Kim - did you leave Water Island every day or only a few times during the week? More than once a day? Is it feasible to spend most of the time on WI? ...
Like I said " a little testy" - unless you are so used to the summer water temps here March is just fine.
Try the STJ trip -- it won't be bad just different -------------- and then you know!
I do not take my computer to the beach but last week I met a friend at Magens for the day - she had her computer on a picnic table -- she said -- WAY ...
I do not join the $9 club and also uncheck it when booking as well as the trip insurance -- you must uncheck the boxes or you pay the charge.
I think it is only during Sept/Oct that the SAT. flight is the only one. Were you trying during that time frame? I am flying that leg mid week in Aug....
The VI residents do get a little testy over the 'cold' water in the winter but it is enjoyable once you get used to it. Sometimes I will wear a light ...
Stay left - honk horn frequently and aim at something cheap.
I have had a few Thanksgiving dinners with visitors at Craig and Sally's in Frenchtown 340-777-9949 Sally makes you feel like you are having dinne...
I just went on it to check --it seemed fine.
Never stayed there - visited friends who were renting it -- 12 people would be a stretch[ bed and space wise ]- serious cliffside location -- possibly...
Make sure your wife reads -- -- This is NOT a place to avoid -- RE: the thread name.
Avoid any sunny beach if you are not wearing sunscreen - at least15 SPF and no oil based products.
I stopped by there late this afternoon and was impressed by the enthusiasm of the owners and had a nice conversation with them - I want to take my nex...
Well I guess you can figure out where I spend my off island time -- GSP Exit 0
Bill there are 15 Senators in the VI Legislature -7 from both STT and STX and one at-large who must reside on STJ. The next Senatorial election is in...
I remember when the last ferry from STJ to STT was the 5 O'clock -- now that was the start of Happy Hour, waving goodbye from the bar up on Gallows Po...
Don't they still have community fish fry's anymore in St. John?? -- they used to be advertised on the utility poles!!
I have been using oil lamps with a mirror placed behind them during power outages for many years - the ambient light fills a room nicely and they give...
Unregistered poster on a thread over 15 months old with an interesting tale to tell -- Remarkable isn't it.