If you can see St John from where you're staying (pretty much any higher elevation on the East end) you'll get a good view of them right from your pat...
exit zero wrote: I think we were all being fairly honest and helpful - you don't have to be defiant about it.;) Ah. my necessary morning chuck...
ducatihottie wrote: There is no bus information about the hospital. Is there any Bus that goes to or from Juan F. Luis Hospital? That drops yo...
It seems from your post that you'll be living on STX as opposed to visiting so best you go to the VINow Moving Center which is linked at the very top ...
ruprt2 wrote: WOW....really need to think about it then. Now the only problem would be having drinks and getting back to the hotel...decisions...de...
ms411 wrote: This youtube video may help you make a decision. This company leaves from both STT and STJ. I, too, would like to know who said a day ...
ruprt2 wrote: We have considered the car rental, honestly we have been back and forth with it, after discussing it we keep thinking of the cons which ...
Ruby wrote: We went to that beach last July and I didn't see any waves -- not anywhere on St. Thomas actually and none over at Trunk either. I don'...
ruprt2 wrote: This might b pretty far out there...but what about going to Buck Island? You need to get to St. Croix and there are company's that sa...
My two "best buy" recommendations for quality, price and selections are Plaza Extra as SeaBreeze19 noted and CostULess which is in Market Square East ...
A choice is very subjective but my picks are Independence, High Pockets, Morningstar, Jester and Winifred which all carry max 6 passengers; and Daydre...
I couldn't disagree more that a charter sail isn't worth the price. For many it's the highlight of their vacation here and in my opinion is something...
I'd definitely take a look at the ferry (schedule is top right under "Quick Links") if you're not so concerned with making a stop or two on the way fo...
2 lbs cut up goat meat or mutton (with bone of course) 2 medium or one very large yellow onion Ghee (I prefer ghee which doesn't burn as easily as...
Sugar Bay is a nice resort and like others receives mixed reviews. I wouldn't have taken the AI option as hotel food is hotel food and SBR is no exce...
tigger_munch_20 wrote: Maybe dumb question...but how would you actually bring bottles home? Is there something special that you need to do with bo...
SisSara wrote: Just wanted to mention that I wasn't entirely accurate in re: to Discount. They apparently will let you take their four wheel drive ...
ms411 wrote: Is that the same company that rents scooters? I'm pretty sure they used to rent scooters, too, when they were at Yacht Haven Grande. ...
I'd never even heard of "Rent a motion" before this. and I can find no listing for any company close to this name either in the white or yellow pages...
The ferry has been out of service since last July 4 when it ran aground off St Thomas and there's little likelihood of its return any time in the near...