Buccaneer Hotel and Golf course
Divi Carina Bay Hotel and Casino
The Contessa's castle, St Croix Yacht club and Buck Island
Isaacs Beach, St Croix USVI
Point Udall St Croix USVI - The easternmost point in the US.
Christiansted this past winter.
Yes, Smoking Cigarettes in the USVI is Still Legal. And that's something to be ashamed of not something to be proud of. "Smoking harms nearly eve...
People who smoke are the same as people who litter or who pour toxic chemicals into streams and rivers. And the people who say leave them alone and le...
The smokers say that if you don't like the smoke then stay away from smoking restaurants. In the VI the only smoking restaurants are those which serve...
The difference that I see between smoking and eating unhealthy food is that someone eating unhealthy does not pose a direct health threat to me. Sure ...
Where am I coming from? I have a good friend here on STX who is currently up in New York taking chemo for throat cancer. She told me that she smo...
I don't mean to offend anyone but I have asked the smokers who so strongly defend their right to smoke in public the same question several times and n...
STT Resident, My apologies if you were not attacking me. I took it that way because we had been talking about smoking and all of a sudden the topic ...
Patriot, There you go name-calling again. Or is that a professional opinion and you're trying to help me?
STT Resident, If I wasn't forced to breath secondhand smoke I would not have a reason to use Lysol. I have only used Lysol on three occasions and...
Teresa, I guess toxic smokestacks are OK too as long as they are out in the open. "There is no risk-free level of secondhand smoke exposure. Ev...
I have one parting comment before I bid this thread farewell. I am not against smokers, I am against the right to smoke in public places. All of ...
Back in the good ole days of WWII baby boomers; tobacco was safe. But in modern times aliens from outer space led by Xemu the great have used their su...
The story is about a someone who commits suicide by drinking Lysol liquid. I have only suggested freshening the air with Lysol spray.