The Baths is an excellent day trip. You can take the ferry, or you can book one of the day trips, such as New Horizons II, Captain Nautica, Limnos, B...
Coming from the States, you need's getting BACK to the States where you will need BC or passport! Haha! Also, if you plan on going into...
1.) At the airport in STT. 2.) Yes...except a gun, unless you have a permit. 3.) Never opened fruits? Haha! J/K! Yes, packaged foodstuffs,li...
STJ has some great places for the family to eat. Places like, Vie's Snack Shack, Skinnylegs, Woody's (NOT at happy hour! Haha!), etc. For the b...
Those'll do fo ya. And for fruits, Nature's Nook or anyone of the roadside vendors.
No parasailing from Magens beach. 🙁 Call Joe (owner) at Caribbean Watersports and he should be able to tell you how close they will go.
Bugs don't know what month it is here. If there has been a lot of rain the previous weeks, yes the bugs will be bad. If it's been dry, they won't be...
1.) Don't know if they have it in the office, but they do stock small items that people may need...bug screen, canned goods, etc. 2.) I prefer ...
Take the ferry to the West End. Taxis can be used for island tours on both STJ and TT. Usually about $35.
Yes, there have been a few changes of late. Cannot drive up on certain nights (Wed. and Thu.), restaurant has great food now, and there is a locals y...
You can check out my review on I love the place!
Our weather reports almost always say the same thing here, but our weather' almost always beautiful. Don't even give it a second thought. I never th...
You can click the "Weather link in the upper right of your screen for averages, but remember that just because it shows November as a month with a lot...
My fist daysail here was on Jester over 7 years ago...GREAT trip!
Can't hurt! www.newhorizonscharters or 340-775-1171 and ask for Holly (the owner). Have fun!!
Iggie's at Bolongo. I think it's Wednesday nites?
Day trips I like: -BOB Underwater Adventure -New Horizons Full Day Sail -New Horizons II BVI tip -Captain Nautica BVI trip -Doubloon 1/2 day...
Boat rentals: Lots to choose from. But, your best bet may be Noah's Little Arks, right in Cruz Bay. Perfecvt little dinghy's to go buggin'. I ...
Best Spot: Underwater...(Haha!) Best Boat: None is better than another, as whichever one you rent, you will have to tell them where you want to...
Holiday INN is right on the Waterfront in downtown Charlotte Amalie. Typical Holiday Inn. BW Carib is typical BW, too, but it does have access to a ...