Want to have yuo OWN beach? Rent a dinghy from Noah's Little Arks and head North. Go around to the North side of Lovango (in between Congo and Lovan...
A one day notice will usually suffice.
INDiGO at Magens Point Resort makes a killer Mojito! And their food is to die for! And cheap, too! Lunch and dinner, only.
The beach doesn't get much fresh sewater, as it faces West and the currents usually come from the East, so the water is not very clear. There are som...
Call the DoubleHeader, out of Sapphire Marina. br /> You will speak to either Captain Jonathan,or his wife, Wendy. They run, IMHO, the best deep ...
One of my best friends, Sean Loughman, owns the Pirate's Chest at Paradise Point. IMHO, he has the best selection, prices and knowledge regarding coi...
"Has anyone tried North Drop where Bryan's used to be?" -Haven't been there yet, but the owner of the company I used to work for goes there about 4 ...
"Marty... My friend stopped charging me after the first day," -So, if he stopped charging you, he wasn't making anymoney from you, right? Could that...
Walk down the hill and you are on Sapphire Beach. Great beach. Red Hook is a town about a 3 minute taxi ride away. Lots of places to check out ther...
The beach at Bolongo is nicer. Bolongo is not a big "corporate" type of place. Much more laid back. They also have a greqat place called Iggies that...
The NH II (www.newhorizonscharters.com) goes everyday. I think CN only goes a few days a week. Call Holly for the NH II at 340-775-1171 or Parker, S...
Hi Cathy, I don't mean to contradict your friend, but most taxi drivers take in anywhere from $500-$1,500/day. And, yes, maintenance is high for...
Magic Moments is a high-end (read: expensive) trip that I have heard is fabulous.
Or you coould take a charter like New Horizons II or Captain Nautica. They are loads of fun.
OK, I gota ask! haha! What does the "S" in BVSI stand for? Haha! New Horizons II or Captain Nautica, both powerboats out of STT, are great tri...
I think the Breakaway might be able to accomodate you. Or maybe the New Horizons II, but I think their max is 16. Go to www.newhorizonscharters.com...
It depends on whether you are going deep-sea or inshore. Deep-sea, even on a calm day will have 2 foot rollers out of the East. But, since you are i...
IMHO, Captain Jonathan of the DoubleHeader on STT is the BEST! I've been deep-sea with him loads of times over the last 7 years, and I have been with...
"thanks Marty! " -Certainly! "on the charter we would like to snorkle and spend sometime on a beach and explore aother smaller out of the way a...
Your only option is to take a taxi or rent a car. Taxi will be cheaper, and Sapphire has a Budget office on site, so you can always rent from them la...