car, you should either make sure you return car before 5:00 or secure parking in Crown Bay Marina.

A day trip or two to STJ is definitely do-able. My sister was visiting in May and we took the dollar ride and got off at the tent market in downtown. Walk across the street to the waterfront and you'll see the Charlotte Amalie ferry to STJ. Just wait under the shaded platform until they open for boarding. Have your $10 ready to give to the ferry crew member as you board. It's a 40 minute ride with lots to see to STJ. Coming back you may want to consider taking the 20 minute ferry from Cruz Bay to Red Hook. I think the Cruz Bay to Red Hook is about $4 if I remember correctly. You'll then be able to explore the east end of STT for a while before getting on the dollar ride back to Crown Bay Marina. You'll have plenty of time to have a full day adventure. Just make sure you decide before you go which WI ferry (the 4:15? 5:15? 6:00 IS THE LAST REGULAR RUN) you're going to catch to get back to WI and keep an eye on your watch in the afternoon and allow yourself 45 minutes to an hour (probably won't take that long but just in case.....allow yourself at least that much time) for the journey from East End/Red Hook to Crown Bay Marina. The dollar ride doesn't stop at Crown Bay Marina. You'll have to push the button to get off at the Pueblo, walk thru the Pueblo parking lot and head west the couple of blocks to familiar territory - Crown Bay Marina.

Posted : June 22, 2008 11:21 am
Posts: 568
Honorable Member

East Ender, next time you're going to Water Island I hope you find the Fort using my directions below. It's a hike if you're on foot but you may be able to catch a ride from a resident that you chat up on the ferry. It would be great to have a ride TO the fort and should be a pleasant walk (down hill) from the fort. Here's how to get to the fort:

On Water Island, get off the ferry and walk up the hill. You'll see road to the right which will take you down to Honeymoon Beach and road to the left that will take you up to the Botanical Gardens. But, keep walking straight to get to the fort. As you walk, you'll see another road to the right that takes you to Pirate's Ridge store/deli, catchment hill, and the location where the old hotel was before Hugo, and the deep water marina. But, keep walking straight to get to the fort. You'll quickly see the "Y" in the road where you'll see the bike truck and a turquoise with pink trim house on your right. At the "Y" in the road, you'll go right. (If you go left at the "Y" you'll see a concrete steep driveway - this is where the Eco Campground is located. Opposite of the Eco Campground driveway you can take the path to the right by a yellow house which will get you down to Limestone Beach).'re going to the Fort so take a right at the "Y". After taking the right at the "Y", continue on this road up/down and soon you'll see a new house on your left in the distance kind of a bright orange color (the owners tell me it's not orange but CORAL color). You'll very soon see where the road goes from a sort of pavement to gravel. At that point there is a road to the left (with a sprawling tree in the southwest corner). Turn left. You'll walk up that road and pass the orange house on your left. Soon, on your right you'll see what used to be Limestone Terrace (recently purchased and the new owners have plans for the property). And you'll see another two large structures/houses under construction on your left. Continue up the road (specatcular views) and you'll see a hairpin turn on your right (concrete pelicans) and a house on your left recently refurbished on the side of the cliff . Continue on the same road you've been travelling. Soon, you'll see the "back" entrance to the fort on your left. You could go this way long as you have a flashlight. Otherwise, continue on and you'll see two large concrete homes enclosed by a large concrete wall on your right and then another unfinished large concrete home on your right as well. Just past these you'll come to the fort. You'll readily see the observation post that offers 360 view of the "world". To get to the main entrance to the fort and the gun emplacements, you should see a path to your right on the south side which will take you down to the entrance to the fort. Bring a flashlight and watch your step. .......Water Island is only a couple miles long island so though this description may SOUND complex, it's really not a long distance. There are some Suzanne Somer thighmaster hills between the WI ferry landing and the fort.

