The link works for me as well.
I have to agree with STT Resident When we visit the VI it is time forget about any and all schedules. Relax and enjoy the ride whichever one gets...
I suggest you post this on the Relocation Message Board (link located under the Colors of Paradise ad) if not already done.
We have used both Conrad and C & C without issue. Coincidentally I have been trying to contact C & C for our trip in April without success. They show ...
You might consider Soft Winds (Private Homes) at Cocoloba Point. It is at the top of your range and not on the East End but but very private and aw...
"...sensors to note traffic flow and density to help time lights or determine roadway use" In the VI? Thanks for the laugh Anita:D
I have to chime in with STT and sherri so I am afraid not much help to you. I find AI to exist where there is not much outside the 'resort' so they ha...
That's the spirit (don't forget to bring and use the sun screen)
Clever & point taken. I need a name change. My obsession (and lack of concentration at work) will grow as we approach our next trip in April.
Agghhhh Salt in the wound. You know I am green with envy and wish you nothing but great times.8-)
27 days?? Okay I'm really starting to not like you. 😉 You might want to look at Cruz Bay Boutique Hotel Cruz Bay Boutique
We have done both the Parks tour and the Lameshur Bay trail enjoying both. The Parks tour does provide the ranger's background beyond what the s...
Perhaps you need/want the coverage for your work but I have to ask...why do you visit the VI and still need the connection to everything else? Pers...
toes in the sand wrote: "Toes you did a great job of smacking me around." Ever been to Paris? Forget Paris, ever been to Philly? (with al...
...and we were planning to stop in and finally say hello next April 🙁 Now I am really sad we didn't do so last trip. I suppose that is the messag...
SS card does nothing for identification. If possible, you should update the passport. It's worth the money and will make the trip less of a potentia...
STT Resident At first I had to laugh when I read your post with "...exodus of commuter traffic leaving town to go to country..." and a voice in m...
Welcome back 'goodie' Flying solo...often the best way to relax and get away. Enjoy