I think I can get you a one bedroom at Crystal Cove. email me at billdzio@gmail.com if you are interested. Billd
Plus luggage costs of $2/bag. billd
we have guest rooms for 120 a night for two. Additional discount for a week stay. are right over Sapphire Beach. Each has it's own bath room, king siz...
On Island time. The best way is NOT to ask anyone who is a third party removed but ask the source. So many times this happens and the people resp...
There is noting new at Sapphire. The owners and the land owner are still dead locked. So what ever you saw was not a resolution to the problems that t...
right attitude. Look for us when you get down. We swim in front of Crystal cove in the AM and PM. billd
There may be a a lot of mis-information regarding Sapphire. Some rental agencies are still saying that it is a full resort. Shame on them. It has been...
When ever you make a change like moving to the VI you should realize that there are only 120,000 spread over three islands (about 50,000 for St. Thoma...
I has a tenant who owned a scooter. He fell twice on the road due to pot holes. He got his used at the scooter rental place in Havensight. bil...
I believe that you will find it difficult to get a job in the financial field unless you can finad some firm that premits remote access. Tortola or S...
There are somethings that you get that are LOCAL. Like then jams. The fruit is imported. The tee shirts are imported. If you like the charm then stop!...
Island trader is your best bet. You are asking like you don't have a US driver's licence? US drivers licence is valid for 30 days in the VI. Then you ...
We just got power at Crystal Cove as well as my house above SBCW. This is on STT. Biild
call to make sure as some my not have full power. billd
We are still without power on Cabe Point (by Sapphire Beach). Billd
I would stay at Crystal cove or Sapphire Resort. But you may have difficulty in getting a place over the Xmas week. billd
I have only second hand info on Point Pleasant. There are no poles down from Smith Bay to Red Hook. There are numerous trees down looking at Point. (I...
FI, ore of the same is the report from SBCW (Crystal Cove). Several trees down. Lots of bushes are out of the ground. No damage to the buildings. No ...
On STT the police have ordered that there be no traffic on the roads. billd
I would stay at Crystal Cove on Sapphire Beach. There is more action at the east end. Look on VRBO for possible places to stay. billd