Posted : June 22, 2008 11:45 am
Posts: 568
Honorable Member

Billd and others are correct in that Water Island is quiet, secluded and limited commercial enterprises. Crown Bay Marina is 5 Minutes from the Airport, you do have to take an 8 minute people ferry to/from STT. The ferry schedule is published on this web site. The ferry's first scheduled run is 6:45 a.m. leaving Water Island and the last scheduled run is 6:00 p.m. from STT to WI or 6:15 from WI to STT. Wednesday, Friday and Saturday nights the ferry does a run from STT to WI @ 9:00 p.m. and leave WI @ 9:15 to STT. You can also call the captain and ask for a special run. If you like to go clubbing, dancing, dinner out every night.....Water Island is not for you. If you like to do day trips to STT, STJ or surrounding islands but return to quiet, no crime, no hustle, no bustle island and spend your evenings/nights/mornings/days just chillin', then Water Island may be just the place for you. Water Island offers a wide range of affordable vacation accomodations from the Eco Campground to 4 bedroom villas. Most vacation homes do make available transportation on Water Island either golf cart or motor vehicle for no additional charge. Water Island is relaxing place to just read a book(s) or much fun and laughter to be had doing Friday All-U-Can-Eat Pizza, Heidi's gourmet dinner on Saturday night, Heidi's lunch every day on Honeymoon Beach, "Drive-in" Movie night on Monday's on Honeymoon Beach, Joe's Beach Bar pot luck/Sunday Jam Session, WII Bowling in the Pavillion, hiking/exploring, hanging on Honeymoon Beach or snorkeling in Spratt Bay. You can take the Bones pirate ship snorkeling adventure that ends up on Honeymoon beach with a chicken & rib mid-afternoon lunch and just not get back on the Bones boat but head back to your villa. You can charter offshore fishing trip on Peanut (or others) who will pick you up and drop you on Water Island. I guess my overall point is that each of the USVI's have their own unique charm, adventures and characteristics. Whether you choose Water Island for a day trip or a place you'll hang your hat for the duration of your vacation, most folks will have a wonderful experience.

Posted : June 22, 2008 1:45 pm
Posts: 2023
Noble Member

FL: I am going to cut and paste your excellent directions. I did get directions from a friend/resident, but I think maybe I wasn't paying enough attention! LOL We did have a lovely long hike and got to see a lot of stuff, just not the fort!! Next time, though.

Posted : June 22, 2008 5:01 pm
Posts: 140
Estimable Member

I'm sure you will enjoy your visit to Water Island. I just wanted to make a comment about some of the things available on Water Island. The "Friday All-U-Can-Eat Pizza", mentioned in a previous posting, at the Pirate's Ridge Deli is not available at this time of year. The Pirate's Ridge Deli is still open but is carrying a very small inventory of items. So a word to the wise, bring groceries over from St Thomas.

Water Island is like a small town where we have a lot of group events. To get an idea of what is going on check out the Water Island Civic Association's web site, By selecting the "News", "Events", and "Scoop" tabs you'll find current Information that is posted for residents and visitors to help keep them informed of events on island. The next island-wide event is the 4th of July parade, followed by Wii Bowling on the beach on Wednesday night, July 9, 2008.

Posted : June 23, 2008 6:44 pm
Posts: 1

I just want to take a moment to thank everyone for the wonderful advice and comments! I am going to print out this blog so that I can refer to some of these tips on our trip! 1 Day to go and we are bouncing off the walls with excitement! Again, thank you all so much for the great advice!
Stacey and Tony

Posted : June 24, 2008 2:25 am
Posts: 264
Reputable Member

My wife, son, daughter and I all got SCUBA certified for open water this year at Dive In! at Sapphire Beach. After all these years of coming down here and doing the snorkel bit we all glad that we took the plunge (literally). We're headed out tomorrow morning for another morning of diving. It is certainly something my 15 year old will be talking about when she returns to school this year.

Posted : July 7, 2008 5:10 pm

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