The US Virgin Islands Best Guide


Honorable Member
Joined: April 24, 2007 9:54 am
Topics: 26 / Replies: 538
Re: August Get Together at Toad and Tart

My son's friend will be staying at our condo during that time. He will be on leave from Afghanistan, it would be great for hime to meet a few people ...

16 years ago
Re: Help, need to know the cheapest way to fly from Europe.

TomB, When my husband and I were in Itlay last December our airline Alitalia was having troubles with a buyout. They cancelled all flights out o...

16 years ago
Re: Help, need to know the cheapest way to fly from Europe.

Wow, Thanks for all of the advice! I've done a little more research with all of the great information that you have provided. The cheapest that...

16 years ago
Re: Garmin Nuvi 680 GPS

I can also get satellite and maps on my iphone.

16 years ago
Re: $198 Round Trip to STT from Chicago!

I love there fair watcher plus. What a coincidence, my son will be studying engineering in Frankfurt next fall, I've been watching the prices out of ...

16 years ago
Re: $198 Round Trip to STT from Chicago!

I have a condo on island and usually book my trips from a few days to a few weeks in advance. Hands down, the best place to find tickets is at Travel...

16 years ago
Re: Underwater camera stores?

I bought a great Olympus underwater camera at Boolchands in Havensight Mall. There prices are even better than our local Sam's club stateside. ...

16 years ago
Re: Everest Base Camp Trek

What the heck? Well if you want to post a few pictues it would be fun to look at them.

16 years ago
Re: Looking for a pet transportation.

You should check the relocation board, transporting pets is a popular topic. Wish that I could move to the islands, lucky for you and your pets. ...

16 years ago
Re: Posting for Larry5747, photos from daughter's STT wedding!

Wow, great pictures! Thanks for sharing. Molly

16 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 3380
Re: Biting insects on St. Croix

Not sure if the mosquitoes or noseems are any worse on STX vs. STJ, but I do know that centipedes can leave a nasty sting.

16 years ago
Re: Checking in with old friends

Congratulations on your new house Bluewater! I hear what you are saying about the banks being neurotic right now. My husband and I are builder/d...

16 years ago
Re: can anybody help a Irish Gal getting Married in ST!!

What about the uncertianty of the weather in August, it is the rainy season?

16 years ago
Re: can anybody help a Irish Gal getting Married in ST!!

I think that Linda J is right, I also heard that somewhere. What about getting married on the cruise ship and having your wedding reception and weddi...

16 years ago
Re: Checking in with old friends

Hi SapphireBeach08, Glad to hear that you had a great Alaskan Cruise, I didn't know that the weather was that mild! Not sure when we are returni...

16 years ago
Re: Checking in with old friends

Tiger123 you might have encountered some bats! With all of the mosquitos on the island they must be nice and plump! What we saw weren't bats, th...

16 years ago
Re: Checking in with old friends

My favorite time at Magen's Bay is in the early evening around 5:30 or 6:00 as the sun is beginning to set and most of the tourists are gone. One tim...

16 years ago
Re: Checking in with old friends

Sorry about the bad spelling of Prayers, typing too fast. Enjoying a fine meal with my family on the back porch cooking out some steaks Iowa styl...

16 years ago
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