You can easily find a taxi from Cruz Bay to Francis. Ask the driver to come back at such and such time(before you leave Cruz Bay!!), he WILL make goo...
car rentals for $20??????
Crystal, Thanks, I'll heed your advice on our trip this year (arriving Cruz Bay 3/28), and try to remember to credit you when my wife is admiring my ...
Otherwise the best snorkeling is on the left, looking in from the sea. I've never seen this beach crowded, and most visitors set up near the small par...
nice handle. Last April my wife and I swam w/ a huge sea turtle for about 200 yards in Francis Bay. He was about 3' wide and 4' long, and there were 1...
One of the best snorkels I've done was around Cinnamon Cay, when the sky and water were both clear. I felt like I was in an underwater museum John
lots of taxis back and forth to Trunk from Cruz Bay, a car rental unnecessary unless you have a big group.The taxis charge per person.
I'll also recommend Estate Lindholm, Mrs. Nyestreet and I will be visiting here for the 3rd time next month. Anniversary # 26. Besides the friendly st...
Also a nice big sunhat, recommended by my wife's skin cancer doc, who likened tanning salons to smoking cigarettes. John
Try Haulover Bay, the north beach is better but is more difficult to enter and exit the water. John
OK while we're on this topic my passport is due to expire 4/28/07, about 3 weeks after mrs. nye and me return from our 5th trip to STJ. Anyone know h...
A good place to go birding in St. John is the salt marsh behind Francis Beach. A trail (about a mile long, easy walking) circles the marsh and has 2 v...