Darleen - 1 1/2 hours is fine in PR 🙂 My advise for anyone coming to St John is.....if it doesn't fit in a carry on you wont need it (unless you...
Welcome to the forum 🙂 and yes, I live on STJ 🙂 Pia
If you are referring to "The Taste of St John" it is a wonderful event for food 🙂 and I think it is in the $100+ per person range, tickets in advance...
There are quite a few on STJ - these come to mind br /> br /> Pia
I have experienced this 35 min connection in SJU on AA and barely made it after a full out run from one terminal to the small commuter terminal that t...
Just remember that if you ship it will take 7-10 days for it to arrive on STJ if shipped by USPS PRIORITY MAIL even though they will tell you at the p...
How old are the children?? alot of homes would not be suitable for small children as they are in separate "pods" or downstairs from the main house ac...
Dont do it !!!!!! Pia
Which island? Pia
Cash only Pia
Here you go 🙂 br /> Pia
Just check that the daysail you are taking isn't sailing back to St John (unless that's what you want to do 🙂 ) as most of the tours/sails/catermaran...
It's quite easy and there is a sign "Reef Bay Trail" but the easiest way to know when you are close is - just after the 4.5 mile marker and you go ar...
Hi Blu Try this store in Mongoose Junction on St John 🙂 Just click on "home accessories" and "fabric" and you can see just a sample of what th...
Trunk Bay and Cinnamon both have showers available so cleaning up alittle before dinner is easy. Both beaches also have a snack shop and bar so no nee...
Hey Blu Sorry, with Cape Air (love them by the way 🙂 ) you are correct you do walk out, but on the smaller AA flights you have to catch the bu...
You would need to be back at the airport by noon or so to go back through security etc as it can take a long, long time if a cruise ship has just dise...
I keep reading that approx 50% of Coral World is closed for repairs (it may be finished now) but they are charging the same to get in - I would check ...
Not sure what your budget is but try some of these - dont forget to book your car (especially if not staying in Cruz Bay) as of yesterday 🙂 P...
You can buy 4 gallons of water (4x1 gallon jugs) at St John Ice in the Lumberyard for $8.00 and then take the empties and refill then for 50 cents per...