"Currently, the taxi rate from Amalie airport to Red Hook is $10pp; from Cruz Bay to the Westin is $5pp. All taxis charge $2 per luggage or $4 for ove...
lovinlife wrote: 1. What is the typical rate for a taxi from St. Thomas airport to Red hook? 2. How much time do we need to allow from traveli...
^^^ As already mentioned but here's the official word from CBP - note last sentence of first paragraph: br /> It's not a big deal. CBP somet...
Is it "possible"? Yes, but the odds of an inexperienced snorkeler being successful using either hands or a snare is next to nil! Lobsters don't sit ...
If you don't have a passport, CBP advises that you bring a copy of your birth certificate in case you're asked to prove citizenship upon departing the...
Check Gourmet Gallery on STT (two locations). They used to carry it and still may.
I've not seen any announcements as yet but it's usually the first week of December.
Sometimes a couple of the resorts set off a small display but there's nothing big and public. The main display on NYE is at Foxy's on Jost Van Dyke i...
You could try calling them directly. Number for the Area Port Director is 340-774-2510.
Your only real choice is to overnight on STT. The private taxi operation will be hugely expensive. Best Western Emerald Beach, Island Beachcombe...
Pia wrote: There back at the dock !!! Pia The strains of, "The Twilight Zone" theme are bouncing around in my brain ...
DI: Word from a Sapphire friend currently there is that Panga's at Point Pleasant was supposed to reopen October 1st but is still closed. I called t...
Alana33 wrote: Leaving to go where? Can't tell anything from pitch black pic. Very funny! Check tomorrow during the day. One had gone when I...
Correction, I was referring to "Sugar Beach" and not the Sugar Bay resort. The resort has not been closed and remains open during renovations. A...
I'll believe Blue Agave's open when I see it! Yes, I know Panga's is open - I understand they're closing for a few weeks this month while repaving is...
Ah, FI, but despite just a couple less "teasers" - for a beach lover and only four days here, Sapphire is a no-brainer! And when IS that restaurant ...
Visitors on a travel forum won't have the answer. Post on the relocation forum and also say which island.
You'll find a diversity of people - fulltime residents, part-time residents and vacationers on a beautiful beach with easy access to stores, restauran...
Alana33 wrote: Are the new ferries in service as yet? No. Still parked up in the same spot.
By the way, you don't need to pay through the nose for a 4WD vehicle. A compact will get you around STT just fine and is also fine for a day trip to ...