ms411 wrote: The ferry schedule won't be announced until Dec. It's usually announced in the paper and on local radio. I can't seem to find any...
Sapphire will offer you the perfect compromise and pay no attention to the negative reports you hear. I've no financial stake in Sapphire at all but ...
Funny, LindaJ! The bottom line is that if you're vacationing on STX you fly directly into STX or alternatively into San Juan if you can find an extra...
Trapper9872 wrote: Just in the news. STJ rental increase. /blockquote> Well done Trapper - just as Anita linked a couple of hours ago. :D:D...
Here's the link to Seaborne Airlines too (the seaplane trip is quite remarkable). You really should change your ...
Bassman wrote: Perhaps that $0.69 stuff was something even you wouldn't drink, STTRes. LOL You're probably right! Don't even touch rum or any...
John wrote: I remember in 1986 a bottle of rum was $0.69 I was too young to buy, but i believe in the early 80s it was $0.29 I came in 19...
Sigh, and I remember when I moved here a long time ago that rum was $2 a bottle! Sigh.
This is the visitor's forum. Post on relocation forum or classified.
Secret Harbour has a beachfront restaurant on site (quite expensive) as well as a more casual bar which also serves food. The beach is beautiful and (...
blu4u: As has been noted, the Sapphire Grill (and bar) in the Village is open for lunch and dinner - and for breakfast in season too. I guess when y...
Alana33 wrote: SeaTrans Loses St. Croix Ferry Franchise /blockquote> Totally expected after the last meeting. The route will now be open...
dano50 wrote: well if i recall last summer when i was planning my trip the travel book (fodors i think ) pretty much said ferries were the cheap wa...
Linda J wrote: Aside from the wreck, the primary reason is isn't running is it isn't practical financially. The 40 miles between the islands and t...
stjchica wrote: Tell me about your travel nurse position...Who are you working through and what type of position are you working in? Have thought a...
Usually more effective to use the "contact Islander" link directly. You can find it under, "Board Rules and Help".
Probably best to check with them directly as they frequently run specials:
Yes, July 4th.
No ferry and no further news on its return. The government is working on canceling the agreement between it and the last operator (who doesn't even h...
There's a separate site here devoted to those thinking of relocating and on which you'll find a ton of information as well as a forum. Go to "VI Movi...