The US Virgin Islands Best Guide


Reputable Member
Joined: June 2, 2006 9:45 am
Topics: 16 / Replies: 439
Re: Less than 7 Days!!!

Making the 1:00 redhook you might beable to do if you aren't checking any luggage If you do have checked luggage there is a 1:00 downtown that would g...

19 years ago
Re: Grocery Shopping/Wharfside Village STJ

Mixology is a full service liquior store, Beer prices on the islands are high but the hard stuff is cheap so you might want to think mixed drinks whil...

19 years ago
Re: Weather

Ive never been there when there wasn't at least 30% chance of showers it gets to be a joke when they raise it to 40% we joke that it must going to rai...

19 years ago
Re: August vacation STJ questions

I would recomend the Breath out of coral bay or Rusty and the tri sail out of the westin both were great. You might think about a fishing charter it's...

19 years ago
Re: Daylight Savings Time?

You have to remember that stt is an hour ahead of you during the summer and 2 hours ahead during the winter

19 years ago
Re: red hook or Charlotte Amalie ferry to St John?

I wait tell i've got my suit cases in hand then decide if. If the taxi ride to red hook and ferry ride will get me in at about the same time as the ca...

19 years ago
Re: Grocery Shopping/Wharfside Village STJ

Grab a cab have them take you to Starfish for your snacks, mixolagy "spelling" for your liquor

19 years ago

I like the Lime inn, rumblines, Margarita Phili's amd Morgan Mangos

19 years ago
19 years ago
Re: Allesandra Villa on St John

Hi Morrispa If you want to send me a private email I could email some sunset pictures I took the end of April or begining of May from the deck.

19 years ago
Re: Allesandra Villa on St John

I,ve been there twice since the first of the year it,s a great place the views are great. The villa is top notch. The way the house is setup it seems ...

19 years ago
Re: water

iT DEPENDS WHERE YOU Are staying some villas have good treatment and some don't ask your managment company if it's ok to drink. The towns have public ...

19 years ago
Re: what to bring?

I would try and make it over to St John for at least one day. Leave clothes home. Shorts and tropical shirts for the guy's and a sun dress for the gir...

19 years ago
Re: Recent Visti to St. John

Been down 4 times in the last year. Can't wait to get back but this working thing is geting in the way They keep telling me I only get so much vaction...

19 years ago
Re: Snorkeling Trip report - St. John

I like chocolate hole for the most consistant sea life. But any place I can snorkle is fine with me

19 years ago
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