Depends on the provider - Innovative cable, DISH or Direct.
This link should answer your question:
No inter-island ferry servicing St Croix and none planned. Cigarettes around $2.50/$3 a pack. No-smoking laws are now in effect! Advice to check St ...
To the best of my knowledge there's nothing available to fit your requirements. You'll need to go with a licensed driver/owner. Scroll down on "St T...
There are very few restaurants here these days where you have to get "dressed for dinner". At the majority of establishments a clean short-sleeved sh...
There are a couple of related threads on the relocation forum (link top of this page).
All the rental agencies are pretty much on a par but the major negatives on this and other forums are generally pointed at Budget. Nothing wrong with...
Visitors who subscribe to this and other travel forums generally express satisfaction with their services.
St Croix is very different topographically from St Thomas and St John - much flatter, more pastoral and with "longer" beaches than the typical smaller...
This is the forecast 98% of the year. Best advice is not to look at any weather forecasts and just pack plenty of sunscreen and after-tan lotion!
Give the St Thomas Historical Trust a call. Here's a link to their website and the telephone number to call for Hassel Island tours: br /> N...
As Alana mentioned, finding somewhere to take a single night reservation on the East end is a little tricky but you might want to also take a look at ...
You're posting on the travel forum and I think you mean to post on the relocation forum (see link top right).
Send a private message to poster Rocky Dock who contributes to this forum. If you put his name into the search engine you'll find his posts and then ...
If you pack any more than a carry-on you're way overpacked! A "special dress or tux"? I highly doubt the OP has ever been here!!!!
I haven't yet been to Simply Italian but many friends have said they've enjoyed very good dinners there at very reasonable prices.
I checked the prices at Bobby's online a couple of years ago and they were pretty comparable to prices on STT. Some items were higher, some were lowe...
To get to the National Park Road just turn left out of PP and go all the way through Red Hook. At the first left, opposite the high school (Rte 322) ...
Not my "thing" but a friend recently did it so he could knock it off his "bucket list" and said he had a good time!
Connie wrote: Vi bound...we may have seen you running if you were there early Nov? He posted in 2009 - but maybe was back!