Last seen: December 29, 2017 2:29 am
the owner of South Shore Villa stated on the website "Unused Bedrooms" will be locked for the visit. That's a pretty clear statement on the rental ter...
Californiagirl, Go Back to the AA web site and under General information you will see a statement, American Airline(AmericanConnection flights ...
Ramie, Alot of people do it. Pack it in a soft cooler, with ice packs, put in your checked baggage. Remember the airlines only allow 50lbs per ...
isab, There us no ferry service to or from STJ to STX. You have to go via STT.
Norm, If you are a Type A Personality, the Stress of Last minute's in Paradise may not be worth it. So Here's something to think about. What if...
Sherri, Romano's 97 Smith Bay. Excellent food and service. The Marriott, Toad and Tart enclosed non smoker section 105 Smith Bay.
Bluwater, I thought we were going to be nice to each other, so goes the diet. Thanks!
East Ender, There is no us, You and Ronnie OK,. Not Me! Just looking up the 99 steps, I get out of breath. But you Guy's have a great time.
East Ender, Not for nothing, but I got out of breath just reading about the steps.
beckymac52, It doesn't ring any bells, but next time I go downtown I'll keep my eyes open and give you a shout.
beckymac52, Christmas is celebrated on St Croix as well as 3 Kings day, Remember the 3 men that followed the star to where Baby Jesus was born.
beckymac52, I'm not an expert, I don't recognize the name Cafe Society. but that doesn't mean anything either , I could probably of past it, o...
Tristan, I can give some info on the steps, they were constructed in mid 1700's by the Danish who preferred street with steps as an easier way ...
Just in case anyone is interested, "the lady I referenced at the beginning of this thread", has returned to NJ. A man go's to the Doctor and S...
STT Resident, As a devout naysayer, maybe you should consider how this law will affect your business. Rotor will be happy! How about you? All o...
DreamConch, Zig Zag paper is only used when you only have a nickel bag, when you smoke your joint as it gets smaller it is called a roach. A Ph...
rotorhead, HA,HA I'm not taking the bait, and your going to be up again all night.LOL
beckymac52, They make great sail's for model ship builders, and that's what those little umbrella's in your drinks come from as well.
DreamConch, I Think your right, cowboy's only use ziz zag , other's use Philly Blunts. ROFL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!