The US Virgin Islands Best Guide

FL Barrier Islander

FL Barrier Islander
Honorable Member
Joined: March 29, 2005 1:54 pm
Topics: 33 / Replies: 535
Re: Wedding

Honeymoon Beach on Water Island is a beautiful small beach for wedding ceremony and reception event. Honeymoon Beach faces west so the sun would set ...

19 years ago
Re: Better beaches: St. John or Water Island?

"some nasty looking hotel or condo complex behind you (obviously this wouldn't be the case on Water Island...)" Huh? What hotels and condos on W...

19 years ago
Re: St. John vacation

DL: "Not much on Water Island, just houses"???? Ft. Segarro. Bicycle tour. Honeymoon Beach. Heidi Honeymoon Gril which serves up excellent fo...

19 years ago
Re: work on st.john

Walter, try the Relocation Message Board. Top Right corner on your screen. "Other Forum: Relocation Message Board" Good luck.

19 years ago
Re: November - Hurricane Season?

Its been my experience that November can be a very wet month. Its drier toward the end of the month heading into December. Hurricanes in November do ...

19 years ago
Re: building a house

Lots of previous posts on this topic on the "Relocation" Message Board - look to the top / right corner of this site. You should consider posting sam...

19 years ago
Re: Water Island Villas Inquiry

I'm owner of Flamingo Point Estate that you see posted on VINOW, under Water Island Accomodations. We are in the process of updating our pictures on...

19 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2189
Re: Major baggage delays at King Airport

Guess you just get a drink @ the bar and relax. Nice to have the heads up so that folks can get their "heads" into the right frame before arrival and...

19 years ago
Re: Wait a minute......

Ah c'mon CariBert, the legal consequences alone demonstrate the significant difference and thus your attempt to raise comparison between an activity a...

19 years ago
Re: which island for watersports?

C'mon you guys! They're noisy. They're smoky. They are usually driven by folks who have no knowledge of the rules and responsibilities of boating. ...

19 years ago
Re: DO I need to check in with BVI Customs to snorkel at the indians?

The last time we sailed around BVI and checked into customs they charged each person $3 for each day we told them we were going to be in BVI territory...

19 years ago
Re: fire coral

We use sudsy amonia mixed in the warmest water that you can stand. Florida Beach restaurants & businesses keep buckets, water & sudsy amonia at-the-r...

19 years ago
Re: St. Thomas villa rental

check out VINOW.COM accomodations under either St. Thomas or .....depending on what you're looking for or to do.....consider also Water Island accomod...

19 years ago
Re: Trip pictures

Here's website if you're interested.

19 years ago
Re: Trip pictures

I'm pretty sure the "white" palm is called a Bismark Family: Arecaceae (ar-ek-AY-see-ee) Genus: Bismarckia (biz-MAR-kee-uh) Species: nobilis (...

19 years ago
Re: St. John weather

Rain is NOT a bad thing in the VI as it replenishes a limited resource - WATER! Which, when the Cisterns run dry, we are all reminded how very much w...

19 years ago
Re: Restaurants Open Late

Is Epernay on the water? Can you get there by dinghy? Is there a dock we can tie up to? And, if so, can you give me a water-view perspective where ...

19 years ago
Re: off-road

"Off Road" may be here in Florida tearing up our scrub lands and other habitat but I, for one, do not welcome them in Florida either.

19 years ago
Re: One Night Stay

I'm a Hoosier - Columbus, Indiana born & raised - so of course my comments re: luggage was lighthearted. My friends maybe make one trip out of the St...

19 years ago
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