They are very good. I serve them at cocktail parties with a sauce which simply combines grape jelly and marinara sauce - awesomely good!
See top right this page, "Moving - Visit Relocation Message Board". You'll find a ton of general information there under the top bars and, if you hav...
You didn't say which island but you could try Theodore Tunick & Company on St Thomas at 340-776-7000 or their affiliate, Marshall & Sterling on St Cro...
Hertz doesn't allow their vehicles to go to St John period, as FI noted. Of the other agencies, most will insist on your renting a 4WD if you're actu...
Loss Damage Waiver/Collision Damage Waiver. Yes, Budget allows their vehicles to be taken to STJ. The only agency which doesn't is Hertz. E...
The local term "shell fish" refers to box fish which in the wild can grow to about 20" in length. What color was this monster fish?
You need to put this on the classified forum on this site (click on "relocation message board" top right to access) and also when you repost be sure t...
You should repost this on this site's classified forum. Click on "relocation message board" upper right and you'll see the link.
Magens would really be the best spot for you to get the hang of it as the waters there are always wonderfully calm. The perfect spot for learning!
Best advice is to contact BVI immigration directly. You can find the contact information on this link:
retrembl wrote: We have always enjoy Agarve's at Mt Pleasant. The views of the downeast islands are great Agave at Point Pleasant is closed a...
casalup13 wrote: has anyone heard of Paradise People? Any opinoins? Thanks again! Still begs the question of which island. A band based on ST...
I called it today and got a response - they are indeed open for business.
From information on another site, it seems the zipline has opened. The telephone number is 340-777-9477, the business is called "Tree Limin' Ext...
blu4u wrote: what about the courts just above town? As I said, I could be wrong. If there are public courts, let me and others know. Thanks.
I could be wrong but I don't think there are any public tennis courts on St John but there definitely are courts at the Westin and Caneel. There'd be...
Sorry Anita but I disagree with you on this one too as the OP clearly said from the beginning that there was no charge involved and further clarified ...
I'm sorry to hear of this unfortunate incident but wonder why you didn't call back Captain Red when the boat he recommended as an alternative wasn't a...
The Ritz Carlton would be an excellent choice.
There is no ferry between STX and STT right now. Your basic options are Seaborne or Cape Air.