[quote=exitninetyone] I ordered the top of a wedding cake from Cynthia (15 year anniversary on one of the days we'll be there/hubby's bday the next ...
If you've twice encountered this problem with guests, maybe you should call Discount and ask them why their policy in these two incidents seem to be a...
Alana33 wrote: Discount absolutely does not allow their rentals to go to STJ. Had guest this winter (2 different sets) have this happen. Neither...
You don't need a 4WD on STT nor for a day trip to STJ. Although there have been rumors that Discount doesn't allow their cars to go to STJ, the only ...
Lolly wrote: Really sad that the wonderful Book Store in Havensight closed !! I have a Kindle but sometimes you just need to hold a book , especia...
UCantMakeThisStuffUp wrote: Old Stone Farmhouse...by far the best. Rather high chef turnover leads to inconsistency affecting the opinion of t...
Go over to the relocation forum (see link top right).
Here are the St John taxi rates: br /> If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you'll find the rate for sightseeing tours. If you wante...
They do have a website and there's contact info on there if you have specific questions.
beachboy wrote: I believe it is going to be called Agave Blue, but don't think it is open yet. Supposedly opening in April.
I hear Blue Agave is now scheduled to open in April. Island time ...
Try this:
I don't know how much the savings are but believe you can purchase term books for the STT/STJ ferries. No clue about the WI ferry. The operators' nu...
I think the closest you'll find is at the bottom of Raphune Hill (Rte 38, close to the hospital).
Banana Tree Grille.
Has anyone who's had issues with this man's property contacted the Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs to report him? If the facts as stated...
Euphoria II wrote: Personally I'm going on vacation to get away from everything at home so my phone will go in airplane mode and just use it as an iPo...
^^^ That's what I linked. I later realized that I'd already given the OP the same information on another thread he started so I'm not sure now exactl...
It's perfectly safe and a lovely beach - but I've always preferred it earlier or later in the day when the cruise ship visitors and vendors aren't swa...
You'll find a ton of information and additional links if you go to "St Thomas" above and scroll down to "fishing".