Didn't the Source play the race card on this? Wasn't it the Source that made a big deal about the fact that Anderson Cooper of CNN wasn't on island fo...
John Thomas, where do you go for vacation? Where do you pack up your family, children included, and travel thousands of miles to reach, several times ...
ms411, that's the one I am seriosuly considering now - the Canon 750. There's also an 800 series that also looks good. I really appreciate every...
Ferries are out. To determine which alternative is most economical, you'll need to know how many adults will be in your party.
iheart, all of the info you were asking about Jamie has been in the press and in various letters from Mrs Cockayne to the press....right down to where...
Wonderful report, ccd. How nice that you were able to stay so long and take things at an easy pace.
Thank Mel. A worthwhile focus right now. Thank goodness our friends in Jamaica seem to have been spared - miraculously. Keeping Cayman and Mexico...
"And what does that have to do with it or that a tourist was murdered as opposed to a resident His murder is so much more important because he was a v...
iheartstjohn, Please be sure to remind us that this forum is not a place for social justice issues everytime we discuss supporting your local fu...
I do find it inappropriate and dangerous to name a potential witness on a message board...especially given the fact that witnesses are being threatene...
I have ready a few websites that tell us that the hail is rare. This is a basic explanation of why hail is rare in a hurricane... br /> ...
Folks, after a little checking, I have confidence that the person posting is really the mother of Jamie Cockayne. This is not a troll. I know someone ...
I've been reading about people who live in the souther tip of Jamaica, where there's a low-lying peninsula of land. Hurricane Ivan tore down the seawa...
Whew, I just read every word! Thank you all. I appreciate it that you guys have reiterated the importance of the viewfinder. I recall trying to take p...
Chris, I was reading that the Atlantic Ridge (whatever that is) is the wall it needs to slow down.....sounds like the Ridge is somewhere on the southe...
Thank you Promo and KK. A vote for each...Canon and Sony. Promo, your photos are wonderful. Love the underwaters you took this year. P.s. P...
Gobucs, is hail unheard of in a hurricane? That's interestng. I mean, I guess it would be strange to have hail land on a tropical island. Readin...
Thanks for all the information. I wonder if the Canon Power Shot is the one I bought my son for Christmas - it flips open into an L shape ?? I rememeb...
Thank goodness you were spared, USVI. I am sorry to hear about our friends in Dominica, Martinique and St Lucia and the damage they've sustained. "...