Never heard of it! Biggest carrier is ATT followed by Sprint. Best bet is to buy an inexpensive go-phone to use here.
Alana33 wrote: Both ferry companies are running as advertised and according to their schedules from Charlotte Amalie to Cruz Bay: Don't know why ...
Alana, that's what I said in reference to the Cowpet/Nazareth main road: "Alana was referring more to the walking aspect as (and of course you kn...
There are a few 2BR units at Sapphire while many people traveling in larger groups rent adjacent units. There's really no question that the beach at ...
No,. no umbrellas and you don't need them. There's ample shade under the trees, lots of space to keep out of the direct sun. Enjoy a great visit!! ...
The Sapphire Village condos are up on the hill closer to the main road, the Sapphire Beach and Marina condos are much closer to (some directly on) the...
Apparently it's not. You could double check by calling the ferry operator directly (see ferry schedule top right under "Quick Links").
Someone's going to have sore knuckles after a good rapping!
dano50 wrote: fyi, today a 7.9 earthquake in costa rica, tsunami warning for the carribean sea. Fortunately excludes PR and the Virgin Island...
RockyDock wrote: X Also, I don't need responces to my comments from people leading off "with all due respect", or "I've never been there", but this ...
Any reason why you can't post the information on the forum for the benefit of visitors (and residents) with the identical question?
The only way to get there from here is on a flight. LIAT runs regular flights.
I just called them myself and they said the schedule as listed remains the same during September and October and there are no plans to reduce it.
I would look for condo rentals on at Sapphire Beach Marina and Resort, Crystal Cove (both on beautiful Sapphire beach) Cowpet and Elysian...
"Serendip" fits both your budget and location requirements:
lisab wrote: Yes, I realize the ferry schedule is listed in quick links (already looked at it), but I am assuming they will change it for October. ...
The ferry schedule is linked under "Quick Links" top right this page and I would call the ferry company directly to see if they plan on any cutbacks i...
In this particular case the information might be of interest to visitors but I think it's clear why there are two different forums. Residents general...
ms411: The OP already posted on the relocation forum under a different handle, if I'm not mistaken, and since this thread is more appropriate to the ...
lydiaH wrote: "jelly and marinara sauce" ??? Tell me more! Incredibly simple - just a simple store-bought marinara sauce combined with an equ...