I ended up going with Island Flowers/Blooming Things. They were great... Thanks for the suggestions!!
Ok...I'm about a week out for our trip and I'm trying to put my little mind around a whole lotta information... First and foremost (no laughing) ...
Sending mental messages to Capt Doug to post his info....
Great - that's what I was looking for... I don't think I was wording my question correctly. We plan to go into town at night with them (with a w...
Nah, I'm not worried about that so much as them being able to wander around - they aren't the partying kind of kids... I know my husband and I we...
I contacted them a week or so ago about booking a trip (we leave in less than 2 weeks) and haven't ever heard from them... hmm...
We're heading down in less than 2 weeks (yaaahooo) and there are 4 of us...would love this too if anyone knows how to get a hold of him. Thanks!
Great - just booked Spirit from FTT. $800 for 4 people for a week.
welp - I just bit the bullet and rented a new Liberty from Discount Car Rental there on the island. It was $400 for the 8 days and we can take it to ...
Since I don't know much about St. John, is it someplace that has golf carts or such if you take the ferry over?? Which companies won't let you ta...
Florida - we're going to drive 4 hours down to Ft. Lauderdale. Does that kick hiney or what? I am SO excited!!!!! I'm telling you Spirit Air is...
Woohoo...I just booked our airfare - going out Saturday and coming home Sunday for $840 for 4 people - nonstop. THEN I called the resort we're stayin...