there are pharmacy type stores -- not the big chains though -- K-Mart has a number of aisles of products too.
Ask your charter boat company about the current protocol - BVI Immigration can also answer any questions during business hours at [284]- 494 - 3471 e...
Both Pirates Penny and Stormy Petrel are well run and comfortable boats that have been doing the BVI trip for a long time and generally cater to more ...
Emerald Beach and island Beachcomber are both fine choices for beachfront hotels -- Emerald Beach is much newer and has a pool as well, plus all the r...
The taxi who dropped you off the night before and was there for you at 5:30 AM was being very responsible and accommodating IMO, the price seems reaso...
Ivan's campground in White Bay.
I do not recommend the ' seedy places ' on turpentine run. Everywhere else mentioned so far has been oriented towards an evening of entertainment that...
Sib's on the mountain will almost always put your sports request on one of the TV's and they have a serious satellite system.
I had dinner earlier this week at Victor's Hideout - extremely good native food, excellent service and a beautiful early dinner/sunset view -- They do...
Curran17 - Yes you can walk from Sapphire to Red Hook -- be careful of the traffic and don't try it in the dark for sure. That said; if you stand at t...
2 fine local weather sites: -- the best use zip 00801 - fairly accurate in the 12-48 hr. range + radar and eart...
Trisel is one of the fastest and best sailed boats out there - he works the boat as well as anyone and the daysail would be a treat. I rarely see Spre...
Coconuts -- shopping cart man in Frenchtown -fruit stand outside Crown Bay Marina Turtles - Francis , Little Cinnamon, Sapphire, Secret Harbor in or...
Best VI weather site is from Tortola
Victors Hideout is accessed by the road on the left after Nisky school but before the airport. last time I sent someone they said they just followed t...
There are 2 dishes that deserve a try on St Thomas 'IMHO' Boiled Oldwife w 1/2 rice 1/2 fungi at Victors Hideout Almond Crusted Yellowtail a...
Well sailed and very pretty sailboat and Captain Pat is an entertaining rascal who will sail, entertain, feed, and convince you of anything you want. ...
At about $5 a gallon for marine fuel I would think $200 is low. Josh is good though and it certainly depends on where you go - also sea conditions, sp...
anything good to say about a time share? You can trade them.
Whether people are depending on renting their units or not , knowing the current situation of the facility would seem to be even more important now.