We live on STJ and most of the places that we shop at etc do not accept American Express. When my sister-in-law visited that was her card of choice a...
OK - Brace yourselves here's the bad news........ I don't think you will make it (don't shoot the messenger) The ferry schedule on Sunday is as follo...
Application has been denied - but that does not mean it is dead in the water - they are free to reapply once they have addressed the reasons for the d...
In order for the waterfalls to "flow" here you would not be happy - it takes torrential downpours - something vacationers tend to not want to happen w...
Here is the link to the "rules" scroll down to see rules re fishing (note not in swim areas) br />
There is a private water taxi and here is the link. br />
They only have "regular" taxi's on STJ that go to all of the north shore beaches (Trunk, Cinnamon, Hawksnest etc) no $1.00 safari taxi's. There is th...
They are great people to work with - and that is just the way they do business - on the honor system 🙂 Don't worry they will have a car for you.
They are back open as of last Friday 🙂 but not sure if Ted is the chef or not although his truck has been seen parked outside the restaurant in it's...
Even though it is "off season" things don't really slow down until the last of July, August and September when the island is soooo quiet. It is quie...
If you are looking for mid June this year I would suggest calling as of yesterday !!! I would start with Penns then St John Car rental then work my w...
There is a Black House White Market (or visa versa - I can never remember which way it is 🙂 ) that his girlfriend may enjoy.
Don't know if you can find it Stateside or not, but if you can't try Pyramid Apricot Ale (if you can find that) - tastes very, very similar 🙂
Try posting this on the relocation forum (see upper right) - more locals tend to be on that forum so hopefully someone will know who you mean. I'm on ...
Calm down 🙂 We are kind of in a drought right now - great for visitors, not great for those of us with cisterns 🙁 You should have seen those wate...
Rent a villa PLEASE 🙂 Fabulous villas to be had (2 bedroom would cost way less than that) with own private pool etc. The beach at the Westin is th...
No immunization needed 🙂 (made me smile just at the thought) We do have ambulances and the St John Rescue should you need transportation in the even...
No that is not correct. If you are driving from Salt Pond, go to Coral Bay (one road only) take Centerline road to the "smoothie stand" turn right an...
These villas get great reviews: br /> br /> br /> br /> We have stayed at Gibney (rented both beach and garden) for our wedding and honeym...