The US Virgin Islands Best Guide


Honorable Member
Joined: November 1, 2007 10:42 pm
Topics: 17 / Replies: 643
Re: Purchasing a condo

First of all I won two condos at Crystal Cove (Not Sapphire Resort). If you want to live on the beach there is no better beach in the islands. Our Mtc...

13 years ago
Re: sapphire beach

We live at CC and NOTHING has changed. The place is is very good shape, WAPA is still a problem, there are no places to eat on the beach except Banna ...

13 years ago
Re: Sapphire Beach Resort

The beach rumor (remember this is a rumor) is that all of the information required to settle this mess has gone to the judge who needs to rule on it. ...

13 years ago
Re: traveling with young kids and elderly to st. Thomas

some ideas rent a car, it will save you in the long run take advantage of the hasppy hours go to shipwrek on fridays and order the hamb...

13 years ago
Re: Need a Vote Please: STT or STJ

if you are staying a EB and you get there about 3PM then I would go to PP and watch the sunset. You could do a sunset cruse by it will be late before...

13 years ago
Re: Suggestions for hotel

we have a two bedroom right on sapphire beach. 1 mile to red hook. email [email protected] if interested. mention 2 bd on sapphire...

13 years ago
13 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2578
Re: Agave Terrace and Fungi's

you were talking about Point's resturants than switched to Jack's. Will they be under the same people? billd

13 years ago
13 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2555
Re: Bridge to St John??

That bridge will be completed when they complete the bridge from Miami to STT. I ccan'e beleive that you would ask such a question. billd

13 years ago
Re: Free WIFI Locations on STT and STJ

air card. There are several locations where if you BUY something you can get WiFI for a periond of time. but Free and STT probably do not e...

13 years ago
Re: Restaurants at the Elysian

I will be back on the 30 so I will see. billd

13 years ago
Re: Sapphire Beach

the bannaa caban is run by Kevin who used to run ROBERTS and Anslies which are both closed. Rumor has it that the same east ens boys are going to take...

13 years ago
Re: Sapphire Beach

the beach rumor is that the same group behind east end, havana blue etc are the trying to get a deal together. billd

13 years ago
Re: moving to redhook

i have a studio but it is not availabe ubtil 11/1. 950 a month plus utilities. pm me if interesrted. you should post this in the classifie...

13 years ago
Re: what area should we move to on st.thomas????

east end is where the action is. north side is quiet. town, is town. you can get a job. i doubt that your husband can in his field. bil...

13 years ago
Re: I am very nervous.

It is St. JOHN not JOHNS! Yes, you should have enough time. Just verify that you can tak the car to ST. JOHN! billd

13 years ago
Re: Getting married in St. Thomas

do the extra stuff youself and save $$$. Get there two days early as sometimes there may be a problem with city hall! billd

13 years ago
Re: all inclusives in St Thomas

Do not do it! You can learn more about the islands if you go about and eat where you want and do wnat you want. billd

13 years ago
Re: quick trip advice

we offer guest rooms as well as a full twocondo bedroom on sapphire beach. write [email protected] for more info. bill

13 years ago
